This repository contains problems from Compiler Design Lab.
Each Lab has a doc in it, a self explanatory report of format:
- Aim
- Procedure/Explanation
- Code
- Input/Output Screen shot
- Inference
And the lex code file is also uploaded seperately.
1a :
Write a program for lex/flex scanner generator to identify valid identifiers.
input : a string
output : valid/invalid
1b :
Write a program for lex/flex scanner generator to count the number of vowels or consonants.
input : a string
output : number of vowels in the string is -----, number of consonants in the string is -----
2a :
Write a program for lex/flex scanner generator to determine the length of the longest word in the given string.
Input : String
Output : Length of the longest word is -----
2b :
Write a program for the lex/flex scanner generator to do Decimal to Binary Conversion.
Input : Decimal Number
Output : Binary Number
3a :
Write a program for lex/flex scanner generator to determine the character with the highest frequency in the given string.
Input : String
Output : Frequency is ----- and the character with the highest frequency is -----
3b :
Write a program for the lex/flex scanner generator to do Infix to Postfix Conversion.
Input : Infix
Output : Postfix
4a :
Write a program for lex/flex scanner generator to construct a DFA which accepts the language in which all the strings end with “00” over inputs ‘0’ and ‘1’.
Input : String of 0 and 1
Output : Accepted/Not accepted
4b :
Write a program for the lex/flex scanner generator to construct a DFA which accepts the language in which all strings have an even number of 1’s and even number of 0's over inputs ‘0’ and ‘1’.
Input : String of 0 and 1
Output : Accepted/Not accepted
5a :
Write a program for lex/flex scanner generator to input a series of numbers and output the count of Positive numbers, Negative numbers, and Fractions.
Input: Series of numbers(ex:2,-7,8.5, 3,26)
Output :
Positive :---
Negative :---
Fractions :---
6a :
Write a program for lex/flex scanner generator to print the total characters and white spaces.
Total no of characters -----
Total no of White spaces -----
7a :
Write a program for lex/flex scanner to recognize strings aaab, abbb using a^nb^n, where n>=0
Input : String
Output : Valid/Invalid