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This a documentation for understanding the methods of UI Builder module in EASE in python.

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UI Builder Module

Official Documentation

The module can be found at Help > Help Contents > Scripting User Guide > Reference > Loadable modules reference > System > UI Builder but the documentation is a bit scarce and requires better example for better utilization

Table of Contents

1. Usage

This is used for creating viewpoint quickly unlike the tradition plugin development. Module provide many Components to populate the UI in the dynamic GridLayout.

Inorder to layout Components in the viewpoint understanding syntax for creating layout is really vital.

simple layout syntax : <coordinates> <horizontal align> <vertical align>

  • coordinates

    Format Example Descripting
    X/Y or Column/Row 1\2 positions a Component in first column second row.
    ColumnSpan/RowSpan 1-3\2-3 create a Component spanning column 1 to 3 and row 2 to 3
    • horizontal alignment

      Format Descripting
      < align left
      x align centre
      > align right
      o fill
      o! grab horizontal space (NOTE: ! could be added to any alignment above)
    • vertical alignment

      Format Descripting
      < align left
      x align centre
      > align right
      o fill
      o! grab vertical space (NOTE: ! could be added to any alignment above)

    Examples showcasing layout capabilites:

    Create a python file of you preferred name and location and follow along:

      def createView(): pass
      def createLabel(): pass
      #import the system modules to use
      loadModule('/System/UI Builder')
      #imported system modules to use...
      # Create view 
      createView("layout Example") # will be used by all UI Builder modules
      # Create label
      createLabel("________Reference Label___________", "o") #fill
      createLabel("Label (left align)", "<") # left (defaul)
      createLabel("Label (center align)", "x") # center
      createLabel("Label (right align)", ">") # right
      # Shows grid
      showGrid() # guides user in laying out elements


    Grid No Grid
    alt text alt text


    • The method createLabel() and any methods in any EASE module, needs to be defined (not a compulsion ) before it is being used in the code to avoid: alt text

      and make sure to place the empty method defintion before loadModule('/System/<EASE module>').

    • you notice that ________Reference Label___________ was solely meant to increase the width of the cell as by default the cell in the grid take the width of the text e.g. alt text, hence to show the effect of alignment, ________Reference Label___________ was created.

    Adding the below given code above showGrid():

      setColumnCount(5) # Set the column count to 5


    Grid No Grid
    alt text alt text
    explaination setColumnCount(5) was called after the Label(right align) hence elements before that followed single column and Label1, Label2, ... followed column count = 5 and showGrid() shows the X/Y coordinates of the empty cell.

    Following more on the example at hand, update the createLabel() below the setColumnCount(5) with the following code:

    createLabel("Label1", "4-5/1 >") # explicit positioning
    createLabel("Label2", "3-5/2-3 x x") # explicit positioning
    createLabel("Label3", "2/1-3 o x") # explicit positioning


    Grid No Grid
    alt text alt text


    Layout Image Description
    "4-5/1 >" alt text Covers 4 to 5 column of first row with right alignment.
    "3-5/2-3 x x" alt text covers 3-5 columns and 2-3 row, center align horizontally and center align vertically.
    "2/1-3 o x" alt text covers 2 column and 1-4 rows, applying fill horizontally and center align vertically.

    Updating the code between setColumnCount(5) and showgrid() with the below code:

    createLabel("Label1", "4-5/1 >")
    createLabel("Label2", "3-5/2-3 x x") 
    createLabel("Label3", "2/1-3 o o!") # Updated Line


    Before update After update
    alt text alt text


    Layout Image Description
    "2/1-3 o o!" alt text o! in the vertical alignment will grab entire vertical space.

    Further updating the code:

    createLabel("Label1", "4-5/1 >")
    createLabel("Label2", "3-5/2-3 x x") 
    createLabel("Label3", "2/1-3 o o!") 
    createLabel("Label5","o!") # Updated Line


    Before update After update
    alt text alt text
    explanation o! in label5 is taking all the horizontal region.

    I hope this exercise is good first example to get started with the UI Builder module.

    Layout is the important part of building good UI.

2. Methods

(NOTE: Below Grouping is done just for the better understanding)

  • Core

    • addControl()
    • removeControl()
  • Components

    1. createButton()


      createButton(Object labelOrImage, Object callback, String layout) 


      Create a push button that executes a callback function when pressed.

