This is a React component that will simulate a typing effect. This component will loop over a string array to simulate pausing in between phrases like a real person typing would. Component needs a string array rather than a singular string to work properly. If you would like a live example of this, check out my portfolio to see it in action here-
const TypingComponentStyles = {
fontSize: "70%",
top: "65%",
position: "fixed",
width: "70%",
left: "15%"
const textArrayOne = [
"Assign a text array here. ", "This will make your ", "typing effect pause in between phrases to ", "simulate real typing."
const textArrayTwo = ["If you want a second phrase to type out after deleting the first one, ", "add a second array like so. "];
classString="assign-as-many classes-as-you-want here"
//add text2 if you want self deleting effect after typing the first phrase