The DANS front-end framework is a monorepo, using Turbo and PNPM package management and Vite build tools.
Apps that are meant to run standalone are located in the ./apps folder. Custom libraries that these apps can use are in ./packages.
Management of packages is done with PNPM from the root folder. Make sure PNPM and Turbo are installed on your system.
To clone the repository along with its required submodules, use the following command:
git clone --recurse-submodules
Note: If you're trying to clone a branch that includes a submodule not present in the main branch, make sure to specify the branch using the
If you've already cloned the repository without the submodules, you can initialize and update them later with the following command:
git submodule update --init --recursive
After cloning, run:
pnpm i
pnpm dev
To run just a single app, you can add a line to the package.json scripts section like so:
"dev:ohsmart": "turbo run dev --filter=@dans-framework/ohsmart"
Then run pnpm dev:ohsmart
to start.
Or simply run
pnpm --filter @dans-framework/ohsmart dev
To run this application on a specific port, run
pnpm --filter @dans-framework/ohsmart dev --port 3000
Front-end testing is done using Playwright. More to follow...
For all apps:
pnpm build
Or for a single app:
pnpm --filter @dans-framework/ohsmart build
Add a library to all apps/packages.
pnpm i <lib_you_want_to_add>
Add the -D
flag for devDependencies.
To install a library for a single app/package, e.g. @dans-framework/ohsmart, use the --filter
pnpm i <lib_you_want_to_add> --filter '@dans-framework/ohsmart'
Alternatively, you can edit the package.json file of the appropriate app or package, and run pnpm i
again from the root.
You can use the pnpm i
command from above using e.g. @dans-framework/utils
as package name.
Alternatively, since all packages are referenced locally, edit the dependencies or devDependencies in the package.json file of the app you're working on by adding a line like this:
"@dans-framework/utils": "workspace:*"
and then running pnpm i
To quickly create a new Vite app, run pnpm create vite
and follow the prompt.
To create your app in the appropriate folder:
- For a standalone app, use app/APP_NAME as project name.
- For a library, use packages/LIB_NAME as project name
To ensure naming consistency:
- Use @dans-framework/NAME as package name
Alternatively, you can create the appropriate folder structure and package.json manually.
Open up the appropriate package/app folder and edit the package.json, tsconfig.json, tsconfig.node.json and vite.config.ts where neccessary.
Deployment is done using Docker containers and a Github Action that listens for changes to folders inside the apps folder. Current pipeline:
- Make changes to an app.
- The pipeline uses the .env files located in the IST secrets repo when building. So make sure these are up to date, before doing your pull request below, which builds the app.
- Create pull request for main or demo branch and merge into main or demo. Main is used for the production website, so is only to be updated for tried and tested releases from the demo branch.
- After merging the pull request, a fresh Docker image should be created on the DANS Dockerhub for each app that's been modified. If not, check Github Actions for errors.
- See the Deployment repo for further steps.
This framework has been developed to make use of Keycloak for authentication and storing user data, like target credentials. See the user-auth package for more info.