Library with more than 21 information structures. This was first created for having an own structure library. More documentation is comming.
- ListaSimple: Linked list that can only be sequentialy browsed in one way, in the order they were added. It's very tiny for the memory.
- ListaDoble: Linked list that can be sequentialy browsed in two ways. You can access with the node to the left node and to the right node anytime.
- Conjunto: Linked list that extends the ListaSimple structure. Its main objective is to have just an occurrence per item. It doesn't allow repeated elements.
- ArbolBinario: The most primitive tree. Its nodes have two children, the left one and the right one. It's very useful for organized items.
- ArbolGeneral: An adaptative tree. Its nodes have as many children as the programmer wants. It's very useful for building paths or graphs.
- ArbolAVL: A balanced tree structure. It finds the way to add nodes mantaining all the nodes easy to find.
- Pila: Also known as stack. It's an extension of ListaSimple. It has a LIFO (Last in, first out) main rule. If you want to know more about stacks:
- Cola: Also known as qeue. It implements Qeue interface. It has a FIFO (First in, first out) main rule.