A component to profile and test a Dalphi setup.
./profiler.rb https://dalphi.example.com /path/to/my/profile.rb
It is possible to create a profile by writing the desired use cases to be profiled to a Ruby file.
The registration
object allows to register_admin
and unregister_admin
registration = DalphiProfiler::Registration.new email: 'darrel.marvin@example.com',
password: 'Pb9bWr42Lw01Vm'
registration.register_admin # registers an administrator with the specified credentials
registration.unregister_admin # unregisters an administrator with specified email
The authentification
object is capable of login_admin
and logout_admin
authentification = DalphiProfiler::Authentification.new email: 'darrel.marvin@example.com',
password: 'Pb9bWr42Lw01Vm'
authentification.login_admin # logs in an administrator with the specified credentials
authentification.logout_admin # logs out any logged in administrator
The service
object is capable of register
and unregister
service = DalphiProfiler::Service url: 'http://service.example.com:1234/api/v1'
service.register # registers the service identified by its URL
service.unregister # unregisters the service identified by its URL
The interface
object can create
an instance of itself.
interface = DalphiProfiler::Interface.new title: 'NER complete',
interface_type_name: 'ner_complete',
associated_problem_identifiers: 'ner',
html: File.read("#{Dir.pwd}/interface.html"),
coffee: File.read("#{Dir.pwd}/interface.coffee"),
scss: File.read("#{Dir.pwd}/interface.scss")
interface.create # creates an interface specified by its properties
The project
object can create
and destroy
a project.
project = DalphiProfiler::Project.new title: 'bluetooth port indexing',
description: "I'll override the cross-platform IB panel, that should bus the JSON interface!",
iterate_service: 'MaxEnt NER Iterator (synchronous)',
merge_service: 'RawDatum replacer (synchronous)',
interfaces: { 'ner_complete' => 'NER complete' }
project.create # creates a project with the specified preferences
project.destroy # destroys a project with the specified title
The annotator
object can create
and destroy
an annotator.
Project access can be granted with assign_to_project
and unassign_from_project
annotator = DalphiProfiler::Annotator.new name: 'Kailey Ledner',
email: 'kailey@example.com',
password: 'Gn2gLp5v0nZ8Zj'
annotator.create # creates an annotator with the specified name and credentials
annotator.destroy # destroys an annotator identified by the name
annotator.assign_to_project project_title: 'bluetooth port indexing' # assignes the annotator identified by the name and email to the project identified by its title
annotator.unassign_from_project project_title: 'bluetooth port indexing' # unassignes the annotator identified by its name from the project identified by its title
The raw_datum
object can create
a datum and destroy_all
of them.
raw_datum = DalphiProfiler::RawDatum.new project_title: 'bluetooth port indexing',
files: ['/path/to/your/raw_datum_1.json', '/path/to/your/raw_datum_2.json']
raw_datum.create # creates a raw datum with the given file for the project with the specified project title
raw_datum.destroy_all # destroys all raw data associated to the project with the given title
The annotation_document
object can create
a datum and destroy_all
of them.
annotation_document = DalphiProfiler::AnnotationDocument.new project_title: 'bluetooth port indexing'
annotation_document.create # creates an annotation document for the project with the specified project title
annotation_document.destroy_all # destroys all annotation documents associated to the project with the given title
The annotation
object can annotate
an annotation document or merge
all annotated annotation documents.
annotation = DalphiProfiler::Annotation.new project_title: 'bluetooth port indexing'
annotation.annotate label_words: { 'PER': ['Linus Torvalds', 'Richard Stallman'], 'COM': ['Linux Foundation', 'Canonical'] } # annotates one annotation document with the given words for the coresponding labels
annotation.merge # merges all annotated annotation documents back to the corresponding raw datum