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QNX CAN-bus driver project aimed at porting drivers from the Linux Kernel to QNX. The project aims to achieve sufficient abstraction such that ongoing updates to the Linux Kernel can be propagated easily.

For details about the current support, aim and methods see "Linux Kernel".


The compiled program is used as follows:

dev-can-linux [options]


-V         - Print application version and exit.
-C         - Print build configurations and exit.
-i         - List supported hardware and exit.
-ii        - List supported hardware details and exit.
-U base_id - First id to use for devices detected
             e.g. /dev/can9/ is id=9
             Default: 0
-u subopts - Configure the device RX/TX file descriptors.

             Suboptions (subopts):

             id=#       - Specify ID number of the device to configure;
                          e.g. /dev/can0/ is id=0
                          This id is consistent with the base_id you have
                          specified with the -U option.
             rx=#       - Number of RX file descriptors to create
             tx=#       - Number of TX file descriptors to create
             s          - Start the device with standard MIDs
             x          - Start the device with extended MIDs
                          Default: is setup as standard MIDs or determined by
                          driver level -x option if specified

                 # Specify 2 RX and 0 TX file descriptors in /dev/can0/*:
                 dev-can-linux -u id=0,rx=2,tx=0

-b subopts - Configure individual device port baud rate or bitrate.

             Normally you would use canctl command to set baud rate, however
             you do have the option of setting it here at driver startup.
             See section [Setting Bitrate](#setting-bitrate) for more

             Note baud rate is set per device port and file descriptors from
             the same device port have the same baud rate. One way to think
             about it is the device port (e.g. /dev/can0) is a physical bus
             with a baud rate and device descriptors (e.g. /dev/can0/rx0,
             /dev/can0/rx1 or /dev/can0/tx0) are all software constructs
             intended for grouping, allocating and supporting your
             application layer.

             For example, when using cards that have dual ports, the driver
             will allow both ports to be configured to have different baud
             rates. However, if you used option -u to create multiple file
             descriptors for a particular port (e.g. /dev/can0/*), they will
             all have the same baud rate (that is /dev/can0/rx0 and
             /dev/can0/rx1 share the same device thus same baud rate).

             Suboptions (subopts):

             id=#         - Specify ID number of the device to configure;
                            e.g. /dev/can0/ is id=0
                            This id is consistent with the base_id you have
                            specified with the -U option.
             freq[kKmM]=# - The clock rate in Hz, optionally followed by a
                            multiplier of k or K for 1000, and m or M for

             The driver will attempt to automatically compute the following
             fields, however you can explicitly set them also:

             bprm=#     - The baud rate prescaler
             ts1=#      - The number of time quantas for time segment 1
             ts2=#      - The number of time quantas for time segment 2
             sjw=#      - The number of time quantas for the syncronization
                          jump width

             For special applications that need to manually set the BTR0 and
             BTR1 registers of the SJA1000 chipset use the following
             suboptions. Note other suboptions (bprm, ts1, ts2 and sjw) will
             be ignored and derived from the specified register values.
             Suboption freq must be specified and will be taken and trusted

             btr0=#     - SJA1000 Bus Timing Register 0
             btr1=#     - SJA1000 Bus Timing Register 1

                 # Setting baud-rate at driver start time:
                 dev-can-linux -b id=0,freq=250k,bprm=2,ts1=7,ts2=2,sjw=1

                 # (Special cases only) Forced btr* baud-rate setting method:
                 dev-can-linux -b id=0,freq=125k,btr0=0x07,btr1=0x14

-L num       Create num virtual CAN (vcan) devices
             These devices will loop-back transmitted messages to all
             listening clients; no real CAN hardware involved.
             Max num: 16

-m subopts - Kernel module parameters

             Suboptions (subopts):

             f81601_ex_clk=#    - Driver f81601 external clock
                                  If not specified the driver will use
                                  internal clock.

