An R package for reading volleyball scouting files in DataVolley format
), collected for example with the commercial DataVolley, Click
and Scout, or VolleyStation software.
See also:
- the package vignette for more examples and information
- these code snippets for volleyball analytics in R with datavolley and the other openvolley packages
- this DataVolley file validator and suite of analytical apps, which are built on the datavolley package.
The peranavolley package provides similar functionality for reading files scouted by the AOC VBStats software.
options(repos = c(openvolley = "",
CRAN = ""))
## or
## install.packages("remotes") ## if needed
Read one of the example data files bundled with the package:
x <- dv_read(dv_example_file(), insert_technical_timeouts = FALSE)
#> Match summary:
#> Date: 2015-01-25
#> League: Finale mladinke
#> vs
#> Nova KBM Branik (HAFNER MATJAŽ)
#> Result: 3-0 (25-16, 25-14, 25-22)
#> Duration: 67 minutes
If you see unexpected behaviour, try
dv_read(..., do_warn = TRUE, verbose = TRUE)
to obtain more diagnostic
information during the process of reading and parsing the DataVolley
file. Also check the text encoding specified to dv_read
(did you
specify one??)