A motion sensing RC car based on acceleration sensor and MSP430 micro-controller
1. Motion sensing RC car: Turn the acceleration sensor to control the direction of the car
2. Music playing: Play simple music with two independent motor
Connect P1.3 P1.4 P1.5 to buttoms which give low level when pressed
Press P1.3 buttom to start/stop anything
Press P1.4 buttom to start/stop moving
Press P1.5 buttom to start/stop playing music(must stop moving first)
- Car with 2 wheel and 1 universal wheel
- MSP430G2553 development board * 2
- HC-05 Bluetooth module *2 (one master one slave)
- Motor * 2
- MPU-6050 * 1
- Motor driver board * 1
- Power supply
HC-05 connected to UART P1.1 & P1.2
Control Unit Controller (MPU6050)
P1.3 & P1.4 & P1.5 set as control logic input