3.6.0 (2024-10-10)
- add core pool config for opmainnet (54ee35a)
- add deployments of Rewards distributor on zksync mainnet (4654b32)
- add LST ETH pool deployment on BNB chain (4e94bff)
- add new interest rate model for weth with .3% multiplier (def6496)
- add reward distributor to core pool on opsepolia (bf235af)
- deployment file for USDC vtoken for core pool on opmainnet (b6a89d3)
- deployment files for pool registry on opmainnet (9c21206)
- deployment files for the NTG (711894d)
- deployment files for the pool lens on the op mainnet (c6ef501)
- deployment files for the pool registry on opsepolia: (e9148ef)
- deployment files of pool lens on op sepolia (24b25b4)
- deployment files of core comptroller on opmainnet (0ee2bd2)
- deployment files of core pool vtokens on opmainnet (4b120ae)
- deployment files of mock tokens on opsepolia (20370ea)
- deployment files of NTG for core pool on opmainnet (a30718a)
- deployment files of the vTokens of core pool on opsepolia (c1fbaf7)
- deplyment config and files for the core pool on opsepolia (fe14b03)
- updating deployment files (86e7f82)
- updating deployment files (6fe7fe8)
- updating deployment files (c9d88f3)
- updating deployment files (4ba011e)
- updating deployment files (3bacef9)
- updating deployment files (75180af)
- updating deployment files (1bb27b7)
- updating deployment files (d9d08d7)
- updating deployment files (990e608)
- updating deployment files (7f21e24)
- updating deployment files (8bc19ee)
- updating deployment files (021a787)
- updating deployment files (17d0f17)
- updating deployment files (56e0d44)
- updating deployment files (1bf4b12)
- updating deployment files (4010ada)
- use packages that include the Optimism deployment (f22e450)
- added op config (d012a2a)
- deployed on bnb and opbnb (8b49ed8)
- deployed on bsctestnet and opbnbtestnet (8d8b5e9)
- deployed on ethereum (07ea2f2)
- deployed on sepolia (33cd49a)
- revert changes (7ed8c8a)
- use correct risk parameters (fbf2584)
- use the right decimals for USDC on Optimism (b83fbc3)
3.6.0-dev.7 (2024-10-10)
- add core pool config for opmainnet (54ee35a)
- deployment file for USDC vtoken for core pool on opmainnet (b6a89d3)
- deployment files for pool registry on opmainnet (9c21206)
- deployment files for the pool lens on the op mainnet (c6ef501)
- deployment files of core comptroller on opmainnet (0ee2bd2)
- deployment files of core pool vtokens on opmainnet (4b120ae)
- deployment files of NTG for core pool on opmainnet (a30718a)
- updating deployment files (86e7f82)
- updating deployment files (4ba011e)
- updating deployment files (3bacef9)
- updating deployment files (75180af)
- updating deployment files (1bb27b7)
- use packages that include the Optimism deployment (f22e450)
- use the right decimals for USDC on Optimism (b83fbc3)
3.6.0-dev.6 (2024-10-02)
- updating deployment files (6fe7fe8)
- updating deployment files (c9d88f3)
- updating deployment files (d9d08d7)
- updating deployment files (990e608)
- added op config (d012a2a)
- deployed on bnb and opbnb (8b49ed8)
- deployed on bsctestnet and opbnbtestnet (8d8b5e9)
- deployed on ethereum (07ea2f2)
- deployed on sepolia (33cd49a)
- revert changes (7ed8c8a)
3.6.0-dev.5 (2024-10-01)
- add new interest rate model for weth with .3% multiplier (def6496)
- updating deployment files (7f21e24)
3.6.0-dev.4 (2024-09-24)
- use correct risk parameters (fbf2584)
3.6.0-dev.3 (2024-09-23)
- add deployments of Rewards distributor on zksync mainnet (4654b32)
- updating deployment files (8bc19ee)
3.6.0-dev.2 (2024-09-19)
3.6.0-dev.1 (2024-09-13)
- deployment files for the NTG (711894d)
- deployment files for the pool registry on opsepolia: (e9148ef)
- deployment files of pool lens on op sepolia (24b25b4)
- deployment files of mock tokens on opsepolia (20370ea)
- deployment files of the vTokens of core pool on opsepolia (c1fbaf7)
- deplyment config and files for the core pool on opsepolia (fe14b03)
- updating deployment files (17d0f17)
- updating deployment files (1bf4b12)
- updating deployment files (4010ada)
3.5.0 (2024-09-10)
- add config for liquid staked ETH pool for arbitrum one (a9fb3d7)
- add config for Liquid Staked ETH pool for arbitrum sepolia (a25a43c)
- add deployment files for Liquid Staked ETH pool for arbitrum sepolia (9028873)
- add deployment files for NTG on arbitrum one for liquid staked ETH pool (3849676)
- add deployment files for NTG on arbitrum sepolia for liquid staked ETH pool (44f17e0)
- add deployments of Reward distributor (3dfba03)
- add ethereum addresses (cfdcf00)
- add IL deployments on zksync mainnet (ec7303f)
- add interest rate model deployments for Chaos recs (3205565)
- add ZK token (fc33b47)
- bump dependencies with venus packages (8d71a4d)
- deploy mock tokens on zksync sepolia (6f4f70e)
- deployment files for liquid staked ETH for arbitrum one (2ce558a)
- deployment files for the reward distributor for LSETH pool on arbitrumone (8c41986)
- deployments of NTG on zksync (9e78b8d)
- export deployment (d4bdbe2)
- IL deployment on zksync sepolia (2bc1be0)
- NTG deployment on zksync sepolia (c41ce20)
- redeploy IL with updated zksolc & new comptroller implementation (8ef42d6)
- redeploy NTG with updated zksolc version (b93f63e)
- updating deployment files (e87caaa)
- updating deployment files (74c4112)
- updating deployment files (537def1)
- updating deployment files (4665e93)
- updating deployment files (581c592)
- updating deployment files (7d25caf)
- updating deployment files (1286259)
- updating deployment files (d9873c5)
- updating deployment files (89b9e3f)
- updating deployment files (0ad2acc)
- updating deployment files (20b8086)
- updating deployment files (54a2520)
- updating deployment files (44abed1)
- updating deployment files (29f152e)
- updating deployment files (cbde010)
- updating deployment files (f1c5e80)
- updating deployment files (68021c9)
- updating deployment files (f725336)
- updating deployment files (4516940)
- updating deployment files (f99a7f8)
- updating deployment files (8aceb7a)
- updating deployment files (56ac0dc)
- updating deployment files (b1c4131)
- updating deployment files (2e64131)
- updating deployment files (43cda83)
- updating deployment files (a4d470c)
- updating deployment files (6ee64eb)
- updating deployment files (5959aed)
- updating deployment files (f6b23d2)
- updating deployment files (fd00e09)
- added checks for negative value (686e170)
- added indexed to event (622cb17)
- added missing solcinputs (0d4f2e3)
- added test for negative values (5a93f4d)
- added tests for above kink2 utilization rate (43bf1e8)
- added unlist function (9999eda)
- below kink1 test (852760c)
- change storage to memory (9584519)
- ci.yaml (4ff3df8)
- CVP-01 (9fd7543)
- deploy mock exETH (0fe8e51)
- deployed comptroller in bsctestnet (ac789d2)
- deployed IRM (8a531a7)
- deployed mock weETHs (49dc4e8)
- deployed on arb sepolia (e25fc16)
- deployed on eth (7fc2913)
- deployed on ethereum and arbitrumone (c5d4db7)
- deployed on sepolia and opbnb testnet (e36b799)
- deployed vtoken (040088e)
- deployed vtoken on ethereum (bbfddc7)
- deployed vtoken on sepolia (f7726a0)
- deployment on testnets - wip (ebed4aa)
- fix CI (dddcd83)
- fixed compile error (bba744b)
- fixed lint (cc97eb0)
- fixed lint (3e957f1)
- fixed yarn.lock (b03cb62)
- fork tests for all chains (5beeda7)
- fork tests for all networks (230e80e)
- nativeTokenGateway, liquidation and reduceReserves fork tests (a47277f)
- negative multiplier (5e7f6e5)
- only unlist without updating state (0b3a26b)
- optimised getAssetsIn (7e1902a)
- pr comments (3dc571e)
- prettier and linter (f051ad1)
- rebased (6dacce2)
- redeployed contracts (03519d6)
- remove maxFeePerGas param, as needed occasionally (310033a)
- remove unused func (147e6d0)
- removed deployments (5fd036c)
- removed unwanted deployment file (cb1826e)
- removed update and acm (9a10ba0)
- rename USDC to USDC.e (97ceecb)
- resolved conflict (54ad9ee)
- resolved conflict (89dc5f4)
- resolved conflict (26070c2)
- resolved conflict (f85f96e)
- resolved conflict (1b21f05)
- resolved conflicts (dbc5584)
- run prettier (f6011c7)
- test above kink1 and below kink2 (5d01bb0)
- test description (97871b8)
- tests (3e943c3)
- tests (51b66c9)
- tests for unlist (8ad5761)
- update vToken receiver addresses for the arbitrumone LSETH pool (636f717)
- updated borrow rate (3225de5)
- updated comment (8492092)
- updated vars (b0242c7)
- updated yarn lock (d2a0403)
- updates getAssetsIn (99e8dd8)
- ven-s2 (499a6bb)
- ven-s3 (2044826)
- vpb-01 (455533e)
- vpb-01 (66662d1)
- VPB-01 (144cb97)
- vpb-02 (00fdcdb)
- vpb-03 (ece3379)
- vpb-03 alleviation (37ffc79)
- vpb-05 (dd52dc9)
- VPB-05 (f038e3e)
3.5.0-dev.14 (2024-09-10)
- bump dependencies with venus packages (8d71a4d)
3.5.0-dev.13 (2024-09-10)
- add IL deployments on zksync mainnet (ec7303f)
- deployments of NTG on zksync (9e78b8d)
- export deployment (d4bdbe2)
- redeploy IL with updated zksolc & new comptroller implementation (8ef42d6)
- redeploy NTG with updated zksolc version (b93f63e)
- updating deployment files (e87caaa)
- updating deployment files (74c4112)
- updating deployment files (1286259)
- updating deployment files (d9873c5)
3.5.0-dev.12 (2024-09-10)
- add config for liquid staked ETH pool for arbitrum one (a9fb3d7)
- add deployment files for NTG on arbitrum one for liquid staked ETH pool (3849676)
- add deployment files for NTG on arbitrum sepolia for liquid staked ETH pool (44f17e0)
- deployment files for liquid staked ETH for arbitrum one (2ce558a)