      Example 1 : Hello World

      def createButton(): pass
      def createView(): pass
      #import the system modules to use
      loadModule('/System/UI Builder')
      #imported system modules to use...
      # Create View
      # Button examples
      createButton("Button", "print('Button Pressed')") 


      View Point Console
      alt text alt text
      Explanation Whenever the user clicks Button, print() is triggerred and that print "Button Pressed" in console

      Example 2 : external Callback

      • Added a new function greet() that prints “Good Morning et Bonjour !”.
      • Updated the createButton() call to use the new greet() function as the callback.
      def createButton(): pass
      # same code
      # Callback function
      def greet():
          print("Good Morning et Bonjour !")
      # Button examples
      createButton("Button", "greet()")


      View Point Console
      alt text alt text
      Explanation a callback greet() is triggered when the user press the button.

      Example 3 : passing parameter to callback

      • Modified the greet function to accept a parameter name and print a personalized greeting.
      • Added a variable name with the value “Dev”.
      • Updated the createButton call to use the new greet(name) function as the callback.
      def createButton(): pass
      # same code
      # Callback function
      def greet(name):
          print(f"Hi {name}, Good Morning et Bonjour !")
      name = "Dev"
      # Button examples
      createButton("Button", "greet(name)")


      View Point Console
      alt text alt text
      Explanation This shows that callback function could be passed a parameter.
    2. createCheckBox()

      Syntax : createCheckBox(String label, [boolean selected], [Object callback], [String layout])

      Description Create a checkbox and execute the callback when checked/unchecked.

      Example 1

      def createView(): pass
      def createCheckbox(): pass
      #import the system modules to use
      loadModule('/System/UI Builder')
      #imported system modules to use...
      # Create View
      chk_box_list = [] # checkboxlist
      def callback():
          if chk_box_list[0].getSelection() == True:
              print('Checkbox selected')
              print('Checkbox unselected')
      chk_box_list.append(createCheckBox("CheckBox", False, "callback()"))


      View Point Console
      alt text alt text
      CheckBox checked âś… callback() is triggered and Checkbox selected is printed.
      CheckBox unchecked callback() is triggered and Checkbox unselected is printed.
    3. createComboViewer()

      Syntax : createComboViewer(Object[] elements, [boolean editable], [Object callback], [String layout])

      Description This provides a drop down selection type of UI. This needs to be used along with createButton to use the data of the selection made.


      def createComboViewer(): pass
      def createView(): pass
      def createButton(): pass
      #import the system modules to use
      loadModule('/System/UI Builder')
      #imported system modules to use...
      def callback(combo): # Callback when 
      combo_instance = createComboViewer(['A', 'B', 'C', 'D', 'E', 'F'], , print("Something selected"))
      createButton("Submit", "callback(combo_instance)")


      View Point Console
      alt text alt text
      Explanation When program run combo_instance is created and will call print() function and will print the first line in the console image. Later selecting any alphabet and pressing submit will call callback() function, which take the combo_instance and and access the selected alphabet in the list through getSelection().getFirstElement() there are more functions to the comboViewer instance which could be found in the official document.
    4. createProgressBar()

      Syntax: createProgressBar([int value], [int maximum], [String layout])

      Description create a progress bar. Could be used to show the progress of certain processes in the UI e.g. showing the progress of the Input form to the user.


        def createProgressBar(): pass
        def createView(): pass
        def createButton(): pass
        #import the system modules to use
        loadModule('/System/UI Builder')
        #imported system modules to use...
        # Example ProgressBar
        def callback(progress_bar, bool):
            if bool:
                if(progress_bar.getSelection() != 100):
                    new_prog = progress_bar.getSelection() + 20 #increase progress bar by 20
                if(progress_bar.getSelection() != 0):
                    new_prog = progress_bar.getSelection() - 20 # decrease progress bar by 20
        progress_bar = createProgressBar(20, 100)
        # Create button to modify progress bar
        createButton("Progress++", "callback(progress_bar, True)")
        createButton("Progress--", "callback(progress_bar, False)")


      View Point

      alt text

      Explanation progress_bar is a progressbar instance created by createProgressBar(), and this instance is used by the callback() function, it if Progress++ button is pressed it increase the progressbar by 20 points and it is reduced by 20 if Progress-- is pressed.

