Week 04 Programmming Assignment
Objectives completed by my R script
- Download the raw data from this link
- Extract it
- Merge the training and test data to form one single dataset.
- The dataset must contain only the values of measurements of the mean and the standard deviation for every recorded activity and for every subject.
- The activity names must be the descriptive labels themselves, although it was recorded as specific numbers from 1 to 6 denoting the six activities.
- The dataset must have descriptive variable column names.
- Create another dataset which contains the average values for every measurement recorded for every activity and for every subject, and then export it as a file on disk.
NOTE: *The output data set is exported as a CSV file named 'outputDataset.csv'to the working directory.
Files from the raw data extract which are used to construct the dataframe
- UCI HAR Dataset/activity_labels.txt Contains the six activity labels along with their corresponding ID number from 1 to 6
- UCI HAR Dataset/features.txt Contains names of all the variables that were recorded
- UCI HAR Dataset/train/X_train.txt (TRAINING DATA) Contains values of all the variables that were recorded (in order of the names that were listed in features.txt.
- UCI HAR Dataset/train/y_train.txt (TRAINING DATA) Contains the activities corresponding to set of every value for every variable recorded in X_train.txt and features.txt in their specified order.
- UCI HAR Dataset/train/subject_train.txt (TRAINING DATA) Contains the subject ID numbers corresponding to single record as per X_train.txt,y_train.txt and features.txt.
- UCI HAR Dataset/test/X_test.txt (TEST DATA) Similar to train/X_train.txt
- UCI HAR Dataset/test/y_test.txt (TEST DATA) Similar to train/y_train.txt
- UCI HAR Dataset/test/subject_test.txt (TEST DATA) Similar to train/subject_train.txt