-E         - Enable internal loopback (echo TX to RX of each device)
-w         - Print warranty message and exit.
-c         - Print license details and exit.
-q         - Quiet mode turns of all terminal printing and trumps all
             verbose modes. Both stdout and stderr are turned off!
             Errors and warnings are printed to stderr normally when this
             option is not selected. Logging to syslog is not impacted by
             this option.
-s         - Silent mode disables all CAN-bus TX capability
-t         - User timestamp mode disables internal timestamping of CAN-bus
             messages. Instead the driver expects devctl()
             CAN_DEVCTL_SET_TIMESTAMP command (or set_timestamp() function
             in dev-can-linux headers) to set the timestamps.
             In the absence of this option the devctl() set_timestamp()
             command will synchronize the internal timestamp to the supplied
             timestamp (in milliseconds). By default this timestamp is with
             reference to boot-up time.
-v         - Verbose 1; prints out info to stdout.
-vv        - Verbose 2; prints out info & debug to stdout.
-vvv       - Verbose 3; prints out info, debug & trace to stdout.
             Do NOT enable this for general usage, it is only intended for
             debugging during development.
-l         - Log 1; syslog entries for info.
-ll        - Log 2; syslog entries for info & debug.
-lll       - Log 3; syslog entries for info, debug & trace.
             NOT for general use.
-d vid:did - Disable device, e.g. -d 13fe:c302
             The driver detects and enables all supported PCI CAN-bus
             devices on the bus. However, if you want the driver to ignore
             a particular device use this option.
-d vid:did,cap
           - Disable PCI/PCIe capability cap for device,
             e.g. -d 13fe:00d7,0x11 -d 13fe:00d7,0x05
-e vid:did,cap
           - Enable PCI/PCIe capability cap for device,
             e.g. -e 13fe:00d7,0x11
             By default MSI capability is enabled and MSI-X is disabled,
             and requires enabling to be activated (EXPERIMENTAL).
-r delay   - Bus-off recovery delay timer duration (milliseconds).
             If set to 0ms, then the bus-off recovery is disabled!
             Default: 50ms
-R count   - Error state recovery error count value (trigger limit).
             Associated SJA1000 states:
                < 96   - CAN state error active
                < 128  - CAN state error warning
                < 256  - CAN state error passive (main reason for feature)
                >= 256 - CAN state error bus-off
             If enabled, CAN state stopped and sleeping will trigger the
             recovery also for any value.
             To prevent Error Passive State issues experienced with some
             hardware, recommended value to use is 128. This will reboot the
             chip if the chip gets overwhelmed with errors; if this
             behaviour is desired.
             If set to 0, then the error state recovery is disabled.
             Default: 0
-x         - Start the driver with extended MIDs enabled.
             Device suboptions take precedence over this option.
-?/h       - Print help menu and exit.


  (i) use command slog2info to check output to syslog
 (ii) stdout is the standard output stream you are reading now on screen
(iii) stderr is the standard error stream; by default writes to screen
 (iv) errors & warnings are logged to syslog & stderr unaffected by verbose
      modes but silenced by quiet mode
  (v) "trace" level logging is only useful when single messages are sent
      and received, intended only for testing during implementation of new
      driver support.


Run with auto detection of hardware:


Check syslog for errors & warnings:


If multiple supported cards are installed, all supported cards will be automatically loaded. To override this behaviour and manually specify a device to ignore, find out the vendor ID (vid) and device ID (did) of the card. To do this run the command:

pci-tool -v

An example output looks like this:

B000:D05:F00 @ idx 7
        vid/did: 13fe/c302
                <vendor id - unknown>, <device id - unknown>
        class/subclass/reg: 0c/09/00
                CANbus Serial Bus Controller

B000:D06:F00 @ idx 8
        vid/did: 10e8/8406
                <vendor id - unknown>, <device id - unknown>
        class/subclass/reg: ff/00/00
                Unknown Class code

In this example, say we would like to disable the card with numbers vid/did: 13fe/c302

Target specific hardware to disable and enable max verbose mode for debugging:

dev-can-linux -d 13fe:c302 -vv -ll


Once the driver is up and running, to configure the CAN-bus channels the QNX tool canctl is used.

Firstly, when you start the driver the supported number of channels will have associated file descriptors created. For example, for the dual channel Advantech PCI devices we will have /dev/can0/rx0, /dev/can0/tx0, /dev/can1/rx0 and /dev/can1/tx0 appear.