- deployment files for the reward distributor for LSETH pool on arbitrumone (8c41986)
- updating deployment files (537def1)
- updating deployment files (4665e93)
- updating deployment files (89b9e3f)
- pr comments (3dc571e)
- prettier and linter (f051ad1)
- update vToken receiver addresses for the arbitrumone LSETH pool (636f717)
3.5.0-dev.11 (2024-09-05)
- updating deployment files (581c592)
- updating deployment files (7d25caf)
- updating deployment files (2e64131)
- updating deployment files (43cda83)
- updating deployment files (a4d470c)
- updating deployment files (6ee64eb)
- updating deployment files (5959aed)
- added indexed to event (622cb17)
- added missing solcinputs (0d4f2e3)
- added unlist function (9999eda)
- change storage to memory (9584519)
- CVP-01 (9fd7543)
- deployed comptroller in bsctestnet (ac789d2)
- deployed on arb sepolia (e25fc16)
- deployed on ethereum and arbitrumone (c5d4db7)
- deployed on sepolia and opbnb testnet (e36b799)
- deployment on testnets - wip (ebed4aa)
- fix CI (dddcd83)
- fixed compile error (bba744b)
- fixed lint (3e957f1)
- fixed yarn.lock (b03cb62)
- only unlist without updating state (0b3a26b)
- optimised getAssetsIn (7e1902a)
- rebased (6dacce2)
- redeployed contracts (03519d6)
- removed deployments (5fd036c)
- removed unwanted deployment file (cb1826e)
- resolved conflict (54ad9ee)
- resolved conflict (89dc5f4)
- resolved conflict (26070c2)
- resolved conflict (f85f96e)
- resolved conflict (1b21f05)
- test description (97871b8)
- tests for unlist (8ad5761)
- updated yarn lock (d2a0403)
- updates getAssetsIn (99e8dd8)
- VPB-01 (144cb97)
- VPB-05 (f038e3e)
3.5.0-dev.10 (2024-08-23)
- add config for Liquid Staked ETH pool for arbitrum sepolia (a25a43c)
- add deployment files for Liquid Staked ETH pool for arbitrum sepolia (9028873)
- updating deployment files (f1c5e80)
3.5.0-dev.9 (2024-08-23)
- updating deployment files (0ad2acc)
- updating deployment files (54a2520)
- updating deployment files (44abed1)
3.5.0-dev.8 (2024-08-23)
3.5.0-dev.7 (2024-08-21)
- added checks for negative value (686e170)
- added test for negative values (5a93f4d)
- added tests for above kink2 utilization rate (43bf1e8)
- below kink1 test (852760c)
- negative multiplier (5e7f6e5)
- remove unused func (147e6d0)
- removed update and acm (9a10ba0)
- test above kink1 and below kink2 (5d01bb0)
- updated borrow rate (3225de5)
- updated comment (8492092)
- updated vars (b0242c7)
- ven-s2 (499a6bb)
- ven-s3 (2044826)
- vpb-01 (455533e)
- vpb-01 (66662d1)
- vpb-02 (00fdcdb)
- vpb-03 (ece3379)
- vpb-03 alleviation (37ffc79)
- vpb-05 (dd52dc9)
3.5.0-dev.6 (2024-08-16)
- updating deployment files (29f152e)
- deployed IRM (8a531a7)
3.5.0-dev.5 (2024-08-14)
3.5.0-dev.4 (2024-08-08)
- remove maxFeePerGas param, as needed occasionally (310033a)
3.5.0-dev.3 (2024-08-02)
- add ZK token (fc33b47)
- deploy mock tokens on zksync sepolia (6f4f70e)
- IL deployment on zksync sepolia (2bc1be0)
- updating deployment files (68021c9)
- updating deployment files (4516940)
- updating deployment files (f99a7f8)
- updating deployment files (b1c4131)
3.5.0-dev.2 (2024-07-29)
- deploy mock exETH (0fe8e51)
- deployed on eth (7fc2913)
- deployed vtoken on sepolia (f7726a0)
- fixed lint (cc97eb0)
3.5.0-dev.1 (2024-07-26)
- add ethereum addresses (cfdcf00)
- updating deployment files (f6b23d2)
- updating deployment files (fd00e09)
- fork tests for all chains (5beeda7)
- fork tests for all networks (230e80e)
- nativeTokenGateway, liquidation and reduceReserves fork tests (a47277f)
- resolved conflicts (dbc5584)
- tests (3e943c3)
- tests (51b66c9)
3.4.0 (2024-07-18)
- add bootstrap liquidity and vtoken receiver for rsETH on Ethereum (562a165)
- add rsETH market deployment on Ethereum (1fc4580)
- add rsETH market on sepolia (7d91a18)
- deploy comptroller implementation to ethereum (9f7a7f0)
- deploy comptroller implementation to sepolia (63b8f77)
- deploy new ETH rewards distributors (5b08633)
- updating deployment files (56c1ca4)
- updating deployment files (9eea189)
- updating deployment files (387bb21)
- updating deployment files (ee77794)
- updating deployment files (0133f57)
- updating deployment files (dfbba43)
- updating deployment files (24e06de)
- updating deployment files (cbb3af0)
- add id to configuration deployment script setting pool ownership (68937b6)
- add initial supply & vTokenReceiver on sepolia (5d4cbf2)
- added vtoken config (ae481dd)
- deploy new implementation when implementation contract changes (5d40422)
- deployed IR on ethereum (7d9e2b5)
- deployed mock sfrxETH (a4bf7ac)
- deployed vtoken on ethereum (07407d2)
- deployed vtoken` (1484602)
- deployed vtokens (dd85cb7)
- fixed initial supply (c7b0f18)
- fixed initialSupply (4f1b80c)
- fixed rewards (9ea00ee)
- fixed speed (00afcb9)
- fixed vTokenReceiver (f255cfe)
- remove commented code (cf718f3)
- removed deployments (10b53e6)
- resolved conflict (6d95945)
- resolved conflict (f04433e)
- resolved conflict (0b82507)
- skip non existant comptroller on bsctestnet (d3b0581)
- uncommented code (fcae00f)
- uncommented code (706ea77)
- updated caps (8ecf76f)
- updated deployment config (87483bd)
- Revert "fix: remove initial liquidity commands from deploymets" (3d2002f)
3.4.0-dev.6 (2024-07-15)
- deploy comptroller implementation to ethereum (9f7a7f0)
- deploy comptroller implementation to sepolia (63b8f77)
- updating deployment files (56c1ca4)
- add id to configuration deployment script setting pool ownership (68937b6)
- deploy new implementation when implementation contract changes (5d40422)
- skip non existant comptroller on bsctestnet (d3b0581)
- Revert "fix: remove initial liquidity commands from deploymets" (3d2002f)
3.4.0-dev.5 (2024-07-05)
3.4.0-dev.4 (2024-06-21)
- updating deployment files (387bb21)
- deployed vtokens (dd85cb7)
- fixed initial supply (c7b0f18)
- fixed rewards (9ea00ee)
- fixed speed (00afcb9)
- removed deployments (10b53e6)
- updated deployment config (87483bd)
3.4.0-dev.3 (2024-06-20)
- added vtoken config (ae481dd)
- deployed IR on ethereum (7d9e2b5)
- deployed mock sfrxETH (a4bf7ac)
- deployed vtoken on ethereum (07407d2)
- deployed vtoken` (1484602)
- fixed initialSupply (4f1b80c)
- fixed vTokenReceiver (f255cfe)
- remove commented code (cf718f3)
- resolved conflict (6d95945)
- resolved conflict (f04433e)
- resolved conflict (0b82507)
- uncommented code (fcae00f)
- uncommented code (706ea77)
- updated caps (8ecf76f)
3.4.0-dev.2 (2024-06-18)
- updating deployment files (24e06de)
3.4.0-dev.1 (2024-06-18)
- add bootstrap liquidity and vtoken receiver for rsETH on Ethereum (562a165)
- add rsETH market deployment on Ethereum (1fc4580)
- add rsETH market on sepolia (7d91a18)
- updating deployment files (dfbba43)
- updating deployment files (cbb3af0)
- add initial supply & vTokenReceiver on sepolia (5d4cbf2)
3.3.0 (2024-06-04)
- updating deployment files (7186a8f)
- updating deployment files (85677c7)
- updating deployment files (1992fdf)
- updating deployment files (83c3358)
- deployed IR model (6f907fd)
- fixed lint (ee593a8)
- fixed multiplier and removed deployment (b75c500)
- redeployed ir (35956ef)
- Revert update deployment config (1ec1528)
- update deployment config (a17d115)
3.3.0-dev.3 (2024-06-04)
- updating deployment files (1992fdf)
3.3.0-dev.2 (2024-06-04)
- updating deployment files (83c3358)
3.3.0-dev.1 (2024-06-03)
- deployed IR model (6f907fd)
- fixed lint (ee593a8)
- fixed multiplier and removed deployment (b75c500)
- redeployed ir (35956ef)
- Revert update deployment config (1ec1528)
- update deployment config (a17d115)
3.2.0 (2024-05-31)
- add archive of old Pool lens deployments (ab510e8)
- add deployment of NativeTokenGateway for WETH core pool on arbitrum sepolia (32aa382)
- updating deployment files (64d9d20)
- updating deployment files (055e2d9)
- updating deployment files (aa0fba8)
- updating deployment files (7b4aada)
- updating deployment files (72f8d43)
- updating deployment files (1d22924)
- updating deployment files (f7bbd05)
- updating deployment files (67a5c7c)
- updating deployment files (60e70e7)
- updating deployment files (c435d8e)
- updating deployment files (af20d24)
- updating deployment files (4357bb2)
- updating deployment files (16a9b3a)
- updating deployment files (46d3170)
- updating deployment files (aa2ad32)
- updating deployment files (c0e00ab)
- updating deployment files (a57e51d)
- updating deployment files (e17c9e5)
- updating deployment files (84caa4f)
- updating deployment files (5d5f606)
- updating deployment files (dce31af)
- updating deployment files (788a888)
- updating deployment files (e319d30)
- updating deployment files (2a334b8)
- updating deployment files (42302fe)
- updating deployment files (9450d80)
- updating deployment files (147a0a5)
- added mock sFrax token (d4c1e55)
- added pool config (8db6958)
- added rewards distributor (4d0c10c)
- change address of vTokenReceiver (be6a504)
- change address of vTokenReceiver (256844b)
- changed decimals (2695901)
- create bsc account from private key instead of mnemonic (ea1ce8d)
- deployed comptroller and swap router (e99cbdf)
- deployed contracts (fdd9999)
- deployed mock Frax token (8dc80b4)
- deployed on ethereum (1fb3387)
- deployed rewards distributor (1593765)
- deployed rewards distributor (89e3ccc)
- deployed swap router (6924ad6)
- deployed vtoken proxies on ethereum (c51c50f)
- deployed vtokens (d11775f)
- deployed vTokens (dfe5c51)
- deployment script for IRM (b36a7d3)
- distribution values (b6c0883)
