Easy, Funny, Fast, 8-Bit, Fighting Game.
![]() P 1 |
![]() P 2 |
P 1 | MOVE | P 2 |
w |
JUMP | ⬆️ |
a |
LEFT | ⬅️ |
d |
RIGHT | ➡️ |
space |
ATTACK | ⬇️ |
- Create Player and Enemy
- Move Characters with Event Listeners
- Attacks functionality
- Health Bar Interface
- Game timers and Game Over
- Add restart dialog
- Insert some music or sound
- Background Sprite
- Decorator item Sprite with Animation
- Characters Animation
- Idle
- Run
- Jump
- Attack
- Take Hit
- Death
- Attacks functionality with animations
- Interface Design and Animation
- Deploy GitHub Page
Flip the P2 imagesAfter game over, it still can defeat the winner- Multiple jump (It is Feature now)
- Convert js file to ts.
- Convert css to scss.
- Implement the clean code rule.
- Canvas tricks
https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/CanvasRenderingContext2D/drawImage - Image assets
https://luizmelo.itch.io/ - Chris Courses
https://www.youtube.com/c/chriscourses - 2Bit font style
https://fonts.google.com/share?selection.family=Press%20Start%202P - Animate Library