- Create a GKE cluster and node group
- Create an IAM service account, Kubernetes service account, and role binding between service accounts
- Workload Identity per Kubernetes namespace
project_id = "<project-id>"
region = "us-central1"
stage = "dev"
backend_bucket = ""
If you want to use the backend with GCS bucket, set the backend_bucket variable:
project_id = "<project-id>"
region = "us-central1"
stage = "dev"
backend_bucket = "terraform-state"
- Create Terraform workspaces
cd src/tf/autopilot-cluster/
terraform workspace new dev
terraform workspace new stg
terraform workspace select dev
terraform workspace list
- Run Terraform
terraform init
terraform plan -var-file=vars/dev.tfvars
terraform apply
- Create Terraform workspaces
cd ../../src/tf/workload-identity/
terraform workspace new dev
terraform workspace new stg
terraform workspace select dev
terraform workspace list
- Run Terraform
terraform init
terraform plan -var-file=vars/dev.tfvars
terraform apply
kubectl get namespaces
bucket-api-ns Active 9m58s
default Active 31h
kube-node-lease Active 31h
kube-public Active 31h
kube-system Active 31h
pubsub-api-ns Active 9m58s
gcloud iam service-accounts list | grep api
GCP SA bound to K8S SA your-project-id[bucket-api-sa] bucket-api-sa@your-project-id.iam.gserviceaccount.com False
GCP SA bound to K8S SA your-project-id[pubsub-api-sa] pubsub-api-sa@your-project-id.iam.gserviceaccount.com False
kubectl get serviceaccount -n bucket-api-ns
kubectl get serviceaccount -n pubsub-api-ns
bucket-api-sa 0 18m
default 0 38m
default 0 38m
pubsub-api-sa 0 18m
kubectl get all -n bucket-api-ns
kubectl get all -n pubsub-api-ns
IMPORTANT: Both the IAM service account and Kubernetes service account have the SAME name when you create it by using terraform-google-modules/kubernetes-engine/google//modules/workload-identity
module. Thus we will replace Kubernetes service account from bucket-api-ksa
to bucket-api-sa
cd bucket-api
sed -e "s|<project-id>|${PROJECT_ID}|g" bucket-api-template.yaml | sed -e "s|bucket-api-ksa|bucket-api-sa|g" > bucket-api.yaml
cat bucket-api.yaml
kubectl apply -f bucket-api.yaml
cd ../pubsub-api
sed -e "s|<project-id>|${PROJECT_ID}|g" pubsub-api-template.yaml | sed -e "s|pubsub-api-ksa|pubsub-api-sa|g" > pubsub-api.yaml
cat pubsub-api.yaml
kubectl apply -f pubsub-api.yaml
kubectl describe service -n bucket-api-ns
kubectl describe service -n pubsub-api-ns
│ Error: projects/<your-project-id>/locations/us-central1-a/clusters/sample-cluster-dev not found
│ with data.google_container_cluster.this,
│ on main.tf line 11, in data "google_container_cluster" "this":
│ 11: data "google_container_cluster" "this" {
Check your region variable in workload-identity/vars/dev.tfvars
cd src/tf/workload-identity
terraform destroy
cd ../autopilot-cluster
terraform destroy