The most recent ones are in the
. . .
Important Enhancements / fixes that may require your attention
- REQUIREMENTS: Python 3.9 - the code will check for this version. I have not tested with older versions.
- CONFIG: Get TOKEN from environment variable "WEBEX_ARCHIVE_TOKEN" if the .ini does not have a token. Great for batch operations
- CONFIG: Run script with .ini filename as parameter for batch operations. Store your token in an environment variable
- REQUEST: NEW! "download=no" ONLY shows the text: "attached_file" without filename/size. Get filename/size? "download=info"
- BUG: Messages without a parent only appeared in the JSON file, not in the .txt or .html files.
- BUG: More than 9 messages per thread were not shown in html/txt (tnx ojchase!)
- BUG: Shared code on-screen: no wrapping but when printing: wrapping so no content goes lost.
- FUNCTIONAL: Table of content: YEARS are now collapsable (one click. Default: expanded)
- FUNCTIONAL: Create some image/file SIZE stats (total image/file size, avg image/file size)
- FUNCTIONAL: End script with 2 beeps. (1=attention, 3=error)
- VISUAL: "updated" field now showing the updated date/time
- VISUAL: in top-10 user domains also show the remaining user domain count
- VISUAL: For txt export, prefix threaded messages in the TXT export with ">> " to visualize the thread
- VISUAL: Space name (header) wraps if long
- VISUAL: "Top-10 user" statistics, added "# messages" to make it clear that it's the number of msg
- VISUAL: Month headers now have a button to navigate to the top.
- VISUAL: remove underline from month TOC links and last/first message link
- VISUAL: "use this exact format: ddmmyyyy-ddmmyyyy or ddmmyyyy-" now displays the configured dateformat.
- VISUAL: When using a different .ini (via commandline parameter), show the filename in the HTML header
- VISUAL: If download=no/info, add "no downloads" message in the top-of-the-page statistics
- VISUAL: With a custom max_msg dateformat, the INI should use this format in the helptext & error messages
- FILTERING: Ability to enter a startdate without enddate (assuming "today" is the enddate)
- FILTERING: make the maxtotalmessages dateformat (below) configurable (in script, not the .ini)
- FILTERING: archive msg BETWEEN 2 dates. maxtotalmessages = 28052021-28062021 (ddmmyyyy) (chriskoch99)
- CODE: If a space has NO messages (because of auto-archiving or message age max) error. Now it stops with a message.
- VISUAL: (ojchase) If last space msg = threaded -> shown as a normal message. Fixed.
- VISUAL: Message without html but only text? "\n" and "\n\n"'s are ignored. (ojchase)
- VISUAL: stats: "...other users" showed msg from total of top-10 domain, now it shows the # of non-top10 users.
- VISUAL: better indication that a card message cannot be displayed.
- VISUAL: expand icon for year on previous line, now on the same line as the year (display-inline)
- VISUAL: if you collaps the last year in the TOC, now it doesn't hide the "last message" link
- VISUAL: if sortoldnew=no, the "last message" link should say "newest message", otherwise "oldest message"
- VISUAL: index table of first 'year' is wider than the next ones. now they are all 300px
- VISUAL: with total/avg file size stats, don't round(2) for anything lower than GB
- VISUAL: When printing, long strings would not be wrapped: --> 'word-break: break-word;'
- VISUAL: When a folder is configured in the 'outputFileName': throw error message
- VISUAL: html code in "text" field was interpreted (changing layout/fonts/colors/etc)
- BUG: space name with "#", the '#' is removed leaving a space. --> also removing space
- BUG: wrong brackets in javscript code of generated html (for expand/collapse of months)
- BUG: created parents have a fake user id --> this caused a problem downloading avatars
- BUG: created parents (that did not exist) were not written to JSON output
- BUG: New year detection for the month TOC was done by checking for "Jan". Not good for localized setups. Now checking for the month number!
- CONFIG - (ojchase) When 'maxtotalmessages' in .ini < 21: error. Fixed.
- SEARCH - if no group or direct spaces are found, you still see the header.
- DOC: wrong url in ini (rooms-get documentation))
- TEST: Tested file modified date on WINDOWS! Working!
- VISUAL: When retrieving messages between 2 dates, the total-message-count may not be 100% accurate. (only affects a statistic in the header)
- TIMEZONE: Generated HTML not using DST ("summertime"), to be addressed in an upcoming release
- CARDS: cards and buttons won't be visible in the html
- NOTE: The code reads messages with UTC time and displays it in the local timezone without being aware of summer/winter time. In the summer msg times could be off 1 hour.
- FILE - !! downloaded files get the time/date as the message where they were attached to!
