API Rate limiter is a REST application which will rate limit API calls a particular
for a given user and API name.
The call limit and time window for calls are configurable for client + API name.
It has 2 variants single and multi node.
- Single node application can works with in-memory hash map to store client call details where as Multi node version uses redis to store call details.
- Mode of use can be configure using property in application.properties before application startup
All client meta data API name, calls allowed and time window are stored in Redis. This data store is also configurable.
- Run mvn package for creating jar file
Run docker-compose up
Run ApiRateLimitApplication application. Application require redis running locally on default port.
If you want to containerize your application and run in kubernetes cluster use below commands. Redis and web application are on different pod.
minikube start --insecure-registry
eval $(minikube docker-env)
docker build -t ratelimit_app -f Dockerfile .
kubectl create -f redis-deployment.yml
kubectl create -f redis-service.yml
kubectl create -f app-deployment.yml
kubectl create -f app-service.yml
minikube service web
Docker compose option is also added
Use deployment.yml to run both Redis and web application on same pod
To set client meta data
curl -vvv -X POST "http://localhost:8080/clientmetadata/calllimit?apiname=/this/get/something&clientid=xxxx&calllimit=5”
To Test application
curl -vvv "http://localhost:8080/ratelimit?apiname=/this/get/something&clientid=xxxx"