Calculated values are checked against values calculated with the official Google Cloud Pricing Calculator or official VM instance pricing website.
- 1025 GiB from Europe to America: 122.99
- Bulk:
1024 GiB * 0.12 + 1 GiB * 0.1
- Bulk:
- 1 rule without traffic in Netherlands: 20.44 (min.)
- 5 rule without traffic in Netherlands: 20.44 (min., same as 1)
- 6 rules without traffic in Netherlands: 28.47 (min. + 1 add.)
- 6 rules and 500 GiB traffic in Netherlands: 32.97 (min. + 1 add. + data)
- Monitoring data:
- $0/MiB : < 150MiB
- $0.2580/MiB : 150–100,000 MiB
- $0.1510/MiB : 100,000–250,000 MiB
- $0.0610/MiB : >250,000 MiB
- Volume of monitoring data: 6,150 MiB (6000+150MiB to ignore free MiB): USD 1,548.00
- a2-highgpu-8g
- Month: 21888.16
- Month with 1 year commitment term: 13789.38
- Month with 3 year commitment term: 7661.01
- n1-standard-8
- Month: 213.77
- Month 1Y: 192.38
- Month 3Y: 137.43
- m1-ultramem-80
- Month: 6762.05
- Month 1Y: 5692.77
- Month 3Y: 2898.99
- m2-ultramem-416
- Month: 45224.32
- Month 1Y: 38915.02
- Month 3Y: 22371.46
- c2d-standard-8
- Month: 291.92
- Month 1Y: 183.91
- Month 3Y: 131.36
- 2,048 GiB Zonal standard PD in Netherlands: USD 90.11
- 1,024 GiB Zonal SSD PD in Netherlands: USD 191.49
- 1 GiB in Netherlands: 0.020
- 50 GiB: USD 1.00
- 1 GiB in Europe: 0.026
- 50 GiB: USD 1.30
- 1 GiB in Finland/Netherlands: 0.036
- 50 GiB: USD 1.80
» Google Cloud Pricing Calculator
- 730 total hours per month
- Commitment term: 3 Years
- Instance type
: USD 274.86 - Operating System / Software : USD 107.75
- Zonal SSD PD: 75 GiB : USD 14.03
- Zonal SSD PD 150 GiB : USD 28.05
- Snapshot storage: 300 GiB : USD 8.70 (2.90 + 5.80)
- Nearline Storage 1,024 GiB (Finland/Netherlands) : USD 20.48
- Calculated costs for the large M2 instances are slightly higher than if you calculate it with the Google calculator.
- VM
with 3Y commitment = 22371.46 vs 22374.64758848
- VM