This is the Mixmasters project's server-side. It's built using the Express framework in a Node.js environment, with MongoDB as its database, and Cloudinary for image cloud storage. The server's features include:
- authorizing and deauthorizing users, adding their information to the database, and enabling changes to be made to them within a user collection;
- working with the recipe collection involves: sorting existing recipes based on the frontend needs of the Mixmasters project, filtering them, adding recipes to specific users' favorites, and adding new recipes to the database.
- Node.js: The backend server is built with Node.js, enabling efficient server-side JavaScript execution.
- Express: The web application framework, Express, is utilized to streamline routing, middleware, and HTTP request handling.
- MongoDB: We use MongoDB as a NoSQL database to store and manage data.
- Mongoose: Mongoose is an ODM (Object Data Modeling) library for MongoDB that defines schema and interacts with the database.
- Swagger: Swagger simplifies API documentation, facilitating developers' understanding and use of API endpoints.
- Cloudinary: Meanwhile, Cloudinary enables cloud-based image storage, streamlining the management and service of images within your application. To start, follow these steps.
To get started with the Mixmasters-Back project, follow these steps:
- Clone the repository to your local machine:
- "git clone"
- Install the required dependencies using npm or yarn.
- "npm install"
- "yarn"
- Developer: Heorhii Honcharov.
- Course: "Full Stack Developer"
- School: GoIT
- Stream: 77 (Потік 77)
- Group: 5 (Група 5)