- failing integration test (9a12b29)
- fix xvs amount (c1e1408)
- integration tests for time-based contracts (3d41ff5)
- IRiskFund import (8df8a7a)
- pool lens contract (b770f4d)
- rebased (789f3a7)
- remove console.log (1b8118f)
- removed addresses of rewards distributor (178fe43)
- removed rewards distributor (0fb7c7c)
- removed unwanted file (f946e14)
- resolved conflict (8b531b0)
- resolved conflicts (4d3a5ef)
- reuse rewards distributor (95f2e81)
- reuse rewards distributor (91c1456)
- revert - removed addresses of rewards distributor (8429cbb)
- revert - reuse rewards distributor (27141bd)
- reverted addresses (64a77bc)
- reverted configx (0cf1d98)
- reverted deployments (866696e)
- reverted hardhat config (c47bc6f)
- shortfall deployment (58bd85c)
- uncommented code (da9b7a7)
- uncommented vip commands (a623d07)
- update borrow cap (c493cf0)
- update supply cap (86a0c83)
- updated rewards (ef60546)
- use ethereum treasury (7463f10)
- yarn lock (62593da)
- yarn.lock (f2f5c95)
3.2.0-dev.11 (2024-05-28)
3.2.0-dev.10 (2024-05-23)
- updating deployment files (64d9d20)
- deployment script for IRM (b36a7d3)
3.2.0-dev.9 (2024-05-20)
- updating deployment files (aa0fba8)
- updating deployment files (7b4aada)
- updating deployment files (72f8d43)
- updating deployment files (67a5c7c)
- updating deployment files (60e70e7)
- updating deployment files (c435d8e)
- updating deployment files (af20d24)
- updating deployment files (42302fe)
- added pool config (8db6958)
- changed decimals (2695901)
- deployed comptroller and swap router (e99cbdf)
- deployed contracts (fdd9999)
- deployed on ethereum (1fb3387)
- deployed rewards distributor (1593765)
- deployed rewards distributor (89e3ccc)
- deployed swap router (6924ad6)
- deployed vtokens (d11775f)
- remove console.log (1b8118f)
- removed unwanted file (f946e14)
- resolved conflict (8b531b0)
- reverted addresses (64a77bc)
- reverted deployments (866696e)
- uncommented code (da9b7a7)
- uncommented vip commands (a623d07)
- update borrow cap (c493cf0)
- update supply cap (86a0c83)
- updated rewards (ef60546)
- use ethereum treasury (7463f10)
3.2.0-dev.8 (2024-05-17)
- updating deployment files (055e2d9)
- updating deployment files (4357bb2)
- updating deployment files (5d5f606)
- updating deployment files (dce31af)
- updating deployment files (2a334b8)
3.2.0-dev.7 (2024-05-16)
3.2.0-dev.6 (2024-05-09)
- updating deployment files (16a9b3a)
- failing integration test (9a12b29)
- IRiskFund import (8df8a7a)
- shortfall deployment (58bd85c)
- yarn lock (62593da)
- yarn.lock (f2f5c95)
3.2.0-dev.5 (2024-05-08)
- updating deployment files (46d3170)
- change address of vTokenReceiver (be6a504)
- change address of vTokenReceiver (256844b)
- deployed vtoken proxies on ethereum (c51c50f)
- reverted hardhat config (c47bc6f)
3.2.0-dev.4 (2024-05-06)
- updating deployment files (c0e00ab)
- updating deployment files (a57e51d)
- updating deployment files (e17c9e5)
- updating deployment files (84caa4f)
- added mock sFrax token (d4c1e55)
- added rewards distributor (4d0c10c)
- deployed mock Frax token (8dc80b4)
- deployed vTokens (dfe5c51)
- fix xvs amount (c1e1408)
- rebased (789f3a7)
- removed addresses of rewards distributor (178fe43)
- removed rewards distributor (0fb7c7c)
- reuse rewards distributor (95f2e81)
- reuse rewards distributor (91c1456)
- revert - removed addresses of rewards distributor (8429cbb)
- revert - reuse rewards distributor (27141bd)
- reverted configx (0cf1d98)
3.2.0-dev.3 (2024-05-06)
- create bsc account from private key instead of mnemonic (ea1ce8d)
3.2.0-dev.2 (2024-05-06)
- updating deployment files (788a888)
- distribution values (b6c0883)
3.2.0-dev.1 (2024-05-03)
- add deployment of NativeTokenGateway for WETH core pool on arbitrum sepolia (32aa382)
- updating deployment files (e319d30)
- updating deployment files (9450d80)
- updating deployment files (147a0a5)
- integration tests for time-based contracts (3d41ff5)
3.1.0 (2024-04-26)
- add DAI market to core pool on sepolia and ethereum (d0c9f58)
- add deployments of core pool with markets and underlying on arbitrum sepolia (4340354)
- add function to pick borrow rate and bidder values according to networks (c749e0d)
- add timestamp based contract functionality (92e8e75)
- add TUSD market to core pool on ethereum and sepolia (17e9158)
- update solidity version and solidity-utilities package (1cd1a70)
- updating deployment files (99bb113)
- updating deployment files (d4ac26a)
- updating deployment files (afec7b7)
- updating deployment files (66bdcd0)
- updating deployment files (996353c)
- updating deployment files (63aea9d)
- updating deployment files (960a298)
- updating deployment files (158550f)
- added pendle token configuration (d968001)
- condition for selection of blocks (c0d60df)
- deployed vtoken (2bdc98d)
- rebased (1f69ea7)
- removed rewards distributor (5dc1745)
- removed rewards distributor config (379aedc)
- resolve merge conflicts (bec2185)
- resolved conflicts (4445bde)
- resolved merge conflicts (04687f7)
- scope 1 fetch TimeBased mappings from reward distributor in pool lens (1a6cf0c)
- SSV-01 (e1cdb75)
- typo (67147b9)
- VPB-01 value naming should be updated to reflect possible time-based case (88265c3)
- VPB-02 confirmation on the handling of updated time-based contracts (59b1413)
- VPB-03 maximum should depend on chain and whether the contracts are time or block-based (ee4c083)
- VTIME-3 (d61191c)
- VTIME-4 (e57c00d)
- VTIME-5 (4626a10)
3.1.0-dev.6 (2024-04-26)
- add TUSD market to core pool on ethereum and sepolia (17e9158)
- updating deployment files (99bb113)
- updating deployment files (63aea9d)
3.1.0-dev.5 (2024-04-26)
- add deployments of core pool with markets and underlying on arbitrum sepolia (4340354)
- updating deployment files (d4ac26a)
- updating deployment files (afec7b7)
- resolve merge conflicts (bec2185)
3.1.0-dev.4 (2024-04-25)
- added pendle token configuration (d968001)
- deployed vtoken (2bdc98d)
- rebased (1f69ea7)
- removed rewards distributor (5dc1745)
- removed rewards distributor config (379aedc)
3.1.0-dev.3 (2024-04-25)
- add function to pick borrow rate and bidder values according to networks (c749e0d)
- add timestamp based contract functionality (92e8e75)
- update solidity version and solidity-utilities package (1cd1a70)
- condition for selection of blocks (c0d60df)
- resolved conflicts (4445bde)
- resolved merge conflicts (04687f7)
- scope 1 fetch TimeBased mappings from reward distributor in pool lens (1a6cf0c)
- SSV-01 (e1cdb75)
- VPB-01 value naming should be updated to reflect possible time-based case (88265c3)
- VPB-02 confirmation on the handling of updated time-based contracts (59b1413)
- VPB-03 maximum should depend on chain and whether the contracts are time or block-based (ee4c083)
- VTIME-3 (d61191c)
- VTIME-4 (e57c00d)
- VTIME-5 (4626a10)
3.1.0-dev.2 (2024-04-24)
- typo (67147b9)
3.1.0-dev.1 (2024-04-19)
- updating deployment files (158550f)
3.0.0 (2024-04-19)
- migrate to Solidity 0.8.25
- migrate to Solidity 0.8.25 (9190201)
- update dependencies (963344d)
3.0.0-dev.2 (2024-04-19)
- update dependencies (963344d)
3.0.0-dev.1 (2024-04-19)
- migrate to Solidity 0.8.25
- migrate to Solidity 0.8.25 (9190201)
2.8.0 (2024-04-16)
- add IR deployment for some asset on bscmainnet (ef32034)
- add rewards config for Ethereum (initial config) (5c2a03e)
- add rewards config for Ethereum (initial config) (4dfa61e)
- IR deployments for some assets on opbnb and ethereum (b353c2a)
- updating deployment files (b5bb9fb)
- updating deployment files (82d6ba5)
- updating deployment files (bfd0f79)
- updating deployment files (99be3ea)
- updating deployment files (cb400a2)
- updating deployment files (86fb040)
- updating deployment files (bd10368)
- updating deployment files (625f9f0)
- updating deployment files (05e48b0)
- updating deployment files (00a0da1)
- updating deployment files (1cb06c8)
- updating deployment files (e3649f8)
- updating deployment files (da6fe92)
- add quotes in markets array (81185ce)
- added vtoken and reward config for weeth (be29823)
- bump core protocol version (025dfee)
- change eETH to ETH (6871291)
- change eETH to ETH (b3ada0f)
- deploy vToken and reward distributor to ethereum (064b187)
- deployed eeth token (ce8d4b1)
- deployed mock weETH (7ca4d6e)
- deployed USDC rewards distributor (6455576)
- deployed vtoken and interest rate model (be44300)
- fixed hardhat deployment (38c02ef)
- fixed lint (7b8bcb5)
- fixed lint (a416b29)
- fixed lint (62f9111)
- fixed lint (b9dfca4)
- fixed multiplier (cd89aed)
- fixed PSR address in deploy vToken script (10832ad)
- fixed speed (3d85a3f)
- fixed supply speed for usdc (a545b61)
- fixed transfer ownership (4a9390d)
- fixed vToken deployment in hardhar (fd18a51)
- fixed vToken receiver (4dea054)
- fixed yarn.lock (6abc178)
- get contract address from imported artifcats (4af12ed)
- market naming in rewards config (a09ce96)
- push only necessary files (c74b03f)
- redeployed vToken (7efab45)
- remove unwanted condition check (5e8b0e4)
- removed VToken_vweETH_LiquidStakedEETH (bc7523b)
- revert accounts (b0a13e6)
- revert vTokenReceiver for other markets (11201b5)
- reward config (e674ba1)
- reward configuration syntax (3aa6ff7)
- transfer ownership of rewards distributor (097de76)
- uncomment code (ce848a8)
- update yarn.lock (fd635d7)
- update yarn.lock (e841216)
- updated initial supply (d38264e)
- yarn lock (54837b3)
- yarn.lock (ce42810)
2.8.0-dev.3 (2024-04-15)
- updating deployment files (b5bb9fb)
