- Anthony Spence - Service microservice
- Dennie Chan - Sales microservice
1. Fork the project located at https://gitlab.com/DennieCodes/project-beta
1. Once the project is forked, clone via git clone https link.
1. Once cloned, CD into project directory and run the following commands:
1. docker volume create beta-data
1. docker-compose build
1. docker-compose up
When you run docker-compose up and if you're on macOS, you will see a
warning about an environment variable named OS being missing. You can safely ignore this.*
visit http://localhost:3000/ in your browser to view the React application
once all containers are up and running
In order to work with data you can create it in insomnia.
CarCar is a Mock Car Dealership App that branches off into three different microservices. There is the Sales department that deals with the Salespeople, the customer, and the cars themselves. They also use a value object from the Inventory. There is the Service department that deals with the Technicians, the customer, and also use a value object from Inventory. The last is the Inventory that deals with the cars themselves. Each of these have their own database and poll every 60 seconds to check for updates. This app uses Django in the backend with a React front. It also utilizes the Docker container system to run on.
Inventory Options: List Manufacturers, List Car Models, Add a manufacturer, Add a Car Model, List Automobiles, Add an Automobile
Sales Options: List Sales, Add a Sale, Add a Salesperson, List Salespeople, View Salespeople History, Add a Customer, List Customers
http://localhost:3000/sales/ - Lists out all sales records
http://localhost:3000/salesform - Form to create a new sales record
http://localhost:3000/salespeople - List all salespeople
http://localhost:3000/salesperson - Add a salesperson to salespeople list
http://localhost:3000/saleshistory - View each salesperson's sales history
http://localhost:3000/customer - List all customers
http://localhost:3000/customer - Add to list of customers
http://localhost:3000/addTechnician - Form to create a new Auto technician
http://localhost:3000/listTechnicians - List all service technicians
http://localhost:3000/CreateAppointments - Form to create a new appointment
http://localhost:3000/ListServiceAppointments - List all service appointments
http://localhost:3000/ServiceHistory - List Service History
http://localhost:3000/manufacturers - List all manufacturers
http://localhost:3000/addmanufacturers - Add to manufacturers list
http://localhost:3000/carmodels - List all Car Models
http://localhost:3000/addmodel - Add to list of Car Models
http://localhost:3000/automobiles - List all automobiles
http://localhost:3000/addautomobiles - Add to list of automobiles
Automobiles from inventory are polled every 60 seconds which creates an AutmobileVO (valueobject) for the Sales and Service microservices.
Technician Model:
- "first_name",
- "last_name",
- "employee_id" inputs are received through form.
Appointment Model:
- "vin", Vehicle vin.
- "customer_name", vehicle ownwer name.
- "date_and_time", scheduled service appointment date and time; inputs received thorugh form
- "reason", reason for service appointment.
- "dealership_purchase", determines whether the vehicle vin for the service appointment matches inventory vehicle for access to VIP treatment.
- "technician", the selected technician for the service appointment. Technician was a Foreign Key with Appointment as the related word.
AutomobileVO Model:
-"sold", a boolean that would answer whether the car had been sold
- "vin", of the vehicle in inventory.
Relation of Inventory microservice:
-The Service microservice relied on the Inventory polling and we made a AutomobileVO that reflected all the inventories vin numbers so that: 1. We could determine whether they were VIP, 2. The search bar in the Service History form also needed the Inventory.
Salesperson Model
Customer Model:
Sale Model:
-"automobile" (Foreign key),
-"customer" (ForeignKey),
-"salesperson" (ForeignKey)
Relation to Inventory:
- The sales microservice polled the automobile model in inventory to reference automobiles which sales utilized to coordinate which cars were sold, by which salesperson, and also to which customer.