- SEARCH - !! results are split in direct & group spaces (separate bots/users and group spaces)
- SEARCH - space search has a progress indicator
- REPORT - performance report shows nr of messages (+ msg/per second)
- AVATAR - downloads: updated code to use the requests library --> removed urllib
- AVATAR - filenames: add ".jpg" to downloaded avatars (because they are .jpg files)
- VISUAL - as Webex cards are way to complex to render, a clear label is added to Cards messages
- VISUAL - show progress bar while generating HTML (this is the most time consuming process)
- VISUAL - show progress bar while retrieving messages (this process also takes a lot of time)
- VISUAL - add thousands separator in statistics to make it easier to read
- VISUAL - align message count to the right (align all stat counts to the right)
- VISUAL - changed font to the -Light variant of HelveticaNeue
- LAY-OUT - month msg count, now using class and removed align:right;
- LAY-OUT - many small changes to increase readability and consistency
- VISUAL - "#7 generating HTML" is now showing that this includes downloading of files
- VISUAL - step 4c starts on the same line after step4b.
- VISUAL - performance report reserve more digits for time (7 instead of 3)
- INTERACTION - In very specific scenarios cards can cause an error --> help message with suggestion
- INTERACTION - not all exit commands played 3 beeps
- CODE - Can't create folder if space name ends with a space. get_roomname return: includes strip()
- CODE - change to the new
- SEARCH - space search had a bug and is now working reliably and efficient
- SEARCH - Search for spaces --> error 504. Changed the list_rooms max from 900 to 500 and deal with errors
- REBRANDING - change name from Webex Teams to Webex.
- REBRANDING - change filenames to remove 'teams'
- REBRANDING - because of the name change: check for files with the old name, give instructions and stop.
- PROCESSING - messages with many URLs: regex replaced every single url. Now only unique urls are replaced
- READ PEOPLE - when getting >50 personIds->URL length>5000 char->Error. lowered chunksize from 80 to 50.
- REPORT - performance report doesn't crash if "generate HTML" is <1 second.
- OUTPUT - Don't interpret TEXT like "<script" --> change to "
- !! MESSAGE THREADING: Supporting message threading !!
- MESSAGES: Changed message time format so it's easier to read
- MESSAGES: you can see 'Edited' when a message was modified after sending.
- MESSAGES: sender color/format different for external users (now just like in the Teams client)
- LAYOUT: changed left border of threaded message to grey
- IMAGES: multiple images in 1 message? Now shown as grid, not a list.
- MENTIONS: code would not display "@all" mentions
- ATTACHMENTS: images with uppercase extensions were not downloaded
- SORTING: "new->old", all messages considered NEW because current_msg_time - prev_msg_time is never > 60s
- ATTACHMENTS: 'jpeg' file not recognized as image because it assumed the extension has 3 characters
- ATTACHMENTS: 'jpeg' images are now embeded (like png/jpg/etc)
- ATTACHMENTS: messages without text (only attachments/images) --> files won't download
- THREADED MESSAGE: with threading, the message order is messed up --> now a msg index is created first
- THREADED MESSAGE: with a # of messages limit, you could run into messages that belong to a previous thread. --> IGNORE those
- THREADED MESSAGE: threaded messages + avatars should be indented
- THREADED MESSAGE: When sorted new-old, threaded messages should be sorted old-new
- THREADED MESSAGE: crossing a month? --> thread reply in Nov on Thread in Oct: showing new month header. --> FIXED
- THREADED MESSAGE: these messages should have grey bar like ">" before it --> border-left!
- MESSAGES: When adds the same URL in a msg multiple times it would only appear once
- INDEX/STATS: index + stats not vertically aligned to top
- ATTACHMENTS with no name / just spaces as a name cause an error.