- updating deployment files (82d6ba5)
- updating deployment files (99be3ea)
- updating deployment files (cb400a2)
- updating deployment files (625f9f0)
- updating deployment files (05e48b0)
- updating deployment files (00a0da1)
- added vtoken and reward config for weeth (be29823)
- change eETH to ETH (6871291)
- change eETH to ETH (b3ada0f)
- deploy vToken and reward distributor to ethereum (064b187)
- deployed eeth token (ce8d4b1)
- deployed mock weETH (7ca4d6e)
- deployed USDC rewards distributor (6455576)
- deployed vtoken and interest rate model (be44300)
- fixed hardhat deployment (38c02ef)
- fixed lint (7b8bcb5)
- fixed lint (a416b29)
- fixed lint (62f9111)
- fixed lint (b9dfca4)
- fixed multiplier (cd89aed)
- fixed PSR address in deploy vToken script (10832ad)
- fixed speed (3d85a3f)
- fixed supply speed for usdc (a545b61)
- fixed transfer ownership (4a9390d)
- fixed vToken deployment in hardhar (fd18a51)
- fixed vToken receiver (4dea054)
- fixed yarn.lock (6abc178)
- get contract address from imported artifcats (4af12ed)
- redeployed vToken (7efab45)
- remove unwanted condition check (5e8b0e4)
- removed VToken_vweETH_LiquidStakedEETH (bc7523b)
- revert accounts (b0a13e6)
- revert vTokenReceiver for other markets (11201b5)
- transfer ownership of rewards distributor (097de76)
- uncomment code (ce848a8)
- updated initial supply (d38264e)
2.8.0-dev.2 (2024-04-10)
- add IR deployment for some asset on bscmainnet (ef32034)
- IR deployments for some assets on opbnb and ethereum (b353c2a)
- updating deployment files (bfd0f79)
- updating deployment files (86fb040)
- updating deployment files (bd10368)
2.8.0-dev.1 (2024-04-03)
- add rewards config for Ethereum (initial config) (5c2a03e)
- add rewards config for Ethereum (initial config) (4dfa61e)
- updating deployment files (1cb06c8)
- updating deployment files (e3649f8)
- updating deployment files (da6fe92)
- add quotes in markets array (81185ce)
- bump core protocol version (025dfee)
- market naming in rewards config (a09ce96)
- push only necessary files (c74b03f)
- reward config (e674ba1)
- reward configuration syntax (3aa6ff7)
- update yarn.lock (fd635d7)
- update yarn.lock (e841216)
- yarn lock (54837b3)
- yarn.lock (ce42810)
2.7.0 (2024-03-19)
- add actions paused bitmask to PoolLens (12a1810)
- add borrowBehalf, redeemBehalf and redeemUnderlyingBehalf functionality (9f131f9)
- add deployment files for bscmainnet (6b88e7a)
- add deployment files for ethereum (f8899ed)
- add deployment files for sepolia and bsctestnet (04c3c96)
- add deployment script for NativeTokenGateway (70f74e2)
- add ethereum configuration to hardhat config (52a2a87)
- add NativeTokenGateway contract (649189a)
- add PoolLens deployment fot ethereum (dece366)
- add PoolLens deployments for mainnets(opBNB BSC) (0c48e9a)
- add PoolLens deployments for testnets(sepolia, bsctestnet, opbnbtestnet) (fa2daa4)
- add redeemAndUnwrap functionality (e6bab68)
- add sepolia deployment for NativeTokenGateway, VToken and Comptroller (4d414cc)
- add support for opbnbtestnet and opbnbmainnet in deployment script (2b28492)
- reduce reserves with available cash when accruing interest (e1fd22d)
- remove unneeded fallback and checks, and review tests (bb12776)
- the new version of hardhat-network-helpers was breaking the tests (7ab9c1f)
- update deployment files for bscmainnet (4957a2c)
- update deployment files for bsctestnet (98d1d27)
- update deployment files for opbnbmainnet (d2e2b8f)
- update deployment files for opbnbmainnet (e8bfdad)
- update deployment files for sepolia (698a1ee)
- update deployments and add gateway deployment for LST pool vWETH on sepolia (3204553)
- update deployments for bsctestnet (6c9d6e2)
- update deployments for opbnbtestnet (1adf7e1)
- updating deployment files (6199a15)
- updating deployment files (60f9953)
- updating deployment files (7658f72)
- updating deployment files (e2dfe75)
- updating deployment files (5371f96)
- updating deployment files (2a5a8fc)
- updating deployment files (bdbcbc4)
- updating deployment files (6f7cf1c)
- updating deployment files (7932ed2)
- updating deployment files (8bd0e5a)
- updating deployment files (73e2b74)
- updating deployment files (0e833ee)
- updating deployment files (e6a170d)
- updating deployment files (38da937)
- updating deployment files (e52f83a)
- updating deployment files (5b691d3)
- updating deployment files (5e62a86)
- updating deployment files (9fe398b)
- updating deployment files (f4e7a3e)
- updating deployment files (772880c)
- updating deployment files (6e1d240)
- updating deployment files (bb6a212)
- add reentrancy check and minor gas optimizations (c393374)
- deployment script to run for hardhat (ae0b770)
- failing deploy check (2e055e0)
- fork tests for gateway contract (48d6b45)
- GVP-01 (d18285b)
- imports in NativeTokenGateway.sol (e477182)
- L01 (5f494a9)
- L02 (3eaf534)
- minor fixes (19c676e)
- NTG-01 (3c33508)
- NTG-05 (bfe2c2f)
- NTG-06 (119cd12)
- NTG-07 (c051289)
- NTV-01 (eed3a61)
- pr comments (b508cb1)
- pr comments (c6c1d16)
- set approval to zero in wrapAndRepay (4e3a2c1)
- spelling (0a037b9)
- tests (4af2569)
- VBV-01 (18f16c3)
- VEN-GATE-5 (f8c5804)
- VPB-01 (f1c7e98)
- VPB-01 (dfaef87)
2.7.0-dev.4 (2024-03-19)
- add borrowBehalf, redeemBehalf and redeemUnderlyingBehalf functionality (9f131f9)
- add deployment files for bscmainnet (6b88e7a)
- add deployment files for ethereum (f8899ed)
- add deployment files for sepolia and bsctestnet (04c3c96)
- add deployment script for NativeTokenGateway (70f74e2)
- add ethereum configuration to hardhat config (52a2a87)
- add NativeTokenGateway contract (649189a)
- add redeemAndUnwrap functionality (e6bab68)
- add sepolia deployment for NativeTokenGateway, VToken and Comptroller (4d414cc)
- add support for opbnbtestnet and opbnbmainnet in deployment script (2b28492)
- remove unneeded fallback and checks, and review tests (bb12776)
- update deployment files for bscmainnet (4957a2c)
- update deployment files for bsctestnet (98d1d27)
- update deployment files for opbnbmainnet (d2e2b8f)
- update deployment files for opbnbmainnet (e8bfdad)
- update deployment files for sepolia (698a1ee)
- update deployments and add gateway deployment for LST pool vWETH on sepolia (3204553)
- update deployments for bsctestnet (6c9d6e2)
- update deployments for opbnbtestnet (1adf7e1)
- updating deployment files (6199a15)
- updating deployment files (60f9953)
- updating deployment files (7658f72)
- updating deployment files (e2dfe75)
- updating deployment files (7932ed2)
- updating deployment files (8bd0e5a)
- updating deployment files (73e2b74)
- updating deployment files (0e833ee)
- updating deployment files (e6a170d)
- updating deployment files (38da937)
- updating deployment files (e52f83a)
- updating deployment files (5b691d3)
- updating deployment files (9fe398b)
- updating deployment files (f4e7a3e)
- updating deployment files (772880c)
- updating deployment files (6e1d240)
- updating deployment files (bb6a212)
- add reentrancy check and minor gas optimizations (c393374)
- deployment script to run for hardhat (ae0b770)
- failing deploy check (2e055e0)
- fork tests for gateway contract (48d6b45)
- GVP-01 (d18285b)
- imports in NativeTokenGateway.sol (e477182)
- L01 (5f494a9)
- L02 (3eaf534)
- minor fixes (19c676e)
- NTG-01 (3c33508)
- NTG-05 (bfe2c2f)
- NTG-06 (119cd12)
- NTG-07 (c051289)
- NTV-01 (eed3a61)
- pr comments (b508cb1)
- pr comments (c6c1d16)
- set approval to zero in wrapAndRepay (4e3a2c1)
- spelling (0a037b9)
- tests (4af2569)
- VBV-01 (18f16c3)
- VEN-GATE-5 (f8c5804)
- VPB-01 (f1c7e98)
- VPB-01 (dfaef87)
2.7.0-dev.3 (2024-03-13)
- add actions paused bitmask to PoolLens (12a1810)
- add PoolLens deployment fot ethereum (dece366)
- add PoolLens deployments for mainnets(opBNB BSC) (0c48e9a)
- add PoolLens deployments for testnets(sepolia, bsctestnet, opbnbtestnet) (fa2daa4)
- updating deployment files (5371f96)
- updating deployment files (2a5a8fc)
- updating deployment files (bdbcbc4)
- updating deployment files (6f7cf1c)
2.7.0-dev.2 (2024-03-12)
- reduce reserves with available cash when accruing interest (e1fd22d)
- the new version of hardhat-network-helpers was breaking the tests (7ab9c1f)
2.7.0-dev.1 (2024-02-29)
- updating deployment files (5e62a86)
2.6.0 (2024-02-27)
- add pool iin config and sepolia deployments (34d5932)
- updating deployment files (30fec3a)
- updating deployment files (52cb895)
- updating deployment files (3cb372d)
- use main version of the oracles npm package (932c328)
2.6.0-dev.1 (2024-02-27)
- add pool iin config and sepolia deployments (34d5932)
- updating deployment files (30fec3a)
- updating deployment files (52cb895)
- updating deployment files (3cb372d)
- use main version of the oracles npm package (932c328)
2.5.1-dev.1 (2024-02-21)
- yarn lock (0f54865)
2.5.0 (2024-01-25)
2.5.0-dev.2 (2024-01-25)
- update yarn.lock file (69541d4)
2.5.0-dev.1 (2024-01-25)
- usr the version with Token converters (8354cce)
2.4.0 (2024-01-23)
- add PoolRegistry fix, deployment script and deployment fixing the approve for non-compliant tokens (4c0ad9b)
- set Curve as the receiver of initial VTokens in the Curve markets (f1e6835)
- update deps to the stable versions (5df4dac)
- update deps to the stable versions (bc2bcab)
- updating deployment files (0363847)
- updating deployment files (4a4e6de)
- updating deployment files (9a74882)
- updating deployment files (8a7c9e1)
- updating deployment files (99c4e0c)
- updating deployment files (cf5fba8)
- updating deployment files (0474e56)
