This sample derives from the simple loan validation by adding an emission of decision events through the Business Automation Insights capability. The motivation is to automate at scale your decisions in Spark while sending through Kafka all decision traces for an ootb monitoring based on ELK, Flink and Kibana.
This folder contains the source code to execute the ODM loan validation sample in an Apache Spark cluster with BAI emission.
This sample demonstrates the emission of decisions automated with IBM ODM, a capability of IBM Cloud Pak for Automation, into the BAI capability. IBM Business Automation Insights is a business intellignece tool that captures automation events through Kafka, and delivers ootb a pipeline to monitor them in dashboards. You can write them into a data lake.
To perfom so we extend the simple loan validation on Spark sample with the following modifications:
- the ODM eXecution Unit registers a BAI eXecution Unit plugin to activate the emission. The sample code reads the BAI Kafka information from an additional properties file, used at the plugin registration time, to pass it to the Kafka client integrated in the rule execution.
- the RuleApp archive is augmented with ruleset properties to ask for BAI emission for input, trace and output parameters.
You need an IBM ODM 8.10.5 installation with IF003 ifix to build the application. Root of your ODM installation is referred as in the instructions below. Maven files will look for the ODM and BAI emission jars under /executionserver/lib directory.
Provision a BAI instance and retreive the Kafka information to feed the XU plugin.
All BAI Kafka properties will be captured in the file src/mainresources/
Clone this repository.
git clone
Open an terminal where your have cloned this repository.
cd decisions-on-spark/bai-loan-validation-spark-runner
You can modulate the BAI emission properties in the RuleApp archive to activate the selction of the input, output and trace information to be sent to Kafka. For input & output parameters only you change the descriptor for the ruleset in the ruleapp archive as follows:
cp META-INF/archive-bai-in-out.xml META-INF/archive.xml
jar uf ../ruleapps/loanvalidation.jar META-INF/archive.xml
mvn clean install -Dodm.install=<INSTALLDIR>
INSTALLDIR is the ODM 8.10.5 or upper version installation directory.
Automate loan validation on a CSV applications dataset to produce a CSV decision set.
java -cp target/bailoanvalidationsparkrunner-1.0-SNAPSHOT-withspark.jar --input ../data/loanvalidation/1K/loanvalidation-requests-1K.csv --output ../data/loanvalidation/1K/loanvalidation-decisions-1K.csv --master local[8]
Automate loan validation on a JSON applications dataset to produce a JSON decision set.
java -cp target/bailoanvalidationsparkrunner-1.0-SNAPSHOT-withspark.jar --input ../data/loanvalidation/1K/loanvalidation-requests-1K.json --output ../data/loanvalidation/1K/loanvalidation-decisions-1K.json --master local[8]
Automate loan validation on a JSON applications dataset to produce a JSON decision set and to display a Rule coverage.
java -cp target/bailoanvalidationsparkrunner-1.0-SNAPSHOT-withspark.jar --input ../data/loanvalidation/1K/loanvalidation-requests-1K.json --output ../data/loanvalidation/1K/loanvalidation-decisions-1K.json --master local[8] --rulecoverage
Automate loan validation on 10 generated requests to produce a JSON decision set and to display a Rule coverage.
java -cp target/bailoanvalidationsparkrunner-1.0-SNAPSHOT-withspark.jar --inputgen 10 --output ../data/loanvalidation/10/loanvalidation-decisions-10.json --master local[8] --rulecoverage
Rule based automation works in a cluster with the same integration pattern and code than in standalone.
Please refer to the cluster section of
All decision events emitted from the ODM Spark application flow through a Kafka/Flink/ELK pipeline. From a BAI installation you see your automated decisions in Business Performance Center as captured below.
In addition to the general Decisions dashboard you can make your own more tailored to vertical needs.