Data Science Chronicles (DSC) welcomes contributions to our Exploratory Data Analysis (EDA) repository.
Before making any contributions, please read the README file and understand the purpose and scope of the repository.
All contributions should be made in the form of a pull request.
Each pull request should be associated with a specific issue or feature request. If there is no existing issue or feature request, please create one before making your contribution.
All contributions should be accompanied by clear and concise documentation, including a detailed explanation of the analysis and any relevant visualizations or results.
All code should be well-organized, readable, and commented.
All contributions should be tested thoroughly before being submitted.
Before submitting a pull request, please ensure that your code is in compliance with the repository's coding style and conventions.
Once a pull request is submitted, it will be reviewed by a member of the Data Science Chronicles team. We may ask for changes or revisions before approving the pull request.
Please be respectful and professional when communicating with the team and other contributors.
By submitting a pull request, you agree that your contribution is made under the terms of the repository's license.
Please follow these guidelines when submitting a pull request.
- Fork the repository and create a new branch for your changes.
- Follow the structure of the existing notebooks and add your own notebook in the appropriate directory.
- Use clear and concise language in your notebook and include comments and explanations where necessary.
- Include a brief summary at the top of your notebook outlining the purpose of the analysis and the main findings.
- Add appropriate visualizations to support your analysis and findings.
- Cite any sources used in your analysis and include a list of references at the end of your notebook.
- Test your code and make sure there are no errors or bugs.
- Submit a pull request to the master branch with a clear and concise title and description of your changes.
- Please make sure that your code is readable, well-organized, and adheres to PEP 8 style guidelines.
- If your notebook is related to a specific research paper or blog post, please include a link to it in the notebook.
- Before submitting a Pull Request, please make sure your changes pass all the tests and conform to the notebook formatting by running the notebook through nb-black and nb-lint Thank you for your contribution! The DSC team will review your pull request and provide feedback as soon as possible.