- updating deployment files (5ecb1ea)
- upgrade the impl of vtokens and comptroller (2c75fa2)
2.4.0-dev.6 (2024-01-23)
2.4.0-dev.5 (2024-01-23)
- set Curve as the receiver of initial VTokens in the Curve markets (f1e6835)
- updating deployment files (0363847)
- updating deployment files (4a4e6de)
- updating deployment files (9a74882)
- updating deployment files (99c4e0c)
- updating deployment files (cf5fba8)
2.4.0-dev.4 (2024-01-23)
- add PoolRegistry fix, deployment script and deployment fixing the approve for non-compliant tokens (4c0ad9b)
- updating deployment files (8a7c9e1)
2.4.0-dev.3 (2024-01-09)
2.4.0-dev.2 (2024-01-03)
2.4.0-dev.1 (2024-01-02)
- updating deployment files (0474e56)
2.3.0 (2023-12-29)
- add github job to export and commit deployment by network (33f92fc)
- add IL market deployments to opbnbtestnet (2de9fd8)
- add mainnet config for new markets (8782a78)
- add mock token deployments for opbnbtestnet (db810aa)
- add PLANET market deployments (fa21a3d)
- add reward distributor for core pool (6121c71)
- deployments of mainnet market (24cdcd7)
- deployments of THE and TWT market on testnet (7870a1e)
- export PLANET market deployment (fc1c874)
- generate file only with addresses of deployed contracts (2302942)
- redeployment of reward distributors (fd0047e)
- support exporting sepolia and ethereum deployments (db0ef9c)
- update script to use psr addresses from protocol-reserve package (a63cdd9)
- updating deployment files (4095248)
- updating deployment files (6fa5890)
- updating deployment files (d3e16d4)
- updating deployment files (729d2d8)
- updating deployment files (ed3dbdb)
- updating deployment files (dc35475)
- updating deployment files (90c374e)
- updating deployment files (a66d5d2)
- updating deployment files (2834d40)
- updating deployment files (20a588b)
- updating deployment files (46c3ee8)
- updating deployment files (8fc14cf)
- updating deployment files (0f3b760)
- updating deployment files (c93a6f6)
- updating deployment files (f1e3083)
- updating deployment files (d2b7cdb)
- updating deployment files (b957327)
- updating deployment files (386581f)
- updating deployment files (4950a26)
- add @types/debug (40a73f1)
- added hooks and yield tests (02778ff)
- added plp integration tests (d77bf18)
- added prime hooks to comptroller (63298f5)
- adjust BLOCK_PER_YEAR for ethereum assuming a block is mined every 12 seconds (instead of every 14) (b782529)
- bump protocol package version (7bad19c)
- compilation error (b78e110)
- config of usdt_core (f63346a)
- cvp-01 (88de673)
- delete unused contract for this repo (e3f1625)
- deployment scripts for local deployment and update oracle package version fixing oracle deployments locally (efdf4c0)
- deployments after resolving comments (9618118)
- exclude external deployments when exporting (2bcf316)
- fix caps and typo (207d860)
- fixed lint (60942d2)
- fixed tests (67775b6)
- fixed yarn lock (d5eca4a)
- format code (bfaacdd)
- hardhat config file (0939e0a)
- lint and preconfiguredAddress decaration of Vtreasury wrong reference (8469906)
- mainnet verify endpoint (19f26f6)
- minor (21a52fe)
- optimised setPrime (51188e0)
- protocol setup done (45f8913)
- reduce reserves block delta in deployment configs (9def1eb)
- remove comment (ef80a90)
- remove comment (3f6ef95)
- remove duplicate token config (f77f40a)
- remove package-lock.json because we use yarn (47ad4ea)
- resolved conflict (1933446)
- resolved conflict (6858695)
- riskfund deploy script fix (wrong resolution of merge conflict) (4244f64)
- supply and borrow speeds of THE market (f2f0695)
- tests (b8c14c0)
- update venus-protocol version (46e1327)
- update version of core pool (97eb8e1)
- use custom error (6b600e7)
- whitespaces (7ea26e4)
- yarn build (8234296)
2.3.0-dev.13 (2023-12-28)
2.3.0-dev.12 (2023-12-22)
- updating deployment files (6fa5890)
2.3.0-dev.11 (2023-12-19)
- updating deployment files (d3e16d4)
- updating deployment files (20a588b)
- updating deployment files (46c3ee8)
- updating deployment files (0f3b760)
- updating deployment files (c93a6f6)
- add @types/debug (40a73f1)
- added hooks and yield tests (02778ff)
- added plp integration tests (d77bf18)
- added prime hooks to comptroller (63298f5)
- cvp-01 (88de673)
- fixed lint (60942d2)
- fixed tests (67775b6)
- fixed yarn lock (d5eca4a)
- optimised setPrime (51188e0)
- protocol setup done (45f8913)
- remove comment (ef80a90)
- remove comment (3f6ef95)
- resolved conflict (1933446)
- resolved conflict (6858695)
- update version of core pool (97eb8e1)
- use custom error (6b600e7)
2.3.0-dev.10 (2023-12-19)
- add mainnet config for new markets (8782a78)
- deployments of mainnet market (24cdcd7)
- deployments of THE and TWT market on testnet (7870a1e)
- updating deployment files (dc35475)
- deployments after resolving comments (9618118)
- fix caps and typo (207d860)
- minor (21a52fe)
- supply and borrow speeds of THE market (f2f0695)
2.3.0-dev.9 (2023-12-18)
- updating deployment files (729d2d8)
2.3.0-dev.8 (2023-12-15)
- add IL market deployments to opbnbtestnet (2de9fd8)
- add mock token deployments for opbnbtestnet (db810aa)
- updating deployment files (ed3dbdb)
- updating deployment files (90c374e)
- mainnet verify endpoint (19f26f6)
2.3.0-dev.7 (2023-12-12)
- updating deployment files (a66d5d2)
- exclude external deployments when exporting (2bcf316)
2.3.0-dev.6 (2023-12-07)
- remove duplicate token config (f77f40a)
2.3.0-dev.5 (2023-12-06)
- adjust BLOCK_PER_YEAR for ethereum assuming a block is mined every 12 seconds (instead of every 14) (b782529)
2.3.0-dev.4 (2023-12-01)
- generate file only with addresses of deployed contracts (2302942)
- updating deployment files (8fc14cf)
2.3.0-dev.3 (2023-11-30)
- updating deployment files (f1e3083)
- updating deployment files (d2b7cdb)
- updating deployment files (b957327)
- updating deployment files (386581f)
- bump protocol package version (7bad19c)
- compilation error (b78e110)
- config of usdt_core (f63346a)
- delete unused contract for this repo (e3f1625)
- deployment scripts for local deployment and update oracle package version fixing oracle deployments locally (efdf4c0)
- format code (bfaacdd)
- hardhat config file (0939e0a)
- lint and preconfiguredAddress decaration of Vtreasury wrong reference (8469906)
- riskfund deploy script fix (wrong resolution of merge conflict) (4244f64)
- tests (b8c14c0)
- update venus-protocol version (46e1327)
- yarn build (8234296)
2.3.0-dev.2 (2023-11-17)
- add github job to export and commit deployment by network (33f92fc)
- support exporting sepolia and ethereum deployments (db0ef9c)
- updating deployment files (4950a26)
2.3.0-dev.1 (2023-11-13)
- add PLANET market deployments (fa21a3d)
- export PLANET market deployment (fc1c874)
- update script to use psr addresses from protocol-reserve package (a63cdd9)
2.2.1-dev.1 (2023-11-03)
- remove package-lock.json because we use yarn (47ad4ea)
2.2.0 (2023-11-01)
- [VEN-1151][VEN-1152] send funds to protocol share reserve (37e078b)
- add new vToken impl deployments mainnet (7da2447)
- add protocol-reserve package (572b060)
- add separate threshold for liquidation and spread (d89486b)
- automatic reduce reserves in liquidation and fix tests (228ff89)
- change visibility of the variables (d3e8c3d)
- remove PSR contracts (ec74943)
- spread and liquidation reserves reduce (1b40217)
- use protocol reserve package and fix PVE007 (c934891)
- use totalreserves and blocknumber to reduce reserves (0cfc913)
- 3.1.1 VTokenInterfaces.sol (713dc7b)
- 3.1.2 VTokenInterfaces.sol (fae2373)
- 3.2.1 VToken.sol (2239a65)
- 3.2.2 VToken reinitializer(2) (IL) (c92df3b)
- [Low] Input Validation (7bafbaa)
- added missing package (4e34bdb)
- bp10 (52318d3)
- certik VPB-03 inconsistencies (9e0c151)
- certik VPB-05 (a3dadf1)
- comments (724fe75)
- comments (5e597b2)
- deployemnts config (56ac0e1)
- deployment config (b139a9f)
- event name (4576435)
- fairyproof 3.2 Recommendation (586f98c)
- fix packages (e5f66c1)
- fix psr related tests (ed4f375)
- minor fix (06a7c55)
- optimise gas in setReduceReservesBlockDelta (ac25981)
- prevents reduce reserves from failing in reduceReserve function (d1aa848)
- pve006 (7ac357c)
- reduce of reserves (580dd80)
- remove duplicate import (6ae1860)
- remove only (17f65b6)
- remove the amount on invoking protocol share function (421367d)
- resolve conflicts (fa57d22)
- script (3fe2431)
- tests (a5963fc)
- Revert "fix: pve006" (86d6de6)
2.2.0-dev.1 (2023-10-31)
- [VEN-1151][VEN-1152] send funds to protocol share reserve (37e078b)
- add new vToken impl deployments mainnet (7da2447)
- add protocol-reserve package (572b060)
- add separate threshold for liquidation and spread (d89486b)
- automatic reduce reserves in liquidation and fix tests (228ff89)
- change visibility of the variables (d3e8c3d)
- remove PSR contracts (ec74943)
- spread and liquidation reserves reduce (1b40217)
- use protocol reserve package and fix PVE007 (c934891)
- use totalreserves and blocknumber to reduce reserves (0cfc913)
- 3.1.1 VTokenInterfaces.sol (713dc7b)
- 3.1.2 VTokenInterfaces.sol (fae2373)
- 3.2.1 VToken.sol (2239a65)
- 3.2.2 VToken reinitializer(2) (IL) (c92df3b)
- [Low] Input Validation (7bafbaa)
- added missing package (4e34bdb)
- bp10 (52318d3)
- certik VPB-03 inconsistencies (9e0c151)
- certik VPB-05 (a3dadf1)
- comments (724fe75)
- comments (5e597b2)
- deployemnts config (56ac0e1)
- deployment config (b139a9f)
- event name (4576435)
- fairyproof 3.2 Recommendation (586f98c)
- fix packages (e5f66c1)
