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Håvard Moås edited this page Aug 14, 2023 · 6 revisions


List item is a component designed to be used in a vertical list. It contains the following visual elements:

  1. Container
    • The container that holds the view elements.
  2. Icon
    • The icon for the list item.
  3. Title
    • The title of the list item.
  4. Subtitle
    • The sub title of the list item.
  5. InLineContent
    • A container that holds the content that resides in-line with the title and the subtitle.
  6. UnderlyingContent
    • A container that holds the content that resides below the Title, Subtitle, Icon and InlineContent.

Every visual element inside the container is optional.


In this example, the ListItem contains an ItemPicker. The ItemPicker will be placed in the InLineContent container.

<dui:ListItem Title="Person">
    <dui:ItemPicker Mode="ContextMenu"
                    Placeholder="Select Person"
                    SelectedItem="{Binding SelectedPerson}"
                    ItemsSource="{Binding People}"

Customising a ListItem

The container of the ListItem is a using a grid system. This means that each visual part has preset width and height constraints. These and more properties that controls the appearance and the behavior of each visual element can be found in the following ListItem properties and classes:

These can be set like so:

        <dui:IconOptions ... />
        <dui:TitleOptions ... />
        <dui:SubtitleOptions ... />
        <dui:InLineContentOptions .../>


In this example, InLineContent is set to be horizontally at the start. This makes the gap between the Title and the InLineContent smaller.

<dui:ListItem Title="Test">
        <inLineContent:Options HorizontalOptions="Start" />
    <dui:ItemPicker Mode="ContextMenu"
                    SelectedItem="{Binding SelectedPerson}"
                    ItemsSource="{Binding People}"
                    ItemDisplayProperty="DisplayName" />

Tips and tricks

A TypeConverter is in place when setting the InLineContent and UnderlyingContent directly on the ListItem. In this example a label will be automatically generated in the InLineContent container:

<dui:ListItem Title="Test"
              InLineContent="InLineContent" />

List Item Extensions

We have made extensions to ListItem to remove boilerplate code for something that the consumers often has use of.


NavigationListItem is derived from ListItem, and the purpose of the component is to automatically place a navigation icon in the InLineContent container. However, if you explicitly set the InLineContent, it will be placed alongside the navigation icon.


  <dui:NavigationListItem Title="Navigate"
                          Command="{Binding NavigationCommand}"
                          InLineContent="I am with navigation icon" />


Inspect the NavigationListItem Properties Class to further customise and use it.


LoadableListItem's purpose is to display a ListItem that has a built-in spinner for something to load. It also has the capacity to let users know that something went wrong. The InLineContent will be displayed only when the LoadableListItem is not busy or and nothing went wrong.


This is an example where the InLineContent will be displayed when both IsBusy and IsError is false.

<dui:LoadableListItem IsBusy="{Binding IsBusy}"
                      IsError="{Binding IsError}"
                      InLineContent="All systems working!" />


Inspect the LoadableListItem Properties Class to further customise and use it.

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