    5. createRadioButton()

      Systax: createRadioButton(String label, [boolean selected], [Object callback], [String layout])

      Description Create radio button.


      def createView(): pass
      def createButton(): pass
      def createRadioButton(): pass
      loadModule('/System/UI Builder')
      def radioCallback():
        print("Radio button pressed")
      def buttonCallback(button):
        if button.getSelection():
      radio = createRadioButton("Radio", False, "radioCallback()")
      createButton("reset", "buttonCallback(radio)")


      View Point Console
      alt text alt text
      alt text radioCallback() is triggered and print statement is executed.
      alt text buttonCallback() is triggered and the Radio will be cleared if it is selected
    6. createText()

      Syntax: createText([String layout])

      Description Create a single line text input.


      def createView(): pass
      def createButton(): pass
      def createText(): pass
      def createLabel(): pass
      loadModule('/System/UI Builder') 
      def callback(name): 
        print(f"Thank you for providing your name : {name.getText()}")
      label = createLabel("Enter first Name:")
      name = createText()
      createButton("Submit", "callback(name)", "2/2")


      View Point Console
      alt text alt text
      Explanation Clicking Submit after entering name in the text field triggers callback() which takes text field instance as parameter and print the name type in the field in the console using getText() method of the text instance (found in the official doc)
    7. createTextBox()

      Syntax: createTextBox([String layout])

      Description Create a multi line text input.

      def createView(): pass
      def createButton(): pass
      def createTextBox(): pass
      def createLabel(): pass
      def setColumnCount(): pass
      loadModule('/System/UI Builder') 
      def callback(name): 
        print(f"Thank you for providing your review : {name.getText()}")
      setColumnCount(2) # Setting column Count to 2
      label = createLabel("Enter review:")  #Creating label
      name = createTextBox("2/1-3 o! o")    #Creating textbox field
      createButton("Submit", "callback(name)","2/4 >") #Creating button to submit review


      View Point Console
      alt text alt text
      Explanation Clicking Submit after entering name in the text field triggers callback() which takes text field instance as parameter and print the name type in the field in the console using getTextBox() method of the text instance (found in the official doc).
      --- Here we are utilizing string layout discussed in the Usage section
    8. createImage() NOTE: Yet to Explore

      Description lorem10


      print("Hello World!")
    9. createLabel()

      Syntax: createLabel(Object labelOrImage, [String layout])

      Description: Create a label. Used to present information in the viewpoint.


      def createView(): pass
      def createLabel(): pass
      loadModule('/System/UI Builder') 
      print("Hello World!")
      name = "Dev"
      age = 23
      createLabel(f"I am {name}, I am {23} years old.")


      View Point

      alt text


      Here createLabel() is using fstring to place the field in the label.

  • Containers

    1. createComposite()

      Syntax: createComposite([String layout])

      Description Create a composite, a composite is like a container that holds other UI elements (widgets). Think of it as a box where you can place buttons, text fields, and other components. This allows you to group related elements together and manage them as a single unit. It’s useful for organizing and structuring your application’s user interface.

      createComposite() is used along with pushComposite() and popComposite() which is used to activate and deactive the active composite respectively.

      Example : I am not defing the functions so please add by yourself when you are trying to run the below given code

      loadModule('/System/UI Builder')
      c0 = createComposite() # Created a composite
      pushComposite(c0) # activated a composite
      createLabel("Label (left align)", "<") # default (left)
      createLabel("Label (center align)", "x") # center
      createLabel("Label (right align)", ">") # right
      createButton("Button", "print('Button pressed')", "<") # left
      createButton("Button", "print('Button pressed')", "x") # center
      createButton("Button", "print('Button pressed')", ">") # right
      createButton("Button", "print('Button pressed')", "o") # fill
      createCheckBox("Checkbox", False, "callback0()", "<") #left
      createCheckBox("Checkbox", False, "callback0()", "x") #center
      createCheckBox("Checkbox", False, "callback0()", ">") #right
      createComboViewer(['A', 'B', 'C'], True, 'print("ComboViewer")', "<") # left
      createComboViewer(['A', 'B', 'C'], True, 'print("ComboViewer")', "x") # center
      createComboViewer(['A', 'B', 'C'], True, 'print("ComboViewer")', ">") # right
      popComposite() # deactivated a current composite
      # creating a empty space
      c1 = createComposite()
      # creating a empty space
      c2 = createComposite()
      c3 = createComposite() # Created a composite
      pushComposite(c3) # activated a composite
      createLabel("Label (left align)", "<") # default (left)
      createLabel("Label (center align)", "x") # center
      createLabel("Label (right align)", ">") # right
      createButton("Button", "print('Button pressed')", "<") # left
      createButton("Button", "print('Button pressed')", "x") # center
      createButton("Button", "print('Button pressed')", ">") # right
      createButton("Button", "print('Button pressed')", "o") # fill
      createCheckBox("Checkbox", False, "callback0()", "<") #left
      createCheckBox("Checkbox", False, "callback0()", "x") #center
      createCheckBox("Checkbox", False, "callback0()", ">") #right
      createComboViewer(['A', 'B', 'C'], True, 'print("ComboViewer")', "<") # left
      createComboViewer(['A', 'B', 'C'], True, 'print("ComboViewer")', "x") # center
      createComboViewer(['A', 'B', 'C'], True, 'print("ComboViewer")', ">") # right
      popComposite() # deactivated a current composite