- fix psr related tests (ed4f375)
- minor fix (06a7c55)
- optimise gas in setReduceReservesBlockDelta (ac25981)
- prevents reduce reserves from failing in reduceReserve function (d1aa848)
- pve006 (7ac357c)
- reduce of reserves (580dd80)
- remove duplicate import (6ae1860)
- remove only (17f65b6)
- remove the amount on invoking protocol share function (421367d)
- resolve conflicts (fa57d22)
- script (3fe2431)
- tests (a5963fc)
- Revert "fix: pve006" (86d6de6)
2.1.0 (2023-10-19)
- add deployments of agEUR market (667ac5f)
- add info about the DefaultProxyAdmin used in testnet (80f7a58)
- add reward distributor in agEUR market (072714d)
- add SnBNB market deployments (add6956)
- deploy PSR, RiskFund, Shortfall (93408b1)
- set needed dependency to allow the deployment of SwapRouter (96a684f)
- ven-1930 force liquidation (b871eab)
- added support for core pool assets in risk fund (e161438)
- CVP-03 (ebc9a9b)
- CVP-04 (f4e8d2b)
- fixed build (82166e5)
- fixed integration tests (31a4c44)
- fixed tests (635e206)
- pr comments (cbd9b18)
- redeployed risk fund implementation (35d7139)
- removed only (133ccd1)
- resolved conflict (b712134)
- use PoolRegistry interface (761b0e1)
2.1.0-dev.8 (2023-10-18)
- ven-1930 force liquidation (b871eab)
2.1.0-dev.7 (2023-10-18)
- added support for core pool assets in risk fund (e161438)
- fixed build (82166e5)
- fixed integration tests (31a4c44)
- fixed tests (635e206)
- redeployed risk fund implementation (35d7139)
- removed only (133ccd1)
- resolved conflict (b712134)
- use PoolRegistry interface (761b0e1)
2.1.0-dev.6 (2023-10-10)
2.1.0-dev.5 (2023-10-10)
- add info about the DefaultProxyAdmin used in testnet (80f7a58)
2.1.0-dev.4 (2023-10-10)
2.1.0-dev.3 (2023-09-29)
- add SnBNB market deployments (add6956)
2.1.0-dev.2 (2023-09-18)
2.1.0-dev.1 (2023-09-15)
- deploy PSR, RiskFund, Shortfall (93408b1)
- set needed dependency to allow the deployment of SwapRouter (96a684f)
2.0.1-dev.1 (2023-09-12)
2.0.0 (2023-09-07)
- [RHR-01] make poolsAssetsReserves internal
- align the gap in reserve helpers
- add a balance check to graceful transfer (03370b9)
- add deployment info for the last rewards in the LSB pool (5e8a082)
- add mainnet deployment (3b29e3e)
- add re-entrancy guard (80c7435)
- add testnet deployment of new market in DeFi pool (8c9053f)
- avoid locking on failed transfers to previous bidders (a689850)
- deploy HAY rewards distributor (30325ea)
- deployed SD Rewards distributor (98b514d)
- export ankrBNB market deployment (ec43dd8)
- set risk fund percentage to 50% (4ff68c0)
- support deadline in swapPoolsAssets (103be13)
- update base asset price before querying (a2cb18a)
- upgrade HAY rewards distributor on bsctestnet (12dceac)
- ven-1567 add sweep token function (192a19d)
- ven-1743 Risk Fund (7413501)
- [RFR-01][RFR-03] unify the meaning of minAmountToConvert (db0e468)
- [SSV-01] use _transferOutOrTrackDebt upon closing the auction (5ca628c)
- [VPB-04] fix potential re-entrancy issues (42a9f78)
- added SD rewards distributor (ed4ed8a)
- allow reward distributor with same reward token (7603b4e)
- comments (fecd4bb)
- deployed latest comptroller (3599ed4)
- deployed reward distributors for mainnet and testnet (2aedd92)
- fix deployment of comptroller and verification (50d6edd)
- fixed tests (83c1c3b)
- gas optimisation + correct state update in transferReserveForAuction (5dc8120)
- include reward token in event (b5b1558)
- lint (ba43cef)
- lint issues (2cc0f29)
- redeployed HAY reward distributors (5c62416)
- revert on approval failures (6c559f1)
- set the last reward distributor deployed for HAY (0955403)
- update assetsReserves mapping for every swap (3427b24)
- update method signature in access control check (e4820ff)
- ven-1817 pve003 (f603afd)
2.0.0-dev.9 (2023-09-01)
- make convertibleBaseAsset configurable (d8d49de)
2.0.0-dev.8 (2023-08-31)
- add deployment info for the last rewards in the LSB pool (5e8a082)
- deploy HAY rewards distributor (30325ea)
- deployed SD Rewards distributor (98b514d)
- added SD rewards distributor (ed4ed8a)
- deployed latest comptroller (3599ed4)
- deployed reward distributors for mainnet and testnet (2aedd92)
- fix deployment of comptroller and verification (50d6edd)
- redeployed HAY reward distributors (5c62416)
- set the last reward distributor deployed for HAY (0955403)
2.0.0-dev.7 (2023-08-24)
2.0.0-dev.6 (2023-08-24)
2.0.0-dev.5 (2023-08-18)
- allow reward distributor with same reward token (7603b4e)
2.0.0-dev.4 (2023-08-16)
- [RHR-01] make poolsAssetsReserves internal
- [RFR-01][RFR-03] unify the meaning of minAmountToConvert (db0e468)
- [SSV-01] use _transferOutOrTrackDebt upon closing the auction (5ca628c)
- [VPB-04] fix potential re-entrancy issues (42a9f78)
- revert on approval failures (6c559f1)
- update method signature in access control check (e4820ff)
- [RHR-01] make poolsAssetsReserves internal (9085787)
2.0.0-dev.3 (2023-08-10)
2.0.0-dev.2 (2023-08-09)
- comments (fecd4bb)
2.0.0-dev.1 (2023-08-01)
- align the gap in reserve helpers
- align the gap in reserve helpers (c47d6c0)
1.3.0-dev.6 (2023-07-28)
- add a balance check to graceful transfer (03370b9)
- avoid locking on failed transfers to previous bidders (a689850)
1.3.0-dev.5 (2023-07-28)
- support deadline in swapPoolsAssets (103be13)
1.3.0-dev.4 (2023-07-26)
- add mainnet deployment (3b29e3e)
- add testnet deployment of new market in DeFi pool (8c9053f)
- export ankrBNB market deployment (ec43dd8)
- lint (ba43cef)
1.3.0-dev.3 (2023-07-24)
- upgrade HAY rewards distributor on bsctestnet (12dceac)
1.3.0-dev.2 (2023-07-20)
- ven-1743 Risk Fund (7413501)
- gas optimisation + correct state update in transferReserveForAuction (5dc8120)
- update assetsReserves mapping for every swap (3427b24)
1.3.0-dev.1 (2023-07-20)
1.2.0 (2023-07-12)
- add mainnet deployments for rewards distributors (3a3a8a2)
- add reward configs (a6cd456)
- add testnet deployment for rewards distributors (5cf6ea3)
- added tests for pausing rewards (4d8720f)
- redeploy PoolLens on mainnet (feaeddf)
- redeploy PoolLens on testnet (ea5c204)
- set/update last rewarding block (13bdc7f)
- stop rewards at a block number (4b2ada4)
- bump hardhat deploy (84a8a62)
- fixed tests (1b173dc)
- pause rewards in pool lens (9b0566b)
- shorten the size of revert string (e32ef5d)
- use getBlockNumber() (71a36e6)
- use hardhat 2.16.1 (a5c01e7)
- use node 18 (97d704e)
- VEN-1684 and VEN-1685 (c459065)
- VENUS-RD-001 (b6413c5)
- VENUS-RD-002 (1c1f749)
- VENUS-RD-003 (07fd8f3)
1.2.0-dev.4 (2023-07-12)
- add mainnet deployments for rewards distributors (3a3a8a2)
- add reward configs (a6cd456)
- add testnet deployment for rewards distributors (5cf6ea3)
- redeploy PoolLens on mainnet (feaeddf)
- redeploy PoolLens on testnet (ea5c204)
1.2.0-dev.3 (2023-07-12)
1.2.0-dev.2 (2023-07-10)
1.2.0-dev.1 (2023-07-10)
- added tests for pausing rewards (4d8720f)
- set/update last rewarding block (13bdc7f)
- stop rewards at a block number (4b2ada4)
- fixed tests (1b173dc)
- pause rewards in pool lens (9b0566b)
- shorten the size of revert string (e32ef5d)
- use getBlockNumber() (71a36e6)
- VEN-1684 and VEN-1685 (c459065)
- VENUS-RD-001 (b6413c5)
- VENUS-RD-002 (1c1f749)
- VENUS-RD-003 (07fd8f3)
1.1.1-dev.1 (2023-07-05)
- bump hardhat deploy (84a8a62)
1.1.0 (2023-07-04)
- add SwapRouter mainnet deployments (c878a83)
- add SwapRouter testnet deployments (44d39f0)
- deploy IL phase 2 to mainnet (4ae7a5d)
- deploy IL phase 2 to testnet (f3cabed)
- fix swapped mainnet and testnet vBNB (1b00e5b)
- redeploy SwapRouters to mainnet with the correct vBNB address (925b709)
- redeploy SwapRouters to testnet with the correct vBNB address (c9ffe5d)
1.1.0-dev.1 (2023-07-03)
- add SwapRouter mainnet deployments (c878a83)
- add SwapRouter testnet deployments (44d39f0)
- deploy IL phase 2 to mainnet (4ae7a5d)
- deploy IL phase 2 to testnet (f3cabed)
- fix swapped mainnet and testnet vBNB (1b00e5b)
- redeploy SwapRouters to mainnet with the correct vBNB address (925b709)
- redeploy SwapRouters to testnet with the correct vBNB address (c9ffe5d)
- remove unused contracts
- pre-deploy vTokens and rate models
- remove contract creation when adding new pool
- [N-07] use SNAKE_CASE for constants
- allow to specify vTokenReceiver when adding markets
- remove risk rating from PoolRegistry
- [VEN-1331][VPB-22] remove getPoolReserve
- remove reference to risk fund from pool registry
- remove riskFund from VToken initializer
- [007] replace Comptroller error reporter with custom errors
- make IL VToken interfaces compatible with core
- [007] use custom errors for authorization failures
- add old pool name to PoolNameSet event
- [012] add _disableInitializers to all upgradeable contracts
- [012] use _disableInitializers in Comptroller and VToken
- [024] use Ownable2Step instead of single-step Ownable
- replace a custom WithAdmin with Ownable2StepUpgradeable
- [013] change RewardDistributor function naming
- [013] change Comptroller function naming and access controls
- [013] change VToken function naming and returns
- consolidate VToken contracts
- replace Unitroller with a transparent proxy
- [007] replace Comptroller error reporter with custom errors (21a8a7d)
- [007] use custom errors for authorization failures (9dca17e)
- [024] use Ownable2Step instead of single-step Ownable (747a5de)
- [N-25] add indexes to events (513fbe4)
- [VEN-953] add ACM check to setCloseFactor (d8494f7)
- [VEN-953] add ACM check to setMinAmountToConvert (c75580a)
- [VEN-953] add ACM check to setRewardTokenSpeeds (6f0cc0e)
