Annoy.js is a 0-dependency Hyperplane (Binary) Search Tree, inspired by Spotify Annoy
Use this package to query for K Approximate Nearest Neighbors from a tree of n-dimensional vectors in O(logn) time.
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Visualization for hyperplane search tree in 1/2/3 dimensions:
*Annoy.js is inspired by but not affiliated with Spotify Annoy.
Install via NPM:
npm install annoy.js
import Annoy from 'annoy.js';
// 0. Define Annoy constants
const FOREST_SIZE: number = 10;
const MAX_LEAF_SIZE: number = 50;
const VECTOR_LEN: number = 10;
// 1. Init Annoy with constants
const a: Annoy = new Annoy(FOREST_SIZE, VECTOR_LEN, MAX_LEAF_SIZE);
// 2. Generate random data points to add to the Annoy forest
const POINT_COUNT = 100000;
const dataPoints: DataPoint[] = [];
for (let i = 0; i < POINT_COUNT; i++) {
const v: Vector = [ Array(VECTOR_LEN)].map(() => Math.random() * 40);
const dp: DataPoint = {
// Include a 'vector' property
// Add random data to the 'data' property
d: i,
// 3. Fill Annoy forest with our data points
for (let i = 0; i < dataPoints.length; i++) {
const dp: DataPoint = dataPoints[i];
// 4. Query K Approximate Nearest Neighbors to a random point
const K = 20;
const p: Vector = [ Array(VECTOR_LEN)].map(() => Math.random() * 40);
const knn: DataPoint[] = a.get(p, K);
// 5. Log our random query point and its K approximate nearest neighbors
// ----
// 1. Serialize to json
const asJson: AnnoyJson = a.toJson();
const asJsonStr: string = JSON.stringify(asJson);
// 2. Deserialize back to an Annoy instance
const rebuiltTree: Annoy = new Annoy(FOREST_SIZE, VECTOR_LEN, MAX_LEAF_SIZE);
console.time('Rebuilt Annoy fromJson');
console.timeEnd('Rebuilt Annoy fromJson');
// 3. Get KNN from rebuilt Annoy
console.time('Rebuilt Annoy KNN');
const rebuiltKnn: DataPoint[] = a.get(p, K);
console.timeEnd('Rebuilt Annoy KNN');
Annoy(forestSize: number, maxLeafSize: number)
Add a single point to the Annoy forest
Get the 'k' approximate nearest neighbors to a given 'point'
A user initializes Annoy.js with a 'forestSize' and a 'maxLeafSize';
As the user adds points, Annoy.js pools "nearby" points into the leaves of its trees.
Once a leaf (L) has pooled more points than some threshold value (maxLeafSize), L splits into a 'right' leaf (LR) and a 'left' leaf (LL), and the points in L trickle down into LR or LL.
3.1. Prior to splitting, L finds the centroid of its pooled points (C)1 and defines an arbitrary hyperplane (H) that passes through C.
3.2. If a point (P) is on the "left" of the hyperplane, it trickles down to LL. If it is on the right, it trickles down to LR2.
Annoy.js builds 'forestSize' number of trees, where each tree splits its points on a distinct hyperplane, separating each set of points into a slightly different tree structure.
When a user queries Annoy for the "K" nearest neighbors to a point (Q), it traverses each tree in the forest for its pool of nearest neighbors and collects each pool into a set of points (S). If S contains more than K points, Annoy returns the K closest points to Q from S, else Annoy simply returns S.
The centroid of a set of pooled points is the sum of all points divided by the total number of points: (sum of points) / (total # points)
H is defined by 2 components: A vector 'w' that defines the normal to H and a scalar 'b' that defines some offset bias from the origin. A point (p) is on the "left" of H if w ⋅ p < 0. If w ⋅ p >= 0, then it is on the "right" of H.
My machine was able to index 1,000,000 128-point vectors into Annoy in 3 min 55 sec, while a KNN query of the points took a measly 0.365 ms.