    alt text


    setColumnCount(2) is responsible for 2 columns, first and last composite c0 and c3 is creating space for including UI elements, c1 and c2 are just used for creating empty spaces (only one way of creating empty spaces known but could be more).


    alt text

    When we squeeze the view a bit then UI element in the bottom disappears and can't be accessed at all, to overcome this problem ScrolledComposite() is used.

    1. pushComposite()

      Syntax: pushComposite(Composite composite)

      Description Sets the active composite for further adding element in it. The composite layout will be set to GridLayout if not already done.

      Example: I am not defing the functions so please add by yourself when you are trying to run the below given code

      loadModule('/System/UI Builder') 
      def layout(name):
          createLabel(f"Composite {name}")
          createButton("Button", "print('Button pressed')", "<") # left
          createButton("Button", "print('Button pressed')", "x") # center
          createButton("Button", "print('Button pressed')", ">") # right
      c1 = createComposite() #Create Composite
      c2 = createComposite() #Create Composite
      c3 = createComposite() #Create Composite
      c4 = createComposite() #Create Composite


      alt text


      It has been noted that regardless of the order in which the composite is pushed, it is created in the sequence specified by createComposite().

      Even though pushing the composite in the order c2, c1 and c3, the composite are arranged in the order c1, c2, and c3 which is the order of its creation.

    2. popComposite()

      Syntax: popComposite()

      Description: Remove the current composite from the composite stack. For the topmost composite this method does nothing.

      Example: I am not defing the functions so please add by yourself when you are trying to run the below given code

      loadModule('/System/UI Builder') 
      c1 = createComposite()
      pushComposite(c1) # composite c1 is active
      createLabel("Composite 1") 
      c2 = createComposite()
      pushComposite(c2) # composite c2 is active inside c1
      createLabel("Composite 2 ")
      popComposite() # remove c2 composite and bring back c1 from the stack
      createLabel("Composite 1") 


      alt text


      This example showcase the nested composite setting with c1 composite over the base composite and c2 over the c1 composite in the composite stack. When popComposite() is executed over in when c2 is active it removes it and set the c1 active.

    3. getComposite()

      Syntax: getComposite()

      Description: Get the active composite

      Example: Cannot think of the situation to use this method


      Output: TBD

    4. createGroup()

      Syntax: createGroup([String label], [String layout])

      Description: Create a group composite. Further create commands will target this composite. To revert back to the parent use popComposite().


      loadModule('/System/UI Builder') 
      createGroup("Gender", "o! o") # Create Group called "Gender"
      createRadioButton("Male", False)
      createRadioButton("Female", False)
      createRadioButton("Other", False)
      createLabel("Want to go out of the group")
      createLabel("Finally out of the group")


      alt text

      Explanation Once group is created all the UI element add after the createGroup() method will remain in the group to get out of the group use popComposite().

    5. createScrolledComposite()

      Syntax: createScrolledComposite([String layout])

      Description: Create a new composite inside of a scrolled composite. Scrollbars will be added dynamically in case the content does not fit into the composite area. To activate the composite (and create elements inside) use pushComposite().

