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Tic Tac Toe Game implementation in x86 Assembly using GNU+Linux.


How to compile

Before compiling, make sure you have NASM, and GCC installed. Note that this program works only on x86 compatible processors and only on GNU+Linux operating system. First step is to assemble the program using NASM:

nasm -f elf32 -g -F dwarf tictactoe.asm

Next, we need to use a linker. ld would be appropriate, however, since we need to import time, rand, and srand functions from standard C library, we use GCC's builtin linker. Locate where libstdc++.a (the C std library) is in your system. For example, mine was in /lib/libstdc++.a. Now call the linker:

gcc -m32 -I/lib/libstdc++.a tictactoe.o -o tictactoe

Note: change /lib/libstdc++.a with your own stdlib path.

Now run the game:



How to play

Cells are numbered as following:

   -   -   -  
 | 1 | 2 | 3 |
   -   -   -  
 | 4 | 5 | 6 |
   -   -   -  
 | 7 | 8 | 9 |
   -   -   -  

You play always with Xs. AI player plays with Os. When it's your turn, type the number of the cell you would like to place your X on.


Flowcharts demonstrating how the code works are included in the repository under the name Flow.pdf