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156 lines (126 loc) · 5.08 KB

File metadata and controls

156 lines (126 loc) · 5.08 KB

Things to do/try out

  • Just get two camera video feeds going
    • Double static void processRequest(Request *request)
    • Add cameraID parameter to also be passed into it
  • QT related stuff
    • Install QT dev tools : sudo apt-get install qt6-base-dev-tools
    • Verify using : which moc
      • Add to PATH if needed : export PATH=/usr/lib/qt6/bin:$PATH
  • gprof to profile program
# Example code to generate graph 
gprof a.out gmon.out | gprof2dot -s -w | dot -Gdpi=200 -Tpng -o result.png

Useful references

Things to read/review

Contiguous Memory Allocator (CMA)

  • According to Raspberry Pi forum, space for the frame buffers are allocated here
    • Increasing the CMA memory is possible by editing /boot/config.txt file

Get a better understanding of pointer math

  • Below is a visual of what's going on with the three seperate Mat objects that's holding all the data the U data and the V data
	// cfg.size.height = 720
	// cfg.size.width  = 1280
	cv::Mat luminanceData = cv::Mat(cfg.size.height, cfg.size.width, CV_8U, ptr, cfg.stride);
	cv::Mat uData = cv::Mat(cfg.size.height / 2, cfg.size.width / 2, CV_8U, ptr + cfg.size.width * cfg.size.height);
	cv::Mat vData = cv::Mat(cfg.size.height / 2, cfg.size.width / 2, CV_8U, ptr + cfg.size.width * cfg.size.height + cfg.size.width / 2 * cfg.size.height / 2);
Memory Layout:


Width = 1280 pixels
Height = 720 pixels
Total bytes = 1280 * 720 = 921,600 bytes

| Y Plane (1280 x 720) |
|   [Y0, Y1, ..., Y1279] |
|   [Y1280, ..., Y2559] |
|   ...               |
|   [Y, ..., Y923199]  |
+-----------------------------------+ <- ptr (start of U Plane) 
| U Plane (640 x 360) |

Width = 640 pixels
Height = 360 pixels
Total bytes = Size of U plane = 640 * 360 = 230,400 bytes

ptr_U = ptr_Y + Size of Y Plane
ptr_U = ptr + 921,600 bytes

|   [U0, U1, ..., U639] |
|   [U640, ..., U1279] |
|   ...               |
|   [U, ..., U115199]  |

+-----------------------------------+ <- ptr (start of V Plane)
| V Plane (640 x 360) |

Width = 640 pixels
Height = 360 pixels
Total bytes = Size of V plane = 640 * 360 = 230,400 bytes

ptr_V = ptr_U + Size of U Plane
ptr_V = ptr + 921,600 bytes + 230,400 bytes
ptr_V = ptr + 1,152,000 bytes

|   [V0, V1, ..., V639] |
|   [V640, ..., V1279] |
|   ...               |
|   [V, ..., V115199]  |


// Lambda functions used in this scope of the project
static void requestComplete(Request *request)
    if (request->status() == Request::RequestCancelled)

    // std::string cameraID = camera0->id();
    int cameraID = 0;

    loop.callLater([request, cameraID]()
                   { processRequest(request, cameraID); });

static void requestComplete2(Request *request)
    if (request->status() == Request::RequestCancelled)

    // std::string cameraID = camera1->id();
    int cameraID = 1;
    loop.callLater([request, cameraID]()
                   { processRequest(request, cameraID); });
  • What is a Lambda function?
    • A convenient way of defining an anonymous function object right on the spot where it needs to be invoked or passed as a argument to a function
      • Function object : An object that can be used as if it were a function
    • Typical lambda implmentation
      • Used to encapsulate a few lines of code that are passed to an algorithm or asynchronous functions
// Syntax 
[ capture_clause ] ( parameters ) -> return_type {
    // function body

static void requestComplete2(Request *request)
    if (request->status() == Request::RequestCancelled)
    // std::string cameraID = camera1->id();
    int cameraID = 1;
    loop.callLater([request, cameraID]()
                   { processRequest(request, cameraID); });
  • Capture clause
    • Tells lambda which variable from the surrounding scope it should capture/use
    • Anything included in the brackets the lambda function has access
      • If left empty, the lambda has no access to the outside variables
  • Parameters
    • The input(s) to the lambda function
  • Return type
    • Specifies the type of value the lambda function will return
    • C++ typically infers the return type so it's really not needed
  • Function body
    • The code the lambda will execute