Some scripts to postprocess the vasp data
IF YOU HAVE ANY QUESTIONS, FEEL FREE TO LEAVE YOUR COMMENTS! is the trajectory file from MD(Molecular Dynamics) calculations . is the python script to calculate and draw the pair correlation function of two selected elements.
The is to demonstrate the usage of the
Only support orthogonal cells.
The definition of pair correlation function (g(r)) can be found in
John C. Crocker and Eric R. Weeks also provide useful imformation about g(r) at
In, Patrick Gono also wrote a Python program to handle the g(r)
of O-O pairs at the interface.
The gives a more convenient way to choose different elements pairs.
The rdf.png is the image of g(r), it may seem different because the is the trajectory of MD of a crystal alloy.
Maybe I will use Numpy package to write a more concise script, LOL!
A Linux Shell program converting an .xyz file to Lammps-supported data file format.
(1)To build, simply run build commands like " g++ XYZ2Data.cpp -o XYZ2Data.exe ". A pre-built executable "XYZ2Data.exe" (following the same suffix rule as in Windows) is also provided here.
(2)Syntax: ./XYZ2Data.exe -i xyz_file_location -o data_file_location -d data_description
All of the three arguments must not be omitted.
An example input "" and the resulting data file "Example_converted" are attached. Run the following command to check:
./XYZ2Data.exe -i -o Example_converted -d DemoFile