Setting Bitrate

Normally the configurations are done using canctl command, however they can also be done at driver startup time, see Usage section.

For example, to set the bitrate:

dev-can-linux                       # 1) start the driver
waitfor /dev/can0/rx0               # 2) wait for driver to start
canctl -u0,rx0 -c 500k,0,0,0,0      # 3) command /dev/can0 to 500kbits/sec

Sample output:

set_bitrate 500000bits/second: OK   # response on success

Notes: when you set /dev/can0/rx0 the /dev/can0/tx0 is also set and vice-versa. For any given channel both rx and tx run at the same bitrate.

Regarding the option given above '-c 500k,0,0,0,0' indicates 0 for fields bprm, ts1, ts2 and sjw. When bprm is set to 0 the driver computes all the fields bprm, ts1, ts2 and sjw such that the requested baud or bitrate is satisfied. If the bitrate is specified as 0, the current bitrate is used. The initial default bitrate is set to 250kbits/second.

You do however have the option to specify all the fields as you like. When you do the driver will check the numbers and ensure to set them to achievable values.

Here are some other examples where specific fields are selected:

canctl -u0,rx0 -c 250k,2,7,2,1
canctl -u0,rx0 -c 1M,1,3,2,1

To get further verification you can query the canctl tool for channel information:

canctl -u0,rx0 -i

Sample output:

Message queue size: 0
Wait queue size:    0
Mode:               RAW Frame
Bitrate:            500000 Baud
Bitrate prescaler:  1
Sync jump width:    1
Time segment 1:     7
Time segment 2:     2
TX mailboxes:       0
RX mailboxes:       0
Loopback:           INTERNAL
Autobus:            OFF
Silent mode:        OFF

For special applications that need to manually set the BTR0 and BTR1 registers of the SJA1000 chipset use the baud-rate suboptions at driver startup; see Usage section -u option for detailed description. Note the other suboptions (bprm, ts1, ts2 and sjw) will be ignored when setting btr0 and btr1. Suboption freq must be specified and will be taken and trusted verbatim.

Sending and Receiving Test Messages

The candump tool can be used to send and receive test messages also. To listen to a channel:

candump -u0,rx0 &

Then to send to the same channel, use cansend tool:

cansend -u0,tx0 -m0x1234,1,0xABCD

Sample output:

/dev/can0/rx0 TS: 21531219ms [EFF] 1234 [2] AB CD 00 00 00 00 00 00

To get statistics on sends, receives, errors and more:

canctl -u0,rx0 -s

Sample output:

Transmitted frames:    7
Received frames:       0
Missing ACK:           0
Total frame errors:    0
Stuff errors:          0
Form errors:           0
Dominant bit recessiv: 0
Recessiv bit dominant: 0
Parity errors:         0
CRC errors:            0
RX FIFO overflow:      0
RX queue overflow:     0
Error warning state #: 0
Error passive state #: 0
Bus off state #:       0
Bus idle state #:      0
Power down #:          0
Wake up #:             0
RX interrupts #:       0
TX interrupts #:       0
Total interrupts #:    0

Note "Received frames" will remain at 0 until an external message is received; the echo from tx file descriptor doesn't count here.


To install untar a release package directly to your desired install prefix:

tar -xf dev-can-linux-6.13-1.7.0-qnx800-x86_64.tar.gz -C /opt/

This example command installs to the prefix "/opt/" but you can specify "/usr/" or "/usr/local/" or another location. The example also is installing a particular version of the driver for the QNX 8.0 system for the x86_64 platform.

Hardware Emulation for Testing

To run QEmu VM with CAN-bus hardware emulation for testing see QNX 8.0 Emulation (workspace/emulation/qnx800) and QNX 7.1 Emulation (workspace/emulation/qnx710).


Refer to the Development (workspace/dev) documentation for details on how to setup the development container.

Within the development container, to build (default is QNX 8.0 for x86_64 platform):

cd dev-can-linux
mkdir build ; cd build

Other build types you can indicate are Debug, Coverage and Profiling.

