Write your documentation for the project below.
An application for browsing, searching and buying musical instruments. You can save your user information, inspect your shopping cart, and see a summary of the items you're buying when you proceed to check out. After filling all the fields and selecting a payment option you will be able to "order" the items in the list, after which the shopping cart will be emptied and you will be redirected to the home page.
I'd say my biggest challenges were planning and organizing the project. It happened several times that a solution I'd come up in the begging either caused errors futher down the project or I came up with a better solution to a otherwise working bit of code and I needed to fix half of the code base. I'm not 100% sure of how I'd like to organize the different widgets in files. Now I have about 20 different widget files and I wonder if that's how it should go? Other than that padding,columns, rows and listviews inside each other defiently caused me some headaches but now I think I know them quite well.
Learned quite well to layout things so that they appear in the position I wished and look like I wanted them to. Altough it doesn't quite come up in the application, I actually learned quite a bit of validation and using RegEx in Forms and general string manipulation.