Project Title : Personality Prediction
Name : Rishabh Sharma
Project Description: The objective of this project is to predict MBTI personality of users by taking their recent 50 posts on Personality Cafe Forum Website. The data considered has 8675 users data which has 2 columns, first their personality type, the second column is a string consisting their recent 50 posts.
Technical Skillset: NLP, ML
➢ Background of Data : Overview of 16 MBTI personality types and the dataset considered
➢ Understanding data : Distribution of personality types in data taken
➢ Training and Performance of CatBoost Classifier
➢ F1-score, precision achieved by Catboost Classifier on test data
➢ Accuracy by models trained from high to low.
Boosting classifiers performed well than others, CatBoost classifier showed high F1-score compared to other models.