released this
11 Oct 15:32
Users can add, edit, and delete task level notes. These are displayed on the
task page.
Added a privacy notice and link to the notice in the footer
Pagination has been added to the projects index page. 10 projects are shown
per page.
Complete the final checklist with external stakeholder becomes Confirm the
school has completed all actions. Also update the copy.
Content updates to Check the baseline
Content changes to Complete and send the single worksheet
Content changes for all conditions met
Rename redact task to be Redact and send funding agreement documents and
update content
ESFA final checks and handover becomes Update ESFA data in KIM, also change
Content updates to Confirm opening date with the school.
Copy changes to conversion grant task
Change title from "complete processing of conversion grant" to "Receive
grant payment certificate"
Update the content, hints and guidance
Supplemental funding agreement now has sign and seal actions.
Clear legal documents becomes Clear and sign legal documents.
Only project level notes are shown on the notes page.
The back link destination is the task page for task level notes, or the notes
page for project level notes.
Moved task notes to a more pleasing vertical alignment
The styling of the projects index summary component is fully responsive.
You can’t perform that action at this time.