DAO PlayMarket 2.0 is a decentralized Android App Store that accepts payments in cryptocurrency and is combined with an ICO platform for developers.
Personal freedom is impossible without economic security and independence. Therefore, we created an open, censorship-resistant marketplace using blockchain and smart contracts.
Add AAR library to your project. Open Android Studio. Go to File -> New -> New Module -> Import Jar/.AAR Package and select downloaded AAR library. Then
- go to File -> Project Structure
- select app module, dependencies tab
- add this library as module dependency.
Use the PlayMarket class to bring up the purchase screen.
Use this method to set the name of your application.
Use this method to set your payment description.
Use this method to set a unique identifier of purchased object.
Use one of transaction types:
- TRANSACTION_BUY - Transaction without checks;
- TRANSACTION_BUY_OBJECT - Buy object without check price;
- TRANSACTION_BUY_OBJECT_WITH_PRICE_CHECK - Buy object with check price;
- TRANSACTION_BUY_SUB - Buy subscription without check price;
- TRANSACTION_BUY_SUB_WITH_PRICE_CHECK - Buy subscription with check price;
To receive the result override onActivityResult method.
new PlayMarket().setAppName("App name")
.setDescription("Payment description")
.build(Context or Activity with RESULT_CODE);
protected void onActivityResult(int requestCode, int resultCode, Intent intent) {
super.onActivityResult(requestCode, resultCode, intent);
if (requestCode == REQUEST_CODE && resultCode == RESULT_OK) {
String resultUrl = intent.getStringExtra(PlaymarketConstants.TRANSACTION_RESULT_URL);
String transactionHash = intent.getStringExtra(PlaymarketConstants.TRANSACTION_RESULT_TXHASH);
resultUrl - link to etherscan.io. (https://etherscan.io/tx/0x00d021f35da36e30f3c269f1e10266e978832df4d67yc3bf6ac3410d508e77fc)
transactionHash - hash of generated transaction. (0x00d021f35da36e30f3c269f1e10266e978832df4d67yc3bf6ac3410d508e77fc)