This is a playground for showcasing telemetry in vault, the following architecture has bee implemented with docker containers and prepared to be span up using terraform:
- [Terraform installed] (
- [Docker installed] (
- [Vault client installed] (
- Initialize terraform plugins and modules:
terraform init
- Start the environment:
terraform apply
Telemetry stanza is configured in vault configuration file config.hcl by including the following configuration:
telemetry {
statsd_address = "statsd_exporter:9125"
statsd-exporter translates StatsD metrics to Prometheus metrics via configured mapping rules. Mapping rules are configured on the file statsd_mapping.conf and copied to the container at startup time.
prometeus is configured via command-line flags and a configuration file prometheus.yml. The file is also copied to the container at startup time.
A scrape_config section is defined as a single job with the target and parameters describing how to scrape them. In the general case.
- job_name: 'statsd_exporter'
scrape_interval: 5s
- targets: ['statsd_exporter:9102']
Grafana is only configured with the prometheus datasource in order to have it ready after the starup. The configuration is provided on the file prometheus.yaml, the file is also copied to the container at startup time.
- name: Prometheus
type: prometheus
access: proxy
url: http://prometheus:9090
This is a playground project only with basic configurations that makea the vault telemetry metrics to be visualized in Grafana. All configurations can be improved and tweaked in a more robust environments.