- [VEN-953] add ACM to PoolRegistry (307f1a9)
- [VEN-953] add ACM to RewardsDistributor (407139e)
- [VEN-953] add ACM to Shortfall (a113526)
- [VEN-953] make (re)starting an auction access-controlled (6d37880)
- [VEN-953] make pool config access-controlled (5d79a75)
- [VEN-953] replace owner with ACM in JumpRateModel (37808f4)
- add ability to pause auctions (c12a6da)
- add AccessControlled mixin (abfd5b8)
- add bscmainnet deployment (f71a9c8)
- add event for new rewards distributor (2b34cd4)
- add geater and mapping for controller, pool (9ab0a5e)
- add getBorrowingPower function giving account liquidity with respect to liq threshold and also cahnged getAccountLiquidity to give liquidity information with respect to liquidation threshold (57aed20)
- add getPoolBadDebt to PoolLens (0dda9a8)
- add old pool name to PoolNameSet event (d7ad187)
- add reward speed by market view (5b639f9)
- add reward totals to events (3a53dc1)
- add semantic relese (994a0b5)
- add supply and borrow caps to lens (bf18630)
- add SwapRouter_Stablecoins deployment (075f976)
- add testnet deployment (55d3cd5)
- added balanceAfter memory variable to avoid reading from storage (c29e229)
- allow to specify vTokenReceiver when adding markets (4560b04)
- basic unchecked flags (3bb2e54)
- bundle typechain typings into the package (450d647)
- decouple IL deployment from funds deployment (0fc3a6c)
- deployment: add new complete IL testnet deployment (17d4883)
- emit BadDebtRecovered event (7fbe7fc)
- gas optimization in getter, improve redablity (176008d)
- in addMarket ensure the pool is registered (15a0262)
- License added (12a49d0)
- make incentiveBps configurable (e5fd812)
- make nextBidderBlockLimit configurable (396d755)
- make PoolRegistry state public (31ff4e0)
- make protocol seize share configurable (9ae3208)
- make Shortfall and ProtocolShareReserve configurable (6f01a11)
- Mint and Redeem events emit the updated account balance (1ec4989)
- move admin logic to a mixin (8812422)
- pre-deploy vTokens and rate models (15b2099)
- remove contract creation when adding new pool (3cb0301)
- remove reference to risk fund from pool registry (e43428d)
- remove risk rating from PoolRegistry (4542641)
- remove riskFund from VToken initializer (9b9c44b)
- replace a custom WithAdmin with Ownable2StepUpgradeable (281d7bb)
- replace Unitroller with a transparent proxy (b273492)
- Risk fund management (#26) (5d66109)
- support deflationary tokens in addMarket (d472822)
- upgrade oz to ^4.8.0 to support Ownable2StepUpgradeable (0c245c7)
- use core pool behavior for jump rate multiplier (c75cfe4)
- use of governance-contracts dependency (95eb6ca)
- ven-1559 (52fd123)
- ven-1560 (3546f67)
1.0.0-dev.19 (2023-07-03)
- add SwapRouter mainnet deployments (c878a83)
- add SwapRouter testnet deployments (44d39f0)
- deploy IL phase 2 to mainnet (4ae7a5d)
- deploy IL phase 2 to testnet (f3cabed)
- [002] use address(0) instead of DEFAULT_ADMIN_ROLE (8d531d8)
- [005] use safeTransfer instead of transfer (c059e6b)
- [008] emit events on state changes (ddc27c9)
- [009] lock pragma in non-interface contracts (20bcfa2)
- [011] remove bookmarks from chain (b62928b)
- [012] add _disableInitializers to all upgradeable contracts (afd9fea)
- [012] use _disableInitializers in Comptroller and VToken (1952261)
- [013] change Comptroller function naming and access controls (26f91b8)
- [013] change RewardDistributor function naming (eca7741)
- [013] change VToken function naming and returns (cd2b639)
- [017] approve zero before approving nonzero amount (f034973)
- [020] only allow owner to set pool name (a8353ed)
- [966] second part remaining function (39a1a17)
- [imp004] cache array lengths in for loops (1c6489b)
- [imp005] add indexes to event parameters (4747081)
- [imp006] avoid initializing to zero (3227ebf)
- [VEN-1042]:L10. Variable Shadowing (0e53c7f)
- [VEN-1333][SSP-01] disallow new bids for stale auctions (06e8ca2)
- [VEN-1338][VPB-21] disallow too long names for pools (92de902)
- [VEN-1338][VPB-21] transfer initial supply from the market creator (fa4ffcc)
- [VEN-1495] (f9a83c9)
- [VEN-1496] (eb6a31a)
- [VEN-949] CVP-01 fix sign in liquidation threshold check (934e7fd)
- [VEN-975] CVP-04 check for shortfall in heal and batch liquidate (1c8cc30)
- add access control to swap pool asset (13cc23e)
- add copy_contracts to files array (65ac9fb)
- add missing contract types in deployments (26767c4)
- allow setting _setMinLiquidatableCollateral (7bd15e4)
- blocker for deployment of upgradable script (12648ee)
- calculate values dynamically in tests (8dea24c)
- check the right loop lengths in enterMarkets and addRewardDistributor (da284b4)
- compiler warning (ad901ee)
- conflicts (a04fe14)
- dependencies: bump Oracle package version (d07183a)
- deploy command (75bd7a1)
- deployer can set caps (9876266)
- deployment: use legacy ACM in live networks (1ed9647)
- deploytment scripts for integration tests (562d965)
- disable yul optimization in ci (10da2d6)
- fix ACM version (bf84eb1)
- fix after VToken refatoring (831af56)
- fix capitalization of lens test dir (db6e931)
- fix protocolSeizeTokens calculations (d32f5a3)
- fix test commands (ccf2f7d)
- fix typescript build errors (be02c22)
- fixed integration test (5fbdcc0)
- fixed JumpRateModelV2 tests (e0410f3)
- implement stricter validation for the bidbps (61e1890)
- imports (15c303e)
- include copy contracts in package (b4c1ca0)
- integration test and refactoring (51b23df)
- lens: [VEN-1328][PLV-01] fix pending reward computation (8f45885)
- lint (a850761)
- lint issues. (c925fec)
- make IL VToken interfaces compatible with core (fec3a2d)
- Minor fix (6156cea)
- minor issue in PVE004-3 test (9a61c2f)
- minor wording issue (a849e40)
- Note(1) 1,3 (fab692c)
- Note(2)-1,3,4,5 (028ec30)
- Note(4) (bc696f3)
- overflow for expScale (e74d64e)
- owner governace check (059d9a5)
- place bid method. (3b4ce93)
- poolmetadata spelling (1b27b33)
- pr comment (cf868ef)
- pr comments (4651fb2)
- PR comments. (422b002)
- PR comments. (3a5c40b)
- prevent _ensureMaxLoops revert during liquidation (#237) (6519349)
- prevent decimals underflow in exchange rate computation (9520b88)
- Protocol share reserve for each market. (958bfc5)
- PVE001 (75d02da)
- PVE003 (4e9070f)
- PVE004-3 (b4cc242)
- PVE005 (f4129a4)
- PVE006 (c178a69)
- PVE009 (d102243)
- PVE010 (f88230d)
- remove .DS_Store that got committed (3c9279b)
- remove dependency on typechain from deployments (e6e309a)
- remove PriceOracle infavor of interface from oracle package (c002263)
- remove PriceOracle infavor of interface from oracle package (5d7556f)
- remove PriceOracle infavor of interface from oracle package (7cb7705)
- remove typechain imports from deploy files (df989d8)
- remove unused ActionPaused event (4b1afc3)
- remove unused function to track bad debt (ad5406d)
- replace PriceOracle with ResilientOracleInterface (7fb1b65)
- replaced pool address for fork tests (58a9e69)
- resolve comments (3fd29da)
- resolved typos and comments (8d119ad)
- set transferReserveForAuction to only be callable by shortfall (bc42657)
- shortfall test (8656341)
- shortfall tests (492f604)
- specify assets and min amount out when swapping (b2acc1b)
- supply cap implementation (f025840)
- typechain issues (97bff0b)
- update deployment scripts comptroller updates (40ca904)
- update deployment scripts per oracle updates (529c9d1)
- update deployment scripts per oracle updates (c22f9b6)
- update import path for new oracle package (984cc41)
- update release and fix integration tests (7591e24)
- use MockPriceOracle in hardhat tests (0362943)
- use two-step approval for initial supply (f0500ae)
- use updated price oracle script that supports mocks in nonlive envs (3f6b5ad)
- VEN-1487 (9d200e7)
- VEN-1488 (b6e0b93)
- ven-1494 (f46d889)
- ven-1500 check for auction start block (d8ff98a)
- ven-1510 NC-03 (4043673)
- ven-1587 (f2977e0)
- ven-1589 (22b1243)
- ven-1590 (108aa56)
- VPB-19 | Atypical Constructor Implementation (422ac6d)
- (related to G-03) avoid copying struct to memory (2eab77b)
- [G-04] cache storage vars on stack where it makes sense (f41f5fd)
- [G-05] cache mapping/array members in storage vars (b86ce6c)
- [G-06] cache the result of vToken.underlying() (8482abb)
- [G-08] use unchecked where applicable (fe1aeb1)
- [G-14] save 3 gas on >= instead of > (0709639)
- [G‑16] use pre-increment instead of post-increment (a014c48)
- [N-14] use external instead of public where applicable (9131384)
- [VEN-1332][WPM-01] make wp rate model params immutable (13b081f)
- add utils helper for fork test (8295332)
- use calldata instead of memory (976cf49)
- Revert "fix: [VEN-1497]" (36feb1c)
- Revert "fix : [VEN-1044] L12. Contract Should be Library" (4d01fb4)
- Revert "update types" (d0fc928)
- Revert "fixed tests" (a8b12bb)
- [N-07] use SNAKE_CASE for constants (3b6d8be)
- [VEN-1331][VPB-22] remove getPoolReserve (552755b)
- consolidate VToken contracts (251e9b7)
- remove unused contracts (14e5dce)
- fix swapped mainnet and testnet vBNB (1b00e5b)
- redeploy SwapRouters to mainnet with the correct vBNB address (925b709)
- redeploy SwapRouters to testnet with the correct vBNB address (c9ffe5d)
1.0.0-dev.18 (2023-06-26)
1.0.0-dev.17 (2023-06-26)
- use core pool behavior for jump rate multiplier (c75cfe4)
1.0.0-dev.16 (2023-06-26)
1.0.0-dev.15 (2023-06-26)
- conflicts (a04fe14)
- pr comments (4651fb2)
- replaced pool address for fork tests (58a9e69)
- resolve comments (3fd29da)
- resolved typos and comments (8d119ad)
