🔭 My name is Dustin Ballentine, and I have recently transitioned from a career as a US Army Engineer Officer into the world of Data Science. I focus mostly on implementation of machine learning algorithms and statistical methods using python and SQL for knowledge discovery and business value generation.
🌱 I’m currently focusing on my skills in defining and framing ML problems and solutions, coding said solutions in python, deploying models into production on Google Cloud Platform's Vertex AI using kubeflow pipelines and GH Actions for CI/CD, and developing integrated MLOps procedures and standards that cover ML solutions from development all the way through monitoring and maintenance in production.
📫 You can find me on LinkedIn @DABallentine.
Many thanks to the many members of the GitHub and other communities who freely share their knowledge, skills, and insights. I hope one day soon to have learned enough that my contributions here are also of value to someone. Until then...thank you all for collaboratively sharing what you know, and here's to a lifelong commitment to learning 🥂.