Formats the input value on change and blur to adhere to blocks with configurable separators, and limit the range of accepted characters.
options: {
blocks: [4, 4, 4, 4],
separators: [" ", " ", " "],
overflow: false,
range: /[0-9]/,
placeholder: "xxxx xxxx xxxx xxxx",
BlocksRangeInput options type
type BlocksRangeInputOptions = {
blocks?: number[];
separators?: string[];
overflow?: boolean;
range?: RegExp;
Formats the input value on blur, good for monetary amounts with given decimals or large numbers.
decimals: 2,
separator: ",",
NumberInput options type
export type NumberInputOptions = {
decimals?: number;
delimiter?: "." | ",";
separator?: string;
yarn test
See a list of potential use cases. Also handy during development to test multiple permutations of the options in one place.
yarn storybook
Used for codestyle and lint
# fix formatting
yarn prettier --write
# lint
yarn lint
yarn build
Enforce all commits to the master branch to be formatted according to the Angular Commit Message Format.