This repo provides the code for the paper Learning to Predict Equilibria via Fixed Point Networks (preprint available here), which was joint work by Howard Heaton*, Daniel McKenzie*, Qiuewei Li, Samy Wu Fung, Stanley Osher, and Wotao Yin.
Please cite as
title={Learning to Predict Equilibria via Fixed Point Networks},
author={Heaton, Howard and McKenzie, Daniel and Li, Qiuwei and Fung, Samy Wu and Osher, Stanley and Yin, Wotao},
journal={arXiv preprint arXiv:2106.00906},
Code for reproducing the experiments of Section 5.1 are in matrix-mames
. Code to reproduce the experiments of Section 5.2 are in traffic-routing
. The Jupyter notebooks N_FPN_Rock_Paper_Scissors
and N_FPN_Toy_Traffic.ipynb
contain two tutorial-style examples of using N-FPNs.