This repository contains the code for Trajectory Optimization using Variational Integration
to achieve high accuracy aerial maneuvers on legged robots. Examples on other dynamical systems are also provided.
- Symbolic Math Toolbox
- Simscapte Multibody
- Simulink
Each example includes
(1) main.m file to run TO
(2) getStruct.m to get the tree structure of the robot/ system
(3) animate.m to simulate the optimal solution
In getStruct.m
- nx is the number of generalized coordinates present in this model
- robotStruct contains a series of nodes of 3 types
- "Joint" type nodes are revolute or prismatic joints that connect nodes
- "Mass" type nodes are rigidly connected to joints and contain inertial data
- "Contact" type nodes are massless and rigidly connected to joints and are the defined contact points with the terrain
Simulink Models consists various simulated dynamical system by Simscape
- Set path: add with subfolder to SimilinkModels to initialize system parameters and functions