This repository offers a wrapper for a nonlinear Model Predictive Control (MPC) controller tailored for Unitree quadruped robots. It builds upon the legged_control and legged_perceptive_control repositories, which are based on OCS2.
The library is written in C++11 and tested on Ubuntu 20.04 with the library versions available in the package sources.
- A C++ compiler with C++11 support
- Eigen (version 3.3)
- Boost C++ (version 1.71)
- Catkin:
sudo apt-get install catkin
- Catkin-pkg for Python 3:
sudo apt install python3-catkin-tools
- LCM:
sudo apt-get install liblcm-dev
- ROS Noetic
- Additional packages:
sudo apt install liburdfdom-dev liboctomap-dev libassimp-dev libglpk-dev libmpfr-dev
- ROS-related packages:
sudo apt install ros-noetic-pybind11-catkin ros-noetic-octomap-msgs ros-noetic-costmap-2d ros-noetic-realsense2-description
Create a new catkin workspace:
# Create the directories
# Do not forget to change <...> parts
mkdir -p <directory_to_ws>/<catkin_ws_name>/src
cd <directory_to_ws>/<catkin_ws_name>/
# Initialize the catkin workspace
catkin init
catkin config --extend /opt/ros/noetic
catkin config -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=RelWithDebInfo
Clone the code:
# Navigate to the src directory
cd <directory_to_ws>/<catkin_ws_name>/src
# Clone the repo:
git clone --depth 1 --recurse-submodules
Build the package (simulation and hardware):
cd ..
catkin build legged_deployment
To start the simulation, first launch the Gazebo world:
roslaunch custom_description gazebo_world.launch wname:=stairs_stepping_stone gui:=true
You can specify the world name with wname
and toggle the gui
Next, load the controller by launching the following file:
roslaunch legged_deployment load_controller.launch
Then, run the controller node:
rosrun legged_deployment controller_client_node <controller_name> start
For <controller_name>
, use perceptive_controller
for the perceptive controller or legged_controller
for the blind controller. If using the perceptive controller, also launch the elevation map and plane segmentation nodes:
roslaunch legged_deployment elevation_mapping.launch rviz:=true
This step is not needed for the blind controller.
Finally, run the keyboard command node to control the robot with the keyboard:
rosrun teleop_twist_keyboard
Use w
and s
for forward and backward velocity, a
and d
for lateral velocity, and g
and h
for rotational velocity.
For hardware operation, instead of launching Gazebo, run the hardware stack:
roslaunch legged_unitree_hw legged_unitree_hw.launch
To load cameras such as t265 and d435, use the following launch file or define a custom one:
roslaunch custom_description unitree_hw.launch
The remaining steps, including loading and running the controller, are the same as for the simulation.
Multiple Tmux scripts located in the scripts
directory automate the process of running the simulation or hardware, as explained above. To use these scripts, first install:
sudo apt-get install tmux tmuxp
Next, navigate to the scripts directory and load the Tmux session:
cd src/Quadruped_Wrapper/scripts
tmuxp load simulation_with_perception.yaml
You can modify the Tmux scripts based on your specifications.