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geraldcroes authored Nov 15, 2023
1 parent 3de2943 commit cd32665
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Expand Up @@ -47,6 +47,18 @@ Further details of specific enforcement policies may be posted separately.

Project maintainers who do not follow or enforce the Code of Conduct in good faith may face temporary or permanent repercussions as determined by other members of the project's leadership.

When an inapropriate behavior is reported, maintainers will discuss on the Maintainer's Discord before marking the message as "abuse".
This conversation beforehand avoids one-sided decisions.

The first message will be edited and marked as abuse.
The second edited message and marked as abuse results in a 7-day ban.
The third edited message and marked as abuse results in a permanent ban.

The content of edited messages is:
`Dear user, we want traefik to provide a welcoming and respectful environment. Your [comment/issue/PR] has been reported and marked as abuse according to our [Code of Conduct](./ Thank you.`

The [report must be resolved]( accordingly.

## Attribution

This Code of Conduct is adapted from the [Contributor Covenant][homepage], version 1.4, available at [][version]
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@@ -1,14 +1,14 @@
title: "Traefik Advocation Documentation"
description: "There are many ways to contribute to Traefik Proxy. If you're talking about Traefik, let us know and we'll promote your enthusiasm!"
description: "There are many ways to contribute to Traefik Proxy. Let us know if youre talking about Traefik, and we'll promote your enthusiasm!"

# Advocating

Spread the Love & Tell Us about It
Spread the Love & Tell Us About It
{: .subtitle }

Traefik Proxy was started by the community for the community.
Traefik Proxy was started by the community and for the community.
You can contribute to the Traefik community in three main ways:

**Spread the word!** Guides, videos, blog posts, how-to articles, and showing off your network design all help spread the word about Traefik Proxy
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Expand Up @@ -7,128 +7,121 @@ description: "Interested in contributing more to the community and becoming a Tr

![Maintainer's Guidelines](../assets/img/maintainers-guidelines.png)

Note: the document is a work in progress.

Welcome to the Traefik Community.
This document describes how to be part of the core team
together with various responsibilities
and guidelines for Traefik maintainers.

We are strongly promoting a philosophy of openness and sharing,
and firmly standing against the elitist closed approach.
Being part of the core team should be accessible to anyone motivated
and wants to be part of that journey!

## Onboarding Process
## Becoming a Maintainer

Before a contributor becomes a maintainer, they should meet the following requirements:

- The contributor enabled [2FA]( on their GitHub account

If you consider joining our community, please drop us a line using Twitter or leave a note in the issue.
We will schedule a quick call to meet you and learn more about your motivation.
During the call, the team will discuss the process of becoming a maintainer.
We will be happy to answer any questions and explain all your doubts.
- The contributor showed a consistent pattern of helpful, non-threatening, and friendly behavior towards other community members in the past.

## Maintainer's Requirements
- The contributor has read and accepted the maintainer's guidelines.

Note: you do not have to meet all the listed requirements,
but must have achieved several.
The contributor should also meet one or several of the following requirements:

- Enabled [2FA]( on your GitHub account
- The contributor has opened and successfully run medium to large PR’s in the past 6 months.

- The contributor has participated in multiple code reviews of other PR’s,
including those of other maintainers and contributors.
- The contributor showed a consistent pattern of helpful, non-threatening, and friendly behavior towards other community members in the past.

- The contributor is active on Traefik Community forums
or other technical forums/boards such as K8S slack, Reddit, StackOverflow, hacker news.
- Have read and accepted the contributor guidelines.

Any existing active maintainer can create an issue to discuss promoting a contributor to maintainer.
Other maintainers can vote on the issue, and if the quorum is reached, the contributor is promoted to maintainer.
If the quorum is not reached within one month after the issue is created, it is closed.

## Maintainer's Responsibilities and Privileges

There are lots of areas where you can contribute to the project,
but we can suggest you start with activities such as:

- PR reviewing.
- According to our guidelines we require you have at least 3 reviewers,
thus you can review a PR and leave the relevant comment if it is necessary.
- Participating in a daily [issue triage](
- The process helps to understand and prioritize the reported issue according to its importance and severity.
This is crucial to learn how our users implement Traefik.
Each of the issues that are labeled as bug/possible bug/confirmed requires a reproducible use case.
You can help in creating a reproducible use case if it has not been added to the issue
or use the sample code provided by the reporter.
Typically, a simple Docker Compose should be enough to reproduce the issue.
- Code contribution.
- Documentation contribution.
- Technical documentation is one of the most important components of the product.
The ability to set up a testing environment in a few minutes,
using the official documentation,
is a game changer.
- You will be listed on our Maintainers GitHub page
and on our website in the section [maintainers](
- We will be promoting you on social channels (mostly on Twitter).

## Governance

- Roadmap meetings on a regular basis where all maintainers are welcome.
As a maintainer, you are granted a vote for the following:

- [PR review](

- [Design review](

- [Proposals](

Maintainers are also added to the maintainer's Discord server where happens the [issue triage](
and appear on the [Maintainers]( page.