- PRINT: A printed (to PDF) version of the generated file looks like the screen (27may2019-v19a) Firefox tip: File, Print, check "print background colors and images", then print/save to PDF
- STATISTICS: add number of different users who have written messages (24may2019-v19a)
- STATISTICS: add total number of members (24may2019-v19a)
- ERROR: Avatar download errors are not reported if retries were successful (22may2019-v19a)
Fixed bugs
- LAYOUT: Header is not resizing with browser width: better lay-out/print (27may2019-v19a)
- LAYOUT: TOC + statistics now have a minimum size: better lay-out/print (27may2019-v19a)
- PRINT: removed "back to top" arrow from printing (27may2019-v19a)
- HEADER: 'avatar' setting missing (27may2019-v19a)
- BUG: remove "back to top" text from month headers? (27may2019-v19a)
- TIME: Messages are stored in UTC. Your timezone is detected and time/dates are converted (v18b9)
- FILES: HTML files are always stored in a folder. (v18b)
- FILES: images/files/avatars are stored in their own folder (/images, /files, /avatars) (v18b)
- OUTPUT: export message data as .txt (besides .html & .json) (v18b8)
- OUTPUT: export message data as a .json file (default: no) (v18b2)
- OUTPUT: ability to restrict number of messages by nr. of days: '60d' = 60 days (v18b7)
- AVATAR: Config item 'useravatar' now has the option 'download' to download avatar images (v18)
- AVATAR: download: Only downloads Avatars of the people who actually wrote a message (v18b7)
- AVATAR: empty? Show circle with first 2 initials (v17h)
- FIND SPACE ID: Find space ID by running the script with a search argument as parameter. (v17h)
- TIME: add time-zone detection in script (v18b9)
- TIME: add 'generation' time-zone to header (v18b9)
- REQUIREMENT: for Python 3.6 or higher is checked (because of print(f"{blah}")) (v18b8)
- FONT: easier to read: removed: HelveticaNeue-Light/Helvetica Neue Light from CSS (v18b9)
- ERROR: print certain errors when the script finishes (toggle: by setting in the script) (v18b8)
- PRIVACY: change filename for avatars to userId (v18b8)
- PERFORMANCE: report displayed based on variable printPerformanceReport=False in script (v18b7)
- NAVIGATE: add floating "back to top" button (v18b3)
- STATS: When not downloading files, it will provide stats for files AND images. (v18b3)
- NOTIFY: spaceId not set: explain what they can do: run with search parameter! (v19)
- NOTIFY: When the script is ready, it beeps once (v18b3)
- FOLDERS: will be created AFTER messages/members have been retrieved. ERROR? No folders created. (v18b8)
- FOLDER: If a folder exists, it will add a number '-01', '-02' instead of '-1', '-2' (v18b3)
- INI: .txt and/or .json file: configurable in .ini (v18b8)
- INI: Renamed config key 'myroom' to 'myspaceid' - but you can use both (v18b4)
- INI: Updated the .ini file lay-out to make it more compact and easier to read. (v18b3)
- INI: change downloadfiles key to 'download' (v18a2)
- MESSAGE: Removed gray bubble (v18a2)
- ATTACHMENTS: added base64 encoded paperclip icon (v18a2)
- ATTACHMENTS: show file size and filename underneath image (v18a1)
- ATTACHMENTS: when not downloading files or images, still display the filename & size. (v18a1)
- IMAGES: Simplified CSS in code for images (v18b3)
- IMAGES: Decreased space between multiple images in the same message (v18b3)
- IMAGES: Image popup: added "escape" key to close the image (v17h)
Fixed bugs
- CODE: steps appeared twice: #7, #7, #8. NOW have #7, #8, #9 (v19)
- SEARCH: if you haven't set your space ID, the search function doesn't work! (v19)
- DOWNLOAD: could cause a KeyError: 'content-disposition'. Code now deals with this situation. (v18b9)
- HTML: header height wrong (66px) - changed to 76px because of 2nd line with space info (v19)
- HTML: code still contained: tags - they do nothing - removed. (v18b9)
- AVATAR: step 4 had a wrong reference to members.personId that should have been members['personId'] (v18b5)
- AVATAR: Display user avatar+msg when the same user writes a msg >60 seconds after the prev message (v18b4)
- AVATAR: download: store failed downloads in a list and re-process these items! (try max 3x) (v18b7)
- ATTACHMENTS: more than 1 attachment in a single messsage? They are processed twice. Fixed (v18b9)
- ATTACHMENTS: 0 byte file: don't download the file, only show the filename/size (v18b3)
- EXPORT: set outputjson to "json"-> the outputToText variable is not set. (v18b9)
- EXPORT: to .txt file: full of HTML tags for mentions + divs: strip! (v18b8)
- HTML: Unnessecary spaces after filename in img link (v18b)
- HYPERLINKS: Markdown ('embedded') hyperlinks are not working (no link) (v18b8)
- HYPERLINKS: Markdown hyperlinks did not open in a new window: (v18b8)
- INI: Outputfilename (when configured in the .ini) is not being used! (v18b)
- INI: If maxmessages is not set it will use the default: 1000 (v18b3)
- IMAGES: If a filename/image contains a colon (':'), the image linking doesn't work (v18a2)
- IMAGES: Depending on the size (very wide, very high) images are not resized correctly. (v18a2)
- MAX MSG when limiting max messages by days, it would not show at the top of the screen. (v18b7)
- MAX MSG maxMessages not displayed in HTML header (setting) (v18b7)
- MAX MSG: if you set the max age to 10 days and no messages are <10 days old: error. (v18b8)
- NOTIFY: Beep function printed 3 empty lines. fixed with end/flush in print (v18a2)
- If HTML code is written as TEXT (without marking it as code using ```), the message may not be displayed or it could mess up the lay-out for remaining messages
PRINTing the HTML page to PDF (for example) will mess up lay-out (fixed in v0.19a)