To build for aarch64le architecture for QNX 8.0 for example:

cd dev-can-linux
mkdir build ; cd build
cmake -DCMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE=../workspace/cmake/Toolchain/qnx800-aarch64le.toolchain.cmake \

Another example, to build for QNX 7.1 and armle-v7 architecture:

cd dev-can-linux
mkdir build ; cd build
cmake -DCMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE=../workspace/cmake/Toolchain/qnx710-armle-v7.toolchain.cmake \

All the current supported platforms can be checked in the workspace QNX Toolchain path workspace/cmake/Toolchain.

The following installer files will be created:

dev-can-linux-[linux]-#.#.#-qnx[qnx version]-[architecture][build type].tar.gz
dev-can-linux-[linux]-#.#.#-qnx[qnx version]-dev.tar.gz

Where the "[linux]" is the Linux Kernel version, which the driver has been harmonized with, for example v6.13 is written as 6.13. The "[qnx version]" is 800 for QNX 8.0 and 710 for QNX 7.1. Then "[architecture]" is the target architecture, for example x86_64 or aarch64le, "[build type]" is empty for Release, "-g" for Debug, "-cov" for Coverage and "-pro" for Profiling.

The '-dev' variant contains the application development headers used to develope software that talks to dev-can-linux driver. You do not need to install this on the target system, but rather your development environment if you are developing an application that needs to talk to dev-can-linux channels.

From CMake you can also run the tests. First start the emulation environment and copy/run the dev-can-linux release driver, then from the development environment:

cd dev-can-linux
rm -rf build ; mkdir build ; cd build

Because we are cross-compiling in CMake, we can only run the tests on a QNX target. The CMake project is configured to talk to our QEmu hardware emulation over SSH. You must make sure this emulator has been started up before running ctest. To start the emulator check documentation QNX 8.0 Emulation (workspace/emulation/qnx800) and QNX 7.1 Emulation (workspace/emulation/qnx710).

Example Applications

If you are interested in developing applications that utilize CAN-bus through our driver, then take a look at the cansend, candump and canread applications. These double up as excellent testing tools and examples of applications that talk to our driver.

Note also that together with our driver installer package a '-dev' variant installer is also packaged. This contains the necessary C headers to develop applications, intended to be installed onto your development environment.

How Does It Work?

When you start the driver a number of device RX/TX file descriptors are created that facilitate application interfaces to the driver.

Diagram below illustrates device folders and RX/TX file descriptors and how to configure them.

dev-can-linux -u id=0,rx=n,tx=m,x   # Example driver start command
│                                   # Asking for n rx and m tx channels
│                                   # for port 0.
|                                   # `x` specifies extended MIDs to be used
|                                   # read/write, this is ignored for devctl
|                                   # functionality.
│                                   # Note n and m can be zero also.
├── /dev/can0/  # When you start the driver these device directories
│   │           # appear in /dev; can0, can1, etc, as many as there
│   │           # are physical CAN ports on the device you are using.
│   │           # In this example diagram we illustrate with a 2 port
│   │           # device.
│   │
│   ├── rx0     # Has message ID filter configurable through canctl or
│   │   │       # via software functions in dev-can-linux/commands.h
│   │   │       # Filter applies to both character IO and raw CAN messages.
│   │   │
│   │   ├── client connection to read  1    e.g. canread or candump
│   │   ├── client connection to read  2         or custom application
│   │   ├── ...
│   │   └── "      "          "  "     N
│   │
│   ├── tx0     # Has configurable message ID for character mode IO
│   │   │       # transmission. This ID isn't applicable or RAW mode.
│   │   │
│   │   ├── client connection to write 1    e.g. cansend or custom
│   │   ├── client connection to write 2         application
│   │   ├── ...
│   │   └── "      "          "  "     N
│   │
│   ├── rx1
│   │   ├── client connection to read  1    RX channels can't be opened to
│   │   ├── client connection to read  2    write; you'll get an error
│   │   ├── ...
│   │   └── "      "          "  "     N
│   ├── tx1
│   │   ├── client connection to write 1    TX channels can't be opened to
│   │   ├── ...                             read; you'll get an error
│   │   └── "      "          "  "     N
│   │
│   ├── rx{n-1} # As example driver start command had -u0,rx{n},... there
│   │   │       # will be "n-1" RX file descriptors created, all with
│   │   │       # their own configurable message ID filter.
│   │   │
│   │   ├── client connection to read  1
│   │   ├── ...
│   │   └── "      "          "  "     N
│   │
│   └── tx{m-1} # As example driver start command had -u0,tx{m},... there
│       │       # will be "m-1" TX file descriptors created, all with
│       │       # their own configurable transmit message ID.
│       │
│       ├── client connection to write 1
│       ├── ...
│       └── "      "          "  "     N
└── /dev/can1/  Second device associated to second board port.
    │           Example driver start command didn't specify anything for
    │           this device, so the default behaviour of creating a single
    │           RX and TX file decriptor will be performed.
    |           This channel will have the default standard MIDs for read
    |           and write functionality; not applicable for devctl or direct
    |           send/receive operations.
    ├── rx0
    │   ├── client connection to read  1
    │   ├── client connection to read  2
    │   ├── ...
    │   └── "      "          "  "     N
    └── tx0
        ├── client connection to write 1
        ├── client connection to write 2
        ├── ...
        └── "      "          "  "     N

