- Asynchronous
- No need to dispose
- Allocation-free most of the time
var locker = new AsyncLock();
using (await locker.LockAsync())
// ...
var lazy = new AsyncLazy<int>(async () => await Task.FromResult(123), cacheFailure: false);
int value = await lazy.GetValueAsync();
- Asynchronous
- No need to dispose
- Supports timeout
- Supports cancellation
var are = new AsyncAutoResetEvent();
_ = Task.Delay(3000).ContinueWith(_ => are.Set());
bool gotSignal = await are.WaitAsync(5000, CancellationToken.None);
Skips redundant method calls
- Guarantees synchronization between callback and Dispose call
using (var throttle = new Throttle<int>(callback: p => UiShowProgress(p), 100))
for (int i = 0; i <= 100; i++)
// At this point, we know that "callback" is completed and will no longer be called by the Throttle.
UiShowProgress(100); // Just making sure that the user sees that the operation is 100% completed.
static void UiShowProgress(int progress)
Console.WriteLine(progress); // Results: 8, 17, 25, 33, .., 100.