Welcome to my awesome project! I have created a real-time chat web app that allows people to connect and chat in different rooms. It is interactive, fun, and easy to use. You can join any room you like, or create your own. You can also see who is online. This project uses Socket.IO, a library that enables low-latency, bidirectional and event-based communication between the browser and the server. Socket.IO handles the WebSocket connection and the fallback to HTTP long-polling if needed. It also provides features like automatic reconnection, namespaces, rooms, and broadcasting. I hope you enjoy using this app as much as I enjoyed making it. Feel free to explore the code and learn more about Socket.IO and how it works. If you have any feedback or suggestions, please let me know. Thank you for your interest in my project!
- Real time communication - ultra low latency
- Informative Feedback - gives other users feedback about who joined the room and who left , which user is posting which message , along with time of the event
- Clean and Simple UI
- Room Support - Allow user to join any room of choice and chat in them as a private isolated group chat
It used WebSocket for low-latency communction , if it can't connect using webSocket due to older version of broweser , it fallback to the HTTP Long-Polling which is a reliable medhtod
- reliability (fallback to HTTP long-polling in case the WebSocket connection cannot be established)
- automatic reconnection
- packet buffering
- acknowledgments - on connect and disconnect
- broadcasting to all clients or to a subset of clients (what we call “Room”)
- multiplexing
Express also provides a simplified interface for creating an HTTP server, which is created using the http.createServer()
method and passing the app
object as an argument. The resulting server
object is then passed to the Socket.IO library to create a WebSocket server that allows real-time communication between the server and client.
Overall, the role of Express in this code is to provide a framework for handling HTTP requests and serving static files, while Socket.IO is used for real-time communication between the server and client.
downlaod the repo , navigate to the local folder of repo
Install the dependecy
npm install
Start the app
npm start
it will start the server on the http://localhost:3000/
Login with any username of choice and select a Room from the list to join , then click join and start chating with other client in the same room
Enter the Usernaem and select Room [ by defaul Room : Javascript ]
Different Options to Choce from for the Room :
After Joining the Chat Room , A welcome message is show to the joiner
Now if Other memeber joins the Room , it Notifies all the other memeber of the Room about it's entry .
Now Chatting starts .. Any ome can send message and it will be broadcasted via [ Client --> server --> All Other Client ]
People can start taking , message will be ordred with respect to time parameter .
Each Message UI has few It's sender name and time attached to it , heping readers to identify the auther of the comment .