Welcome to the Degate roadmap. This roadmap list every feature that is planned to be released for a specific version. The order can change, this is not frozen in time. To see real programming tasks see repository issues and project tabs on github. All checked tasks are completed. If a version doesn't appear on the roadmap then it will only be a bug fixes update and not a feature update (for example release candidate version are only bug fixes update, they will not appear here or only for major bugs).
See plans for the 2.2.0 version here.
See plans for the 2.1.0 version here.
- General optimization.
- General improvements.
- Bug fixes.
- Connection inspector dialog.
- Automatic gate naming.
- German language.
- Rework rule violations blacklist to add translations.
- Annotation list dialog.
- Automatic update checker.
- Search interface (by name or ID).
- Official MacOS support.
- Improve dark theme.
- Rework the project creation dialog.
- Bug fixes.
- Module dialog.
- New option to break interconnections (isolation).
- Full-screen mode.
- Bug fixes.
- Better theme support.
- Rule violations dialog.
- "go to" function (useful for some dialogs).
- Snap to grid.
- First half of code homogenization work.
- Full GUI rewrites.
- Moved from Gtkmm to Qt5.
- Added multi-platform support (Windows, Linux and Mac OS).
- Added full UTF-8 support for the workspace.
- Moved to modern OpenGL (actually OpenGL 3.x).
- Fixed many bugs in the Core lib.
- Reorganized the whole project.
- Minimized the dependency number.
- Added localization support (English and French are currently supported).
- Improved many core functions and algorithms.
- Maintained backward compatibility of old Degate project.
- Theme support.