- add utils helper for fork test (8295332)
1.0.0-dev.14 (2023-06-26)
- imports (15c303e)
1.0.0-dev.13 (2023-06-22)
- add missing contract types in deployments (26767c4)
1.0.0-dev.12 (2023-06-21)
1.0.0-dev.11 (2023-06-21)
- implement stricter validation for the bidbps (61e1890)
- pr comment (cf868ef)
- shortfall test (8656341)
- ven-1500 check for auction start block (d8ff98a)
1.0.0-dev.10 (2023-06-20)
1.0.0-dev.9 (2023-06-15)
- remove unused contracts
- pre-deploy vTokens and rate models
- remove contract creation when adding new pool
- in addMarket ensure the pool is registered (15a0262)
- pre-deploy vTokens and rate models (15b2099)
- remove contract creation when adding new pool (3cb0301)
- remove unused contracts (14e5dce)
1.0.0-dev.8 (2023-06-13)
1.0.0-dev.7 (2023-06-12)
1.0.0-dev.6 (2023-06-12)
- Revert "fix: [VEN-1497]" (36feb1c)
1.0.0-dev.5 (2023-06-12)
1.0.0-dev.4 (2023-06-08)
1.0.0-dev.3 (2023-06-02)
1.0.0-dev.2 (2023-06-01)
- [N-07] use SNAKE_CASE for constants
- allow to specify vTokenReceiver when adding markets
- remove risk rating from PoolRegistry
- [VEN-1331][VPB-22] remove getPoolReserve
- remove reference to risk fund from pool registry
- remove riskFund from VToken initializer
- [007] replace Comptroller error reporter with custom errors
- make IL VToken interfaces compatible with core
- [007] use custom errors for authorization failures
- add old pool name to PoolNameSet event
- [012] add _disableInitializers to all upgradeable contracts
- [012] use _disableInitializers in Comptroller and VToken
- [024] use Ownable2Step instead of single-step Ownable
- replace a custom WithAdmin with Ownable2StepUpgradeable
- [013] change RewardDistributor function naming
- [013] change Comptroller function naming and access controls
- [013] change VToken function naming and returns
- consolidate VToken contracts
- replace Unitroller with a transparent proxy
- [007] replace Comptroller error reporter with custom errors (21a8a7d)
- [007] use custom errors for authorization failures (9dca17e)
- [024] use Ownable2Step instead of single-step Ownable (747a5de)
- [N-25] add indexes to events (513fbe4)
- [VEN-953] add ACM check to setCloseFactor (d8494f7)
- [VEN-953] add ACM check to setMinAmountToConvert (c75580a)
- [VEN-953] add ACM check to setRewardTokenSpeeds (6f0cc0e)
- [VEN-953] add ACM to PoolRegistry (307f1a9)
- [VEN-953] add ACM to RewardsDistributor (407139e)
- [VEN-953] add ACM to Shortfall (a113526)
- [VEN-953] make (re)starting an auction access-controlled (6d37880)
- [VEN-953] make pool config access-controlled (5d79a75)
- [VEN-953] replace owner with ACM in JumpRateModel (37808f4)
- add ability to pause auctions (c12a6da)
- add AccessControlled mixin (abfd5b8)
- add event for new rewards distributor (2b34cd4)
- add geater and mapping for controller, pool (9ab0a5e)
- add getBorrowingPower function giving account liquidity with respect to liq threshold and also cahnged getAccountLiquidity to give liquidity information with respect to liquidation threshold (57aed20)
- add getPoolBadDebt to PoolLens (0dda9a8)
- add old pool name to PoolNameSet event (d7ad187)
- add reward speed by market view (5b639f9)
- add reward totals to events (3a53dc1)
- add semantic relese (994a0b5)
- add supply and borrow caps to lens (bf18630)
- added balanceAfter memory variable to avoid reading from storage (c29e229)
- allow to specify vTokenReceiver when adding markets (4560b04)
- basic unchecked flags (3bb2e54)
- decouple IL deployment from funds deployment (0fc3a6c)
- deployment: add new complete IL testnet deployment (17d4883)
- emit BadDebtRecovered event (7fbe7fc)
- gas optimization in getter, improve redablity (176008d)
- License added (12a49d0)
- make incentiveBps configurable (e5fd812)
- make nextBidderBlockLimit configurable (396d755)
- make PoolRegistry state public (31ff4e0)
- make protocol seize share configurable (9ae3208)
- make Shortfall and ProtocolShareReserve configurable (6f01a11)
- Mint and Redeem events emit the updated account balance (1ec4989)
- move admin logic to a mixin (8812422)
- remove reference to risk fund from pool registry (e43428d)
- remove risk rating from PoolRegistry (4542641)
- remove riskFund from VToken initializer (9b9c44b)
- replace a custom WithAdmin with Ownable2StepUpgradeable (281d7bb)
- replace Unitroller with a transparent proxy (b273492)
- Risk fund management (#26) (5d66109)
- support deflationary tokens in addMarket (d472822)
- upgrade oz to ^4.8.0 to support Ownable2StepUpgradeable (0c245c7)
- use of governance-contracts dependency (95eb6ca)
- [002] use address(0) instead of DEFAULT_ADMIN_ROLE (8d531d8)
- [005] use safeTransfer instead of transfer (c059e6b)
- [008] emit events on state changes (ddc27c9)
- [009] lock pragma in non-interface contracts (20bcfa2)
- [011] remove bookmarks from chain (b62928b)
- [012] add _disableInitializers to all upgradeable contracts (afd9fea)
- [012] use _disableInitializers in Comptroller and VToken (1952261)
- [013] change Comptroller function naming and access controls (26f91b8)
- [013] change RewardDistributor function naming (eca7741)
- [013] change VToken function naming and returns (cd2b639)
- [017] approve zero before approving nonzero amount (f034973)
- [020] only allow owner to set pool name (a8353ed)
- [966] second part remaining function (39a1a17)
- [imp004] cache array lengths in for loops (1c6489b)
- [imp005] add indexes to event parameters (4747081)
- [imp006] avoid initializing to zero (3227ebf)
- [VEN-1042]:L10. Variable Shadowing (0e53c7f)
- [VEN-1333][SSP-01] disallow new bids for stale auctions (06e8ca2)
- [VEN-1338][VPB-21] disallow too long names for pools (92de902)
- [VEN-1338][VPB-21] transfer initial supply from the market creator (fa4ffcc)
- [VEN-1495] (f9a83c9)
- [VEN-1496] (eb6a31a)
- [VEN-1497] (8262af9)
- [VEN-949] CVP-01 fix sign in liquidation threshold check (934e7fd)
- [VEN-975] CVP-04 check for shortfall in heal and batch liquidate (1c8cc30)
- add access control to swap pool asset (13cc23e)
- add copy_contracts to files array (65ac9fb)
- allow setting _setMinLiquidatableCollateral (7bd15e4)
- blocker for deployment of upgradable script (12648ee)
- check the right loop lengths in enterMarkets and addRewardDistributor (da284b4)
- compiler warning (ad901ee)
- dependencies: bump Oracle package version (d07183a)
- deploy command (75bd7a1)
- deployer can set caps (9876266)
- deployment: use legacy ACM in live networks (1ed9647)
- deploytment scripts for integration tests (562d965)
- disable yul optimization in ci (10da2d6)
- fix ACM version (bf84eb1)
- fix after VToken refatoring (831af56)
- fix capitalization of lens test dir (db6e931)
- fix test commands (ccf2f7d)
- fix typescript build errors (be02c22)
- include copy contracts in package (b4c1ca0)
- integration test and refactoring (51b23df)
- lens: [VEN-1328][PLV-01] fix pending reward computation (8f45885)
- lint (a850761)
- make IL VToken interfaces compatible with core (fec3a2d)
- Minor fix (6156cea)
- minor issue in PVE004-3 test (9a61c2f)
- minor wording issue (a849e40)
- Note(1) 1,3 (fab692c)
- Note(2)-1,3,4,5 (028ec30)
- Note(4) (bc696f3)
- overflow for expScale (e74d64e)
- owner governace check (059d9a5)
- poolmetadata spelling (1b27b33)
- PR comments. (422b002)
- PR comments. (3a5c40b)
- prevent decimals underflow in exchange rate computation (9520b88)
- Protocol share reserve for each market. (958bfc5)
- PVE001 (75d02da)
- PVE003 (4e9070f)
- PVE004-3 (b4cc242)
- PVE005 (f4129a4)
- PVE006 (c178a69)
- PVE009 (d102243)
- PVE010 (f88230d)
- remove .DS_Store that got committed (3c9279b)
- remove dependency on typechain from deployments (e6e309a)
- remove PriceOracle infavor of interface from oracle package (c002263)
- remove PriceOracle infavor of interface from oracle package (5d7556f)
- remove PriceOracle infavor of interface from oracle package (7cb7705)
- remove typechain imports from deploy files (df989d8)
- remove unused ActionPaused event (4b1afc3)
- remove unused function to track bad debt (ad5406d)
- replace PriceOracle with ResilientOracleInterface (7fb1b65)
- set transferReserveForAuction to only be callable by shortfall (bc42657)
- specify assets and min amount out when swapping (b2acc1b)
- supply cap implementation (f025840)
- typechain issues (97bff0b)
- update deployment scripts comptroller updates (40ca904)
- update deployment scripts per oracle updates (529c9d1)
- update deployment scripts per oracle updates (c22f9b6)
- update import path for new oracle package (984cc41)
- update release and fix integration tests (7591e24)
- use MockPriceOracle in hardhat tests (0362943)
- use two-step approval for initial supply (f0500ae)
- use updated price oracle script that supports mocks in nonlive envs (3f6b5ad)
- VEN-1487 (9d200e7)
- VEN-1488 (b6e0b93)
- VPB-19 | Atypical Constructor Implementation (422ac6d)
- (related to G-03) avoid copying struct to memory (2eab77b)
- [G-04] cache storage vars on stack where it makes sense (f41f5fd)
- [G-05] cache mapping/array members in storage vars (b86ce6c)
- [G-06] cache the result of vToken.underlying() (8482abb)
- [G-08] use unchecked where applicable (fe1aeb1)
- [G-14] save 3 gas on >= instead of > (0709639)
- [G‑16] use pre-increment instead of post-increment (a014c48)
- [N-14] use external instead of public where applicable (9131384)
- [VEN-1332][WPM-01] make wp rate model params immutable (13b081f)
- use calldata instead of memory (976cf49)
- [N-07] use SNAKE_CASE for constants (3b6d8be)