This example demonstrates how to create new JSON connections in Web Dashboard's Data Source wizard and store them in a database.
- ConnectionStringsStorage.cs (VB: ConnectionStringsStorage.vb)
- MyJsonConnection.cs (VB: MyJsonConnection.vb)
- Global.asax.cs (VB: Global.asax.vb)
Set the ASPxDashboard.AllowCreateNewJsonConnection property to True to allow creating new JSON connections. Implement the IDataSourceWizardConnectionStringsStorage interface to create custom connection string storage, and use the ASPxDashboard or DashboardConfigurator's SetConnectionStringsProvider method to assign it to the Web Dashboard.
In this example, connections are stored in a database using Entity Framework. To run the example, modify the "ConnectionStorage" connection string in Web.config.
(you will be redirected to to submit your response)