Have you ever wanted to learn more about animals, but don't know which ones to learn about first? Let this application decide for you! This application features:
๐น Randomly generated animal facts.
๐น Ability to save your favorite animal facts.
๐น Edit your saved favorite animals by deleting some, or all in one button click.
๐น Clean design using Material 3.
This project is currently in development. Below is a video of the GenerateFactsScreen, where you can see the design and functionality of getting animal facts!
๐น Kotlin
๐น SQL
๐น ROOM Database
๐น Dagger-Hilt
๐น Retrofit (2.9.0)
๐น Coil (2.1.0)
๐น Google Fonts (1.2.0-beta01)
๐น JUnit 4