Each RX file descriptor can have any number of client connection to read and they will all have their own receive queues and they will all receive all the available messages. Each have the possibility to be configured independently.

All TX file descriptors transmit to the same underlying device port and similarly can also be configured independently.

All RX file descriptor clients have the possibility of receiving the TX echo back messages (unless they have their filters configured to mask them).

Note about MIDs

Message IDs or MIDs are slightly different on QNX compared to Linux. The form of the ID depends on whether or not the driver is using extended MIDs:

  • In standard 11-bit MIDs, bits 18–28 define the MID.
  • In extended 29-bit MIDs, bits 0–28 define the MID.

Check Supported Hardware

Run with '-i' option to check what hardware is supported:

dev-can-linux -i

Current version output:

  - Advantech PCI cards
  - EMS CPC-PCI/PCIe/104P CAN cards
  - PEAK PCAN PCI family cards
  - PLX90xx PCI-bridge cards (with the SJA1000 chips)
  - Fintek F81601 PCIe to 2 CAN controller cards

For more details use option `-ii'

For further details on what devices are supported:

dev-can-linux -ii

Current version output:

Advantech PCI cards:
  Driver: adv_pci
  Supported devices (detailed):
    { vendor: 13fe, device: 1680, subvendor: ffffffff, subdevice: ffffffff, class: 0, class_mask: 0 }
    { vendor: 13fe, device: 3680, subvendor: ffffffff, subdevice: ffffffff, class: 0, class_mask: 0 }
    { vendor: 13fe, device: 2052, subvendor: ffffffff, subdevice: ffffffff, class: 0, class_mask: 0 }
    { vendor: 13fe, device: 1681, subvendor: ffffffff, subdevice: ffffffff, class: 0, class_mask: 0 }
    { vendor: 13fe, device: c001, subvendor: ffffffff, subdevice: ffffffff, class: 0, class_mask: 0 }
    { vendor: 13fe, device: c002, subvendor: ffffffff, subdevice: ffffffff, class: 0, class_mask: 0 }
    { vendor: 13fe, device: c004, subvendor: ffffffff, subdevice: ffffffff, class: 0, class_mask: 0 }
    { vendor: 13fe, device: c101, subvendor: ffffffff, subdevice: ffffffff, class: 0, class_mask: 0 }
    { vendor: 13fe, device: c102, subvendor: ffffffff, subdevice: ffffffff, class: 0, class_mask: 0 }
    { vendor: 13fe, device: c104, subvendor: ffffffff, subdevice: ffffffff, class: 0, class_mask: 0 }
    { vendor: 13fe, device: c201, subvendor: ffffffff, subdevice: ffffffff, class: 0, class_mask: 0 }
    { vendor: 13fe, device: c202, subvendor: ffffffff, subdevice: ffffffff, class: 0, class_mask: 0 }
    { vendor: 13fe, device: c204, subvendor: ffffffff, subdevice: ffffffff, class: 0, class_mask: 0 }
    { vendor: 13fe, device: c301, subvendor: ffffffff, subdevice: ffffffff, class: 0, class_mask: 0 }
    { vendor: 13fe, device: c302, subvendor: ffffffff, subdevice: ffffffff, class: 0, class_mask: 0 }
    { vendor: 13fe, device: c304, subvendor: ffffffff, subdevice: ffffffff, class: 0, class_mask: 0 }
    { vendor: 13fe, device: c5, subvendor: ffffffff, subdevice: ffffffff, class: 0, class_mask: 0 }
    { vendor: 13fe, device: d7, subvendor: ffffffff, subdevice: ffffffff, class: 0, class_mask: 0 }
  Driver: kvaser_pci
  Supported devices (detailed):
    { vendor: 10e8, device: 8406, subvendor: ffffffff, subdevice: ffffffff, class: 0, class_mask: 0 }
