This is a small web application allowing you to make basic photo editing using your webcam and some predefined images.
Have a look at the example website. (You can sing in with credentials: email
password Example1
The goal of this project was to have practice with:
- Create responsive layouts and page design
- MVC architecture
- Secure website (no SQL-, HTML injections, plain passwords in the databases)
- Authorized languages: [Server] PHP [Client] HTML - CSS - JavaScript (only wiht browser native API)
- MYSQL with PDO
- Firefox and Chrome support
- Frontend:
- CSS/Bootstrap 4
- Javascript
- Backend:
User features
- Register / Login (including activating account and reseting password through a unique link send by email).
- User profile page.
- User data management: modify user data (username, email, password), delete and create images, set notification preferences.
- User changing profile picture.
- Users can follow each other.
Gallery features
- All images are public and likeable and commentable by logged in users.
- Once image is commented or liked the author is notifiedby email.
- Images can be sorted by creating date and popularity.
- Infinite scroll gallery with pagination.
- You can create images with tags.
Editing features
- Create custom images using webcam or images downloaded from computer combined with filters.
Other features
- Instant search in the navigation. You can search user by name or tags by #tag.
- You will need to have a local webserver on your machine, for example XAMPP.
- Make sure that you can send mails from terminal. You can configure POSTFIX.
- Clone this repo in a folder with a custom name to your server's virtual host.
- Change config/database.php file with your credentials.
- Start your server and open http://localhost/your_name_of_folder in the Chrome or Firefox.
Feel free to file a new issue with a respective title and description on the repository.