      To overcome the problem discussed in the createComposite.


      loadModule('/System/UI Builder') 
      c = createScrolledComposite() # Scrolled Composite
      createLabel("Label (left align)", "<") # default (left)
      createLabel("Label (center align)", "x") # center
      createLabel("Label (right align)", ">") # right
      createButton("Button", "print('Button pressed')", "<") # left
      createButton("Button", "print('Button pressed')", "x") # center
      createButton("Button", "print('Button pressed')", ">") # right
      createButton("Button", "print('Button pressed')", "o") # fill
      createCheckBox("Checkbox", False, "callback0()", "<") #left
      createCheckBox("Checkbox", False, "callback0()", "x") #center
      createCheckBox("Checkbox", False, "callback0()", ">") #right
      createComboViewer(['A', 'B', 'C'], True, 'print("ComboViewer")', "<") # left
      createComboViewer(['A', 'B', 'C'], True, 'print("ComboViewer")', "x") # center
      createComboViewer(['A', 'B', 'C'], True, 'print("ComboViewer")', ">") # right
      # creating a empty space
      c2 = createComposite()
      # creating a empty space
      c1 = createScrolledComposite() # Scrolled Composite
      createLabel("Label (left align)", "<") # default (left)
      createLabel("Label (center align)", "x") # center
      createLabel("Label (right align)", ">") # right
      createButton("Button", "print('Button pressed')", "<") # left
      createButton("Button", "print('Button pressed')", "x") # center
      createButton("Button", "print('Button pressed')", ">") # right
      createButton("Button", "print('Button pressed')", "o") # fill
      createCheckBox("Checkbox", False, "callback0()", "<") #left
      createCheckBox("Checkbox", False, "callback0()", "x") #center
      createCheckBox("Checkbox", False, "callback0()", ">") #right
      createComboViewer(['A', 'B', 'C'], True, 'print("ComboViewer")', "<") # left
      createComboViewer(['A', 'B', 'C'], True, 'print("ComboViewer")', "x") # center
      createComboViewer(['A', 'B', 'C'], True, 'print("ComboViewer")', ">") # right


      alt text


      Created scrolled composite for c and c1 composite in the code above and that provide it with scrollbar and helps us overcome the problem present with the normal composite, and we can access all the element with the scrollbar in that composite.

  • Viewers

    1. createView()

      Syntax: createView([String title], [String iconUri], [String relativeTo], [String position])

      Description: Create a view with scripted content. Automatically sets the active composite for further commands. This view will not be stored when the workbench getsclosed.

      It is the starting point of creating any viewpoint using UI builder module.


      def createView(): pass
      #import the system modules to use
      loadModule('/System/UI Builder')
      #imported system modules to use...
      # Create View Example
      createView("Dummy", "C:\\temp\\SMWWorkspace\\BA_Civil\\prd\\Python4Capella\\EASE\\WI2025\\Documentation_EASE_UI_Builder\\icon.png")

      Output: alt text

      Even after providing the icon url icon was not displayed need to look into it.

      Example2: updating the above creatView() function

      createView("Dummy", "C:\\temp\\SMWWorkspace\\BA_Civil\\prd\\Python4Capella\\EASE\\WI2025\\Documentation_EASE_UI_Builder\\icon.png", "PyDevFilecreation", "<") # create the view left to the existing `PyDevFilecreation` viewpoint


      alt text

      Here as the relative reference to the left(<) was given to the PyDevFilecreation viewpoint which was already running, hence our Dummy viewpoint was created on the left of it.

    2. createListViewer()

      Syntax: createListViewer(Object[] elements, [Object callback], [String layout])

      Description Create a list viewer. We could use it to select the elements from the list.


      def callback(ListViewerInstance): # Callback for button
      ListViewerInstance = createListViewer(['apple', 'banana', 'cherry', 'date', 'elderberry']) # List Viewer instance
      createButton("Submit", "callback(ListViewerInstance)") # Button


      View Point Console
      alt text alt text
      Explanation The highlighted elements in the list apple, cherry and elderberry are the selected and when submit button is pressed it will call the callback() method and get the selected elements from the ListViewerInstance object.
      == getSelection() is the method of the ListViewerInstance more details regarding it is in the official documentation
    3. createTableViewer()

      Syntax: createTableViewer(Object[] elements, [Object callback], [String layout])

      Description: Create a table viewer. To enhance look and feel create columns using createViewerColumn().


      def createTableViewer(): pass
      def createView(): pass
      def createButton(): pass
      #import the system modules to use
      loadModule('/System/UI Builder')
      #imported system modules to use...
      def callback(table_viewer_instance1): 
      table_viewer_instance1 = createTableViewer(['apple', 'banana', 'cherry', 'date','elderberry'])
      createButton("Submit", "callback(table_viewer_instance1)")


