graph TD;
A[Human] -->|Asks medical question| B[Medical AI];
B -->|Processes question| C[Adversarial Medical Judge AI];
C -->|Low confidence score| D[Medical AI];
D -->|Pass question to medical office| E[Medical AI informs Human: Passes question to medical office];
E -->|Check privacy settings| F[Medical AI checks privacy settings];
F -->|Privacy set to private transcripts| G[Privacy set to private transcripts];
G -->|Request permission| H[Medical AI requests permission to add doctor to chat];
H -->|Permission granted| I[Doctor added to chat];
H -->|Permission not granted| J[Isolate question and email to doctor];
G -->|Privacy not set to private transcripts| K[Privacy not set to private transcripts];
K -->|Ask how to proceed| L[Medical AI asks Human how to proceed];
L -->|Add doctor to chat| I[Doctor added to chat];
L -->|Email question to doctor| M[Isolate question and email to doctor];
M -->|Expect answer within 24 hours| N[Inform Human: Expect answer within 24 hours];
D -->|Low confidence answer| O[Dialogue above low confidence answer: Answer will be provided by the doctor within 24 hours in this chat, and an email notification will be sent.];