As a maintainer, you should:

- Prioritize PR reviews, design reviews, and issue triage above any other task.

Making sure contributors and community members are listened to and have an impact on the project is essential to keeping the project active and develop a thriving community.

- Prioritize helping contributors reaching the expecting quality level over rewriting contributions.

Any triage activity on issues and PRs (e.g. labels, marking messages as off-topic, refusing, marking duplicates) should result from a collective decision to ensure knowledge is shared among maintainers.

## Communicating

- All of our maintainers are added to the Traefik Maintainers Discord server that belongs to Traefik labs.
Having the team in one place helps us to communicate effectively.
You can reach Traefik core developers directly,
which offers the possibility to discuss issues, pull requests, enhancements more efficiently
Maintainers can discuss issues, pull requests, enhancements more efficiently
and get the feedback almost immediately.
Fewer blockers mean more fun and engaging work.

- On a daily basis, we publish a report that includes all the activities performed during the day.
You are updated in regard to the workload that has been processed including:
working on the new features and enhancements,
activities related to the reported issues and PR’s,
other important project-related announcements.
- Every decision made on the discord server among maintainers is documented so it's visible to the rest of the community.

- At 2:15pm CET every Monday and Thursday we review all the created issues that have been reported,
assign them the appropriate *[labels](*
and prioritize them based on the severity of the problem.
The process is called *[issue triaging](*.
Each of the maintainers is welcome to join the meeting.
For that purpose, we use the Traefik Maintainers Discord server
where you are invited once you have become an official maintainer.
- Maintainers express their opinions on issues and reviews.
It is fine to have different point of views.
We encourage active and open conversations which goals are to improve Traefik.

- When discussing issues and proposals, maintainers should share as much information as possible to help solve the issue.

## Maintainers Activity

In order to keep the core team efficient and dynamic,
maintainers' activity and involvement will be reviewed on a regular basis.

- Has the maintainer engaged with the team and the community by meeting two or more of these benchmarks in the past six months?

- Has the maintainer participated in at least two or three maintainer meetings?

- Substantial review of at least one or two PRs from either contributors or maintainers.

- Opened at least one or two bug fixes or feature request PRs
that were eventually merged (or on a trajectory for merge).

- Substantial participation in the Help Wanted program (answered questions, helped identify issues, applied guidelines from the Help Wanted guide to open issues).

- Substantial participation with the community in general.

- Has the maintainer shown a consistent pattern of helpful,
and friendly behavior towards other people on the maintainer team and with our community?

## Additional Comments for (not only) Maintainers
## Additional Comments for Maintainers (that should apply to any contributor)

- Be respectful with other maintainers and other community members.

- Be open minded when participating in conversations: try to put yourself in others’ shoes.

- Be able to put yourself in users’ shoes.
- Be open-minded and respectful with other maintainers and other community members.
- Keep the communication public -
if anyone tries to communicate with you directly,
ask politely to move the conversation to a public communication channel.

- Stay away from defensive comments.

- Please try to express your thoughts clearly enough
and note that some of us are not native English speakers.
Try to rephrase your sentences, avoiding mental shortcuts;
none of us is able to predict your thoughts.
- There are a lot of use cases of using Traefik
and even more issues that are difficult to reproduce.
If the issue can’t be replicated due to a lack of reproducible case (a simple Docker Compose should be enough) -
set your time limits while working on the issue
and express clearly that you were not able to replicate it.
You can come back later to that case.
none of us is able to predict anyone's thoughts.

- Be proactive.

- Emoji are fine,
but if you express yourself clearly enough they are not necessary.
They will not replace good communication.
- Embrace mentorship.
- Keep in mind that we all have the same intent to improve the project.

- Embrace mentorship: help others grow and match the quality level we strive for.

- Keep in mind that we all have the same goal: improve the project.
117 changes: 10 additions & 107 deletions docs/content/contributing/
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Expand Up @@ -5,18 +5,13 @@ description: "Traefik Proxy is an open source software with a thriving community

# Maintainers

## The Team
## Active Maintainers

* Emile Vauge [@emilevauge](
* Vincent Demeester [@vdemeester](
* Ed Robinson [@errm](
* Daniel Tomcej [@dtomcej](
* Manuel Zapf [@SantoDE](
* Timo Reimann [@timoreimann](
* Ludovic Fernandez [@ldez](
* Julien Salleyron [@juliens](
* Nicolas Mengin [@nmengin](
* Marco Jantke [@mjantke](
* Michaël Matur [@mmatur](
* Gérald Croës [@geraldcroes](
* Jean-Baptiste Doumenjou [@jbdoumenjou](
Expand All @@ -27,108 +22,16 @@ description: "Traefik Proxy is an open source software with a thriving community
* Tom Moulard [@tommoulard](
* Landry Benguigui [@lbenguigui](

## Maintainer's Guidelines

Please read the [maintainer's guidelines](

## Issue Triage

Issues and PRs are triaged daily and the process for triaging may be found under [triaging issues]( in our [contributors guide repository](

## PR Review Process

The process for reviewing PRs may be found under [review guidelines]( in our contributors guide repository.

