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In Yogya capital you are the first priority for us and we are here to help you to find various ways to achieve your dreams.


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Setting Up

First Lets Download / Install all the required Tooling

Install PSQL

Rename env/dev.sample to (.dev) and add your details.

Please install PSQL using this link This is just a reference for installation. Assuming the following, after installation is complete.

  • PSQL is installed
  • Username : root
  • Password : root
  • Database Created via terminal : yogya
  • make sure that user has the permission to the database

Install PyCharm and/or VSCode

I personally prefer PyCharm for python, and use VSCode for React / FE Development. Feel free to use the IDE of your choice. I find VSCode to have a lot of autoformatting plugins for FE Development very useful. Similarly, PyCharm (intelliJ) in general has a tonne of Keyboard Shrotcuts, that make developer quality of life much better.

Install Postman

  • Postman will be used for API Testing / Development.
  • We will be writing a lot of rest apis, and will add all these to Postman for better management.

Install Node

  • Install NVM using this linl
  • Node will be used for Building React files.

Code Setup

Clone Repository / Get Code

git clone

Move into the codebase

cd yogya

Create a Python Virtual Environment

  • macOS and linux

    python -m venv venv or python3 -m venv venv
  • Windows

  pip install virtualenv
  virtualenv venv

Activate Virtual Environment (linux and macOS)

  • maxOS and linux
    source ./venv/bin/activate
  • Windows
    • Please run in command prompt

Install Dependent Packages via Pip

pip install -r requirements.txt

Update Configs

Go to .dev file in env/ folder. Create one if not already present. You can copy one of the existing files and change the name and properties in place. Update the following properties

  • DEBUG=True
  • DB_HOST=localhost
  • DB_NAME=koffee_local
  • DB_USERNAME=root
  • DB_PASS=root
  • DB_PORT=5432
  • SITE_URL = "localhost:8000"
  • ASYNC_EMAILS = False

Comment out, all the other EMAIL_BACKEND, and just use the below one. This will make sure that all emails are shown on the console, and not actually sent to someone's inbox. This will help in local dev and testing.

  • EMAIL_BACKEND = "django.core.mail.backends.console.EmailBackend"

If you are a developer

  • Kindly note the below commande before perfoming the migrate command python makemigrations

Run Migrations

python migrate

Update Permissions (Only the First time, or when new Permissions are added)

python refresh_permissions

Migrate to new Roles and Permissins Framework

python fix_roles

To load initial indexes

python load_initial_indexes

To load inital data for all the indxex

  • Note: before running below command run the above command

python load_initial_index_data

  • This command will take approx 10 minutes, So kindly hold and wait fot sucess message.
  • Your device must have internet access before running the above command

To load sitemaps and robots

python load_seo

Run Server

python runserver

Run Server with gunicorn

gunicorn core.wsgi:application --bind

  • Your server would start running on Go to .
  • Your server would start running on Go to localhost:8000 .

Disabling Asynchronous EMAILs and Making then Synchronous

During development RMQ is not required, and can be disabled by making ASYNC_EMAILS = False in .dev file

Working with RMQ and RMQ Worker

If you wish to see how RMQ workers are behaving, and have not set ASYNC_EMAILS = False, then you will be doing the following :

  • Run RMQ worker, by opening a new terminal, activating virtual environment and executing the following command
    • celery -A core worker --loglevel=info
  • To run the celery beat use this command in the same folder as your project file in another terminal
    • celery -A core beat -l info

Building React

If you are working on React Components, then you will need to run a listener, that keeps on updating bundle.js, that houses the react app. We are working with a mixed setup, where both React APP and ServerSide rendered HTML/CSS/JS are being executed together. The following commands for installing and running auto-compiler for Javascript files.

  • npm install
  • npx webpack --config webpack.config.js --mode=development Keep the second command running, so that it listens to changes to JS files and automatically builds them.

For production

  • npx webpack --config webpack.config.js --mode=production


In Yogya capital you are the first priority for us and we are here to help you to find various ways to achieve your dreams.








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