In this repo i have done with adding the following thing on each branch as following 1) on master i have create a simple counter with Reduxtoolkit 2) on ReduxTunk i have use the funcationality of Tunk how to use thunks 3) createEntityAdapter i have used the the createEntityAdapter to perfom CRUD on default state objec
in this project i have setup the toolkit in Feature folder which contain these files
. ├── InitStates all the init state goes here │ └── index.js ├── Slices the the Slice goes here which contains ALL the actions and reducer function handle by toolkit automatically │ └── CounterSlice.ts └── Store.ts -----> A common place which store all the slice ans export the store
#Key points
.createSlice function will handle all the stuff automatically like action and reducer action types.
.PayloadAction from reducTool kit help to control the pay load
. we can directly change the sate inside CreateSlice function with = sign
Exmple: state.value +=1 ;
====== import {configureStore} from '@reduxjs/toolkit'; configureStore will combine all the slice to use multiple slice reducer in single place
export const myStore = configureStore({