## Labels

A maintainer that looks at an issue/PR must define its `kind/*`, `area/*`, and `status/*`.

### Status - Workflow

The `status/*` labels represent the desired state in the workflow.

* `status/0-needs-triage`: all the new issues and PRs have this status. _[bot only]_
* `status/1-needs-design-review`: needs a design review. **(only for PR)**
* `status/2-needs-review`: needs a code/documentation review. **(only for PR)**
* `status/3-needs-merge`: ready to merge. **(only for PR)**
* `status/4-merge-in-progress`: merge is in progress. _[bot only]_

### Contributor
## Past Maintainers

* `contributor/need-more-information`: we need more information from the contributor in order to analyze a problem.
* `contributor/waiting-for-feedback`: we need the contributor to give us feedback.
* `contributor/waiting-for-corrections`: we need the contributor to take actions in order to move forward with a PR. **(only for PR)** _[bot, humans]_
* `contributor/needs-resolve-conflicts`: use it only when there is some conflicts (and an automatic rebase is not possible). **(only for PR)** _[bot, humans]_
People who have had an incredibly positive impact on the project, and are now focusing on other projects.

### Kind

* `kind/enhancement`: a new or improved feature.
* `kind/question`: a question. **(only for issue)**
* `kind/proposal`: a proposal that needs to be discussed.
* _Proposal issues_ are design proposals
* _Proposal PRs_ are technical prototypes that need to be refined with multiple contributors.

* `kind/bug/possible`: a possible bug that needs analysis before it is confirmed or fixed. **(only for issues)**
* `kind/bug/confirmed`: a confirmed bug (reproducible). **(only for issues)**
* `kind/bug/fix`: a bug fix. **(only for PR)**

### Resolution

* `resolution/duplicate`: a duplicate issue/PR.
* `resolution/declined`: declined (Rule #1 of open-source: no is temporary, yes is forever).
* `WIP`: Work In Progress. **(only for PR)**

### Platform

* `platform/windows`: Windows related.

### Area

* `area/acme`: ACME related.
* `area/api`: Traefik API related.
* `area/authentication`: Authentication related.
* `area/cluster`: Traefik clustering related.
* `area/documentation`: Documentation related.
* `area/infrastructure`: CI or Traefik building scripts related.
* `area/healthcheck`: Health-check related.
* `area/logs`: Logs related.
* `area/middleware`: Middleware related.
* `area/middleware/metrics`: Metrics related. (Prometheus, StatsD, ...)
* `area/middleware/tracing`: Tracing related. (Jaeger, Zipkin, ...)
* `area/oxy`: Oxy related.
* `area/provider`: related to all providers.
* `area/provider/boltdb`: Boltd DB related.
* `area/provider/consul`: Consul related.
* `area/provider/docker`: Docker and Swarm related.
* `area/provider/ecs`: ECS related.
* `area/provider/etcd`: Etcd related.
* `area/provider/eureka`: Eureka related.
* `area/provider/file`: file provider related.
* `area/provider/k8s`: Kubernetes related.
* `area/provider/kv`: KV related.
* `area/provider/marathon`: Marathon related.
* `area/provider/mesos`: Mesos related.
* `area/provider/rancher`: Rancher related.
* `area/provider/servicefabric`: Azure service fabric related.
* `area/provider/zk`: Zoo Keeper related.
* `area/rules`: Rules related.
* `area/server`: Server related.
* `area/sticky-session`: Sticky session related.
* `area/tls`: TLS related.
* `area/websocket`: WebSocket related.
* `area/webui`: Web UI related.

### Issues Priority

* `priority/P0`: needs hot fix.
* `priority/P1`: need to be fixed in next release.
* `priority/P2`: need to be fixed in the future.
* `priority/P3`: maybe.

### PR Size
* Vincent Demeester [@vdemeester](
* Ed Robinson [@errm](
* Daniel Tomcej [@dtomcej](
* Timo Reimann [@timoreimann](
* Marco Jantke [@mjantke](

Automatically set by a bot.
## Maintainer's Guidelines

* `size/S`: small PR.
* `size/M`: medium PR.
* `size/L`: Large PR.
Please read the [maintainer's guidelines](
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Expand Up @@ -11,8 +11,8 @@ Help Us Help You!
Issues are perfect for requesting a feature/enhancement or reporting a suspected bug.
We use the [GitHub issue tracker]( to keep track of issues in Traefik.

The process of sorting and checking the issues is a daunting task, and requires a lot of work (more than an hour a day ... just for sorting).
To help us (and other community members) quickly and effortlessly understand what you need,
The process of sorting and checking the issues is a daunting task, and requires a lot of work.
To help maintainers (and other community members) quickly and effortlessly understand what you need,
be sure to follow the guidelines below.

!!! important "Getting Help Vs Reporting an Issue"
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