Monorepo for ETHPrague 2023 Hackathon submission
Lens carbon
Lens collect carbon retirements
- A user can publish a post and set collection rule to carbon offsetting. In this case, a fraction of their income is sent to carbon retirements.
- Another user can collect such posts. The fact that a collection leads to carbon retirements does not chance their workflow, but can me made visible to further incentivise collection.
- The profile page of a user shows their total retired carbon through collections of their posts by others as well as through their own collections.
- total kg carbon retired by others in own publications
- total kg carbon retired by collecting publications from others
- choose "retire carbon" as collection function
- usual workflow
- use BCTCollectRetire module on Mumbai
- use Lens SDK for everything else --> see keyword mainnet(testnet) in import statements
- use two existing lens profiles on Mumai or create two profiles
- build minimal app with Nader workshop template
Deploy app on localhost
- works for Niels and Robert
Set SDK to testnet
- done -> in layout.tsx, try some reloads
Create 2 lens profiles on testnet or use two existing
- try using testnet API
- created with
- on created post with one account
Implement publish/collect functions in app
- Basic functionality in development
- Currently being debugged
Implement BCTRetireCollect function in app
Test functionality using and polygonscan
use profiles from above
on testnet.lenster, create collectable post with one account
find profileId and pubId of profile and post somehow
use this to initialize BCT module and collect
on same site, with other account, collect it
allow module
but now with other module
Implement carbon summary in profile view
- Set collection rule: choose "carbon percentage" instead of everything
- Collection workflow: make visible that collection will retire carbon