The Benchmarkscheduler is a service of the DITAS Framework to create and deploy benchmarks on the DITAS environment.
There are three ways to install the Benchmarkscheduler
For the docker-compose approach, you can use the provided docker-composefile to run the project.
start the project:
docker-compose up
this command starts the benchmarkscheduler and a mongo db container to handle the data.
The provided kubernetes deployment file starts the whole tub-dummy-example plus the benchmarkscheduler. First you need to configure the delpoyment file to fit your specific cluster environment.
After your deployment file fits your cluster you should apply the config using:
kubectl apply -f kubernetes_deployment.yaml
If not you first should setup your cluster and configure the deloyment file to fit your specific cluster.
To build the project run:
mvn clean package -DskipTests
You need a mongo instance running at localhost:27017 for the project to run successfully or if you want to use a mongo instance on another address you need to change the file in the ressource folder.
To run the project:
java -jar target/benchmarkscheduler-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar
Returns all benchmark for a given timespan, both upper and lower bound are required.
Returns all benchmark for a given timespan in csv format, both upper and lower bound are required.
Required Body
Returns a workload_id in the header which can be used to start a benchmark. 'blueprint_id' is a required field.
Required Body
"token": "optional",
"vdc_id": "vdc0",
"workload_id": "5cfa626a37df1044d2c0064f"
Starts a benchmark based on the given workload_id and the vdc_id. The token is optional but necessary is Access Control is used.
Returns an URL to the results in the header.
Returns all saved Sampledata.
Deletes all saved workloads.
Returns the workload to the given id if present.
Returns all available workloads.
- Apache Maven
- SpringBoot
- Swagger
This project is licensed under the Apache 2.0 - see the LICENSE file for details.
This is being developed for the DITAS Project