We are interested in predicting tennis matches. While there are several approaches to do this, we want to take a point-by-point approach. Assume that a player's serve is iid. Let
We write an algorithm to simulate the probability of winning the match for probabilities
$p_{s1}$ and$p_{s2}$ . We use an integer for player and just let'1'
designate player 1 and'2'
player 2. Finally we have a function that prints the score in the format 40-15 | 6:3 6:7 3:3, i.e. for games in progress and tiebreaks, lists the player serving first. For sets ( whether in progress or completed), list player 1 first and then player 2. -
We find the probabilities of winning the match with
$p_{s1} = 0.64$ and$p_{s2} = 0.62$ and find the confidence interval. -
Let's expand the simulation. Assume the probability of winning the point changes on
'big points'
. A'big point'
is defined as a point that can win you a game or set (so includes set points in tie breaks). So we add the probabilities$p_{s1, B}$ and$p_{s2, B}$ as the probability that a player will win his point on serve on big point. Otherwise the probabilities remain$p_{s1}$ and$p_{s2}$ .