    { vendor: 1a07, device: 8, subvendor: ffffffff, subdevice: ffffffff, class: 0, class_mask: 0 }
EMS CPC-PCI/PCIe/104P CAN cards:
  Driver: ems_pci
  Supported devices (detailed):
    { vendor: 110a, device: 2104, subvendor: ffffffff, subdevice: ffffffff, class: 0, class_mask: 0 }
    { vendor: 10b5, device: 9030, subvendor: 10b5, subdevice: 4000, class: 0, class_mask: 0 }
    { vendor: 10b5, device: 9030, subvendor: 10b5, subdevice: 4002, class: 0, class_mask: 0 }
    { vendor: 125b, device: 9110, subvendor: a000, subdevice: 4010, class: 0, class_mask: 0 }
PEAK PCAN PCI family cards:
  Driver: peak_pci
  Supported devices (detailed):
    { vendor: 1c, device: 1, subvendor: ffffffff, subdevice: ffffffff, class: 0, class_mask: 0 }
    { vendor: 1c, device: 3, subvendor: ffffffff, subdevice: ffffffff, class: 0, class_mask: 0 }
    { vendor: 1c, device: 5, subvendor: ffffffff, subdevice: ffffffff, class: 0, class_mask: 0 }
    { vendor: 1c, device: 8, subvendor: ffffffff, subdevice: ffffffff, class: 0, class_mask: 0 }
    { vendor: 1c, device: 6, subvendor: ffffffff, subdevice: ffffffff, class: 0, class_mask: 0 }
    { vendor: 1c, device: 7, subvendor: ffffffff, subdevice: ffffffff, class: 0, class_mask: 0 }
    { vendor: 1c, device: 4, subvendor: ffffffff, subdevice: ffffffff, class: 0, class_mask: 0 }
    { vendor: 1c, device: 9, subvendor: ffffffff, subdevice: ffffffff, class: 0, class_mask: 0 }
PLX90xx PCI-bridge cards (with the SJA1000 chips):
  Driver: sja1000_plx_pci
  Supported devices (detailed):
    { vendor: 144a, device: 7841, subvendor: ffffffff, subdevice: ffffffff, class: 28000, class_mask: ffffffff }
    { vendor: 144a, device: 7841, subvendor: ffffffff, subdevice: ffffffff, class: 78000, class_mask: ffffffff }
    { vendor: 10b5, device: 9050, subvendor: 12fe, subdevice: 4, class: 0, class_mask: 0 }
    { vendor: 10b5, device: 9030, subvendor: 12fe, subdevice: 10b, class: 0, class_mask: 0 }
    { vendor: 10b5, device: 9030, subvendor: 12fe, subdevice: 501, class: 0, class_mask: 0 }
    { vendor: 10b5, device: 9056, subvendor: 12fe, subdevice: 9, class: 0, class_mask: 0 }
    { vendor: 10b5, device: 9056, subvendor: 12fe, subdevice: e, class: 0, class_mask: 0 }
    { vendor: 10b5, device: 9056, subvendor: 12fe, subdevice: 200, class: 0, class_mask: 0 }
    { vendor: 10b5, device: 9050, subvendor: ffffffff, subdevice: 2540, class: 0, class_mask: 0 }
    { vendor: 10b5, device: 2715, subvendor: ffffffff, subdevice: ffffffff, class: 0, class_mask: 0 }
    { vendor: 10b5, device: 3432, subvendor: ffffffff, subdevice: ffffffff, class: 0, class_mask: 0 }
    { vendor: 1498, device: 32a, subvendor: ffffffff, subdevice: ffffffff, class: 0, class_mask: 0 }
    { vendor: 10b5, device: 9030, subvendor: 12c4, subdevice: 900, class: 0, class_mask: 0 }
    { vendor: 10b5, device: 9030, subvendor: e1c5, subdevice: 301, class: 0, class_mask: 0 }
    { vendor: 1393, device: 100, subvendor: ffffffff, subdevice: ffffffff, class: 0, class_mask: 0 }
    { vendor: 10b5, device: 9030, subvendor: 3000, subdevice: 1001, class: 0, class_mask: 0 }
    { vendor: 10b5, device: 9030, subvendor: 3000, subdevice: 1002, class: 0, class_mask: 0 }
Fintek F81601 PCIe to 2 CAN controller cards:
  Driver: f81601
  Supported devices (detailed):
    { vendor: 1c29, device: 1703, subvendor: ffffffff, subdevice: ffffffff, class: 0, class_mask: 0 }

