Releases: DFE-Digital/dfe-complete-conversions-transfers-and-changes
Releases · DFE-Digital/dfe-complete-conversions-transfers-and-changes
Release 14
- Update hint text and error message for provisional conversion date entry
Release 13
- the order of the contact groups is now as users might expect.
- the name of the cookie used to store a users session has changed. User will be
asked to sign in after this change. - cookies page content better reflects the cookies in use.
- the provisional conversion date is now shown as 'Converting on' with a tag to
show the date is provisional. - The Stakeholder kick off task now collects a confirmed conversion date. This
task will become in-progress after this change. Users must supply a value for
this. - The conversion date is now shown as either provisional or confirmed.
- The Stakeholder kick off, confirmed conversion date is now validated for
correct format.
- Add task generators
- Added a link to the school's information in GIAS on the project information
page. - Users can manage optional cookies.
- A Cookie banner is shown on the application to help users understand and
manage their cookie preferences. - Google analytics are now used if the user has accepted optional cookies.
Release 12
- Completed project page includes a link to the feedback survey
- Solicitor has been added to the contact category options
- Users cannot attempt to submit the 'choose category' option on a new contact
- The order of contacts has been updated, it is now by category and name
- Add 'Organisation' to contacts, users can store an organisation name here
- Removed the old tasks & task lists. The editable tasklist YAML files in workflows are no longer used
Release 11
- Users will use the new task list and task backend
- after creating a new project, users are redirected to the correct project page
- links in email notifcations use the correct urls
Release 10
- Added cookies page to describe how we use cookies
- Send notification to caseworker when assigned to a project
- Add a Content Security Policy
- Church supplemental guidance link now points to specific guidance rather than
general model documents page - Remove check grant amount on voluntary and involuntary routes
- Grant claim form action now includes where the document should be saved
- Voluntary and Involuntary changes to external stakeholder kick-off
- Involuntary & voluntary redact and send agreements copy iterations
- They've becomes they have to follow GDS guidelines
- Remove negative contractions
- Confirm opening date with school becomes Share the grant certificate and
information about opening with the trust - Tasks Continue button now states 'Save and return', tests updated too
- Tenancy at will guidance now explains how rarely it is used and that users
should contact policy team for advice if one is needed. Voluntary &
involuntary - Fix broken link to email templates in external stakeholder kick-off task
- Make guidance link content more descriptive of destination in Articles of
association - Remove 'with the trust' from Share the grant certificate and information about
opening task in the voluntary task list as school and trust should be made
aware here - Rename Process grants task for involuntary task list to Process the Sponsored
support grant - Add actions to the Process the Sponsored support grant task telling user to
check and confirm the trust's grant eligibility and tell the trust the amount
they're able to claim - Support email address changed to and an
optional subject line added to the email helper
- Format workflow yml files so that markdown renders correctly
- When submitting the new project form, blank URNs and UKPRNs will show a
validation error. - When resubmitting a create project form which failed validation, the app would
throw a 500 error. - When creating a new project, missing or invalid dates will render a validation
error on the UI with a helpful message to the user.
- Fix typo on phase banner feeback becomes feedback
- 125 year lease, subleases, tenancy at will and commercial transfer agreement
have standardised actions that use the same language
Release 9
- Write accessibility tests to run axe, the accessibility tool
- First version of a task list for involuntary conversions.
- Renamed the new project button to 'new voluntary conversion project' and added
the 'new involuntary conversion project' button - Show the conversion route on projects
- Page load speed has been improved on pages that fetch project data from the
API. The project index page fetches establishments and trusts in bulk.
- The "Cancel" link on the new note page takes the user back to the task page if
the note is a task-level note. - The text of the "Not applicable" checkboxes is bold to match the other task
checkboxes. - The assign user select elements are enhanced with the accessible autocomplete
- Iterate content with things we learned from private beta and regional delivery
Release 8
- If the Academies API times out, show a custom error page to the user
- Rename the "Target completion date" on a project to "Provisional conversion
date" - Set up accessibility tool
- Split the Project index page into two tabs - "In Progress" and "Completed"
projects - Set up selenium to work within CI
- add in accessibility page
- footer now have link to accessibility page
- standardise the email the team link based on GOV.UK guidance
- privacy policy page uses service name helper rather than explicit text
- Add environment banner for local development, development and test
- Add project now include links to GIAS to help find URN and UKPRN
- Fine-tuned padding for actions in various type/state combinations to closer
match the prototype. - The support email has been swapped out for a complete team shared inbox.