      View Point Console
      alt text alt text
      Explanation The highlighted elements in the table elderberry is the selected and when submit button is pressed it will call the callback() method and get the selected elements from the table_viewer_instance1 object.
      == getSelection() is the method of the ListViewerInstance more details regarding it is in the official documentation
    4. createTreeViewer(): TBD

      Syntax: createTreeViewer(Object[] rootElements, Object getChildrenCallback, [Object callback], [String layout])



    5. createViewerColumn()

      Syntax: createViewerColumn(ColumnViewer viewer, String title, [BaseLabelProvider labelProvider], [int weight])

      Description This will create a column for table viewer and this method is user along with createLabelProvider() method as it is the only method that return labelProvider instance.


        def createTableViewer(): pass
        def createView(): pass
        def createButton(): pass
        #import the system modules to use
        loadModule('/System/UI Builder')
        #imported system modules to use...
        def callback(table_viewer_instance1): 
        def callback1():
            return getProviderElement()
        table_viewer_instance1 = createTableViewer(['apple', 'banana', 'cherry', 'date','elderberry'])
        createViewerColumn(table_viewer_instance1, "Fruits" createLabelProvider('callback1()'), 4)
        createViewerColumn(table_viewer_instance1, "Labels", createLabelProvider('callback1()'), 1)
        createButton("Submit", "callback(table_viewer_instance1)")


      alt text


      As shown in the image two column viewers were created one for Fruits and other for labels this is the basic usage of this method. "Basic" because this method uses createLabelProvider() whose usage is not yet create and need to be queried to the capella forum.

    6. createDialog()

      Syntax: createDialog(Object layoutCode, [String title], [String message])

      Description Create a dialog with scripted content. To populate the dialog we need to provide a callback method that creates UI elements for the dialog area. Afterthe setup the dialog can be shown by calling To retrieve input data after the dialog got closed call dialog.getData(<uiComponentName>)


      def createDialog(): pass
      def createLabel(): pass
      def createText(): pass
      def executeUI(): pass # Method from UI module
      loadModule('/System/UI Builder')
      name = ""
      # Create Dialog example 
      def build_layout(): # layout for the dialog box works and react as anyother UI component
          createLabel("Name", "<")
          global name
          name = createText()
      # creating dialog instance
      dialog = createDialog("build_layout()", "Dialog Example", "An example to demonstrate dialog") 
      # executeUI execute the UI thread to run the dialog
      result = executeUI("") 
      if result == 0: 
          name = dialog.getData(name)
          print(f"User enter \'{name}\' in text.")


    View Point Console
    alt text alt text
    Explanation When program is run a dialog pops up asking user to enter name, when pressed Ok or Cancel dialog disappears and we can get the Data of that text field by dialog.getData().
    Usecase In the base UI if we want user to select something and get the selected elements back we can use createDialog() method.
  • Utilities

    • createComparator()

      Description TBD


      print("Hello World!")
    • createLabelProvider()

      Description TBD


      print("Hello World!")
    • getProviderElement()

      Description TBD


      print("Hello World!")
    • getUiEvent()

      Description TBD


      print("Hello World!")
    • setColumnCount()

      Syntax: setColumnCount(int columns)

      Description Set the column count in the view, it doesn't have any effect of there are more than the set column in the view.


        def showGrid(): pass
            #import the system modules to use
            loadModule('/System/UI Builder')
            #imported system modules to use...
        # column Count example


      With setColumnCount() Without setColumnCount()
      alt text alt text
    • showGrid()

      Description lorem10


        def showGrid(): pass
        #import the system modules to use
        loadModule('/System/UI Builder')
        #imported system modules to use...
        # column Count example


      With showGrid()() Without showGrid()
      alt text alt text
    • createSeparator()

      Syntax: createSeparator()

      Description Create a separator. Really simple usecase clear by name og the method


        def showGrid(): pass
        #import the system modules to use
        loadModule('/System/UI Builder')
        #imported system modules to use...
        # column Count example


      alt text

3. Mini Project


This project Utilizes UI, UI Builder and Resources modules and provide user the an idea of what could be done using the EASE and encourages them to explore more of this.


This a documentation for understanding the methods of UI Builder module in EASE in python.







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