PCIe MSI and MSI-X Capability Devices

Some capabilities are currently disabled by default. They are experimental and have not been verified with real hardware.

For PCIe devices that support capability 0x05 (MSI) and/or 0x11 (MSI-X), both pci-server driver and dev-can-linux driver needs to have the environment variable PCI_CAP_MODULE_DIR defined.

To check if your device supports this capability, just run the driver with high verbose configurations dev-can-linux -vvvvv and you should see the following during the detection process:

read capability[#]: 0x05
read capability[#]: 0x11

For the dev-can-linux driver you can simply define this variable in your console, however for pci-server driver it is usually defined in the image. Furthermore, your environment must contain the PCIe module shared libraries* and/or* installed.

As an example take a look at our and 8.0 or QNX 7.1 emulation image setup scripts within the workspace submodule.

The scripts you should check are, firstly workspace/emulation/qnx800/image/parts/ for QNX 8.0 or workspace/emulation/qnx710/image/parts/ for QNX 7.1. defines file /proc/boot/pci_server.cfg embedded in the image contains the environment variable PCI_CAP_MODULE_DIR, specifying where the capability modules are located for pci-server driver to find them:



You can also see in the file the PCIe 0x05 (MSI) and/or 0x11 (MSI-X) capability module dynamic libraries are installed in the lib/dll/pci/ path which mounts to /proc/boot/lib/dll/pci/


Next in file workspace/emulation/qnx800/image/parts/ for QNX 8.0 or workspace/emulation/qnx710/image/parts/ for QNX 7.1, we define the same environment variable for dev-can-linux to find the PCI modules:

etc/profile = {
export TERM=qansi
export PATH=/opt/bin:/proc/boot:/system/xbin
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/opt/lib:/proc/boot:/system/lib:/system/lib/dll
export PCI_CAP_MODULE_DIR=/proc/boot/lib/dll/pci/
export TZ=AEST-10
export PS1=\[$SYSNAME]\#

This shows the file etc/profile defining the needed environment variables so that the user console have them defined for dev-can-linux to find the PCI modules.

For advanced user, if you wish to enable the 0x11 (MSI-X) capability (if it's available), simply specify device and capability number with -e option program options to the dev-can-linux driver. Note that capability MSI is enabled by default since it has been verified with real hardware, MSI-X is still unverified and experimental.

To force MSI-X to be used:

dev-can-linux -e vid:did,0x11

Note it is NOT recommended to enable capabilities, in production until we release a hardware tested and verified version. However this ability is provided for advanced users to adopt at their discretion.

Hardware Test Status

Actual hardware tested currently are:

  • Advantech cards running on UNO2484G and UNO1483G (x86_64 architecture)
    • PCM-3680i PCI CAN (vendor: 13fe, device: c302)
    • PCM-26D2CA mPCIe CAN (vendor: 13fe, device: 00d7)
  • PEAK PCIe CAN board (vendor: 1c, device: 8) running on a Toradex IMX8QM SOM (aarch64le architecture)

Please help us update this list; if you have tested any hardware consider reporting back your findings by creating an Issue using our Report hardware tested template, your help is much appreciated.