- Links styled as buttons are now correctly marked up for accessibility
- Remove empty links from the task list. These were raised as an issue during an
accessibility audit, because the assistive technology used was reading out all
of the blank links.
- After opening => redact and send task and actions no longer explicitly mention
funding documents only as other documents may need to be sent and publised on
GOV.UK - Tenancy at will adds action to explicitly indicate that the email from the
school has been received. - Subleases adds action to explicitly indicate that the email from the school
has been received. - Commercial transfer agreement adds action to explicitly indicate that the
email from the school has been received. - 125 year lease adds action to explicitly indicate that the email from the
school has been received. - Swap out the link to the previous version of the single worksheet for a link
to an updated version. - The checkbox label in the "Land questionnaire" task says "Signed by
solicitor", updated from "Signed by school or trust". - The "Articles of association" task is now optional.
- Change the guidance link in the "Articles of association" task.
- The "Signed by secretary of state" section has been removed from the "Trust
modification order" task. - The "Signed by secretary of state" section has been removed from the
"Direction to transfer" task. - The "Commercial transfer agreement" task has been moved to the bottom of the
"Clear and sign legal documents" section
Release 7
- The phase banner and link to general feedback form
- Projects can be closed.
- An email is sent via GOV.UK Notify to all team leads when a project is
created. - The Handover/new project form collects a trust SharePoint link.
- The trust SharePoint link is shown on the project information.
- The trust SharePoint link is shown on the project summary.
- Closed projects display their closed date on the project list
- Closed projects are sorted to the back of the project list
- Actions can have their padding (between previous action) explicitly reduced
using the newpadding
- The service name has been removed from the Projects page
- The Projects are listed in target completion date order, soonest first
- All tasks in the workflow definition files must now include a
parameter. - 404 errors will show a GOV.UK style page in production.
- 500 errors will show a GOV.UK style page in production.
- Commercial transfer agreement added to legal docs
- Added 125 year lease to clear legal docs section
- Add subleases task to legal documents section
- Add Tenancy at will task to the legal documents section
- Content changes to EFSA in KIM to combine 2 bullet points
- Remove the Handback with regional delivery officer task
- Tell regional delivery that the academy has opened task to Project close
section - Project close section renamed After opening
- Content changes to Land questionnaire
- Content changes to Master funding agreement
- Content changes to Trust modification order
- Content changes to Direction to transfer
- Content changes to Church supplemental agreement
- Update content on Handover to regional delivery officer
- Update content on external stakeholder kick-off
- Update content on process conversion grant
- Complete and approve Single worksheet Task becomes Complete and send Single
worksheet as a caseworker does not approve the document - Check the baseline task guidance now refers to this project, not all projects
Release 6
- Users can add, edit, and delete task level notes. These are displayed on the
task page. - Added a privacy notice and link to the notice in the footer
- Pagination has been added to the projects index page. 10 projects are shown
per page.
- Complete the final checklist with external stakeholder becomes Confirm the
school has completed all actions. Also update the copy. - Content updates to Check the baseline
- Content changes to Complete and send the single worksheet
- Content changes for all conditions met
- Rename redact task to be Redact and send funding agreement documents and
update content - ESFA final checks and handover becomes Update ESFA data in KIM, also change
copy. - Content updates to Confirm opening date with the school.
- Copy changes to conversion grant task
- Change title from "complete processing of conversion grant" to "Receive
grant payment certificate" - Update the content, hints and guidance
- Change title from "complete processing of conversion grant" to "Receive
- Supplemental funding agreement now has sign and seal actions.
- Clear legal documents becomes Clear and sign legal documents.
- Only project level notes are shown on the notes page.
- The back link destination is the task page for task level notes, or the notes
page for project level notes. - Moved task notes to a more pleasing vertical alignment
- The